JOS, W. OLLAUF& CO. You Can A MVANDOLIN, The Inland Press
TrAILORS. .A BANJO, Neatness and Dispatch
FineBlak Suts speialy. A N.TO~i~iNCOR, HURON ST, AND FOURTH AVE
1D E. Washington St. Up Stairs. for less mioneey than anywhere in the United States TEANAMRSYNSHN
,j- ,Before Com m encem ent. CIHEtaNN AoRk W,0.SAVINS, BANK00
" Jut th thig forvacaion.Organizeti nder the General Banking Laws
. PR HUEJEEEof this State. Receies dpsthy n
T~l OPRAHOUE JWEER, Ann j\" Msic o 21 AND 23 EAST sells exchange n the principal cities of the
An rbor M scC . WASHINGTON ST. United States Drafts cashed uopn proper
-unsh o ihafrtcasFuti OrrIERnS: Christia achPes.; W. D.
-H en oeand ing repairing a specialty. KO E Hp arriman, Vice-Prs. Chas E. Hiscek,
--GIVE HOED A CALL. DO Y U S 0 ? Cashier; M. .. Frito Asiatot Casher.
The Man in the Moon A2 Pittsburg stogies for.---O_____2cets I Do0 ilecodUcegrs for...-----25 ets FIRST NATIOAL RANK ofAn Aror
no16hrty c fhowrc e ol ILa Princess Stogies for-----2 ets 6 Prodiy Ciar fo ---- ----- 5 cet pto l Orgi ~4183
.alltrayFirsoNatona ttirstyor- bets,6IParadieeeeII.ersourd- -,I eel]Caita,00Sur ople,,andel Prfts,4000
.........callt....I.... lL~rst~aional togiesior.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. ars. . . . .13 rests T assortsnts Ta as centit age bral lb ngin hebsineas
are'G ,re ~o',Yratoos Stesiec for. ..--------- 5cets 5L ios~osaCigars tr 2 et Freigs echansecoboghtand sold. Furnih
,°ke"" ®rE i1' tOY', 11Alfonso Cigrs for . . .a-------- eetse 4 H.-arry Clays for . ..------------2 ees letters of credit.
STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE 6oSar Cigars for.. _-..w; cents 4 Ow l oqoret for.....--------- 5 ents E. I). KINNE, Prs. HARRISON SUL,
oand ;etson IreaoesSod arseorof Ha is ecord Boeaerfor. ..---------ccta 3iRoylannerrsfor .........S5cents Vie Prs
oaher SolotODroks. 3Brunsick Cigars fr. .....23----- r_____? ees -S . W. CLAK~SON Caher.
'A Rlso isfosed at eery Bllamewitho NO COcCMPlANYV
Fritils andiPeanuts & , " 1f" ix
_44 South Msain Street. 1 1re 1Jc tt 1 P1
Tucker & Co. UNIVERSITY NOTES, Athletic Notes CJoIor.Min muttuoStre V
- gY LE LI VE Y AND SALESROOMif le .effersonioii Socey mtrt elr- VTo' Vastyilhalss1101inurelor lot I.Sae. Iota tshigbuies.boelr
18 North Fourth Ave. ly morn1inini tiheirt soceylx1 l dol lSturdoy. Thenti arx ne set-o~rl I tosD.HES; ER, to ltsier
hado ithe i plicre looken, is (lllhat ul;th Cicgi 0 1 Sr.
'e carry a fall ine, of up-t-doste
TheAlpa N Sciey wllnotan ~tF. J. Schicede,
Eayl Sndie ad paris to man'y ilotAiSol-y al10s i9e
Sorb. lihis aaeek', btothlii'program I iosleol1;Wisooonin Nva sNo rD oiie toiay 20 S. STATE STREET
also Repair Wheels at livisig prirs. ii l ionth neicllI Of offcr asill ilake oii1ld liic 1 ag o iioi'oa. Sls a Slid GodroutoPenlss ateit 0 00
Bos Bswsd .srts soad oupwards.
,GC ius Ia call if in sieed of ainythingpaeaseS frthtonihtCt. sf31. Seresoacd Proessors 0I lbs. Li-
thinour lin.lThe Vi t ' meo11 iIinl-e illtir-clolsse'- eto;Poer tr 110 rots.
C Irge 1. larciassoilentto (Chicago; Nte Bors 5 etanod upars.
bcs]ilb 1ae hs;feuo tlt earning for oa Shot visittie sill h arGonsbtenteAl o n hclts
NTEEUPETOFA r'trti to AimAitor in tie t 1-' 'i lgrliad dA l l L w e's C oolts
TH UI ENT'ASgiOdMiipatiititii hisNclassllIt ma06.1 Hot Lunches.
SUET5ROOM, t l sli iarao luy'o, sill 6be cllediit4:a t lito'clc.1 0
3is geerr. ly roosoded thot a stritoged it- (ret ftill nilt of tho Ann Arbotr-- °
tirmncstti osio sabadonecessity. To I ititito'of Ithis gsable sw ill m _t ther s T St.
seure the greactet enyetwet ram theIo iolooore ILake bley~cle pitlilliS5c1111- ITTT 4 8 cSf aeS mc
pu rhase set thcbcstyoutr mone y ill afford. 98015L5teamonfor the chamtosipl nexltlt' " '
-sxatjudgmenot prootsnces thec "Bay pite for its eot of cinders. 'T'
-Svto" instramets to toeat inthtic word Mseelk. InAO'ICIE T
asorik is lei-hg pishoed rapidly. il 11 L
An esrellent istesusent is the
The first ill lieo'Sents"; ofaaiona THE CHICAGO COMMyONS Sl'tlfL- We can now supply yen with
BAY STATE $10. 00 osditls sil be given ti eveninigiy AISFIiP. a fine FRATERNITY PIN.
.A ,j~45)0. MilsiFloia. Koch, ot Aioo Arbtor, avioc Alpliants for Iis SCIOlrareSiipt.11- See our line of samples.
stiltedylion Stetoeos' hristi A-
nob tfn seorithisS tal le obiumel ceotonfrlo otrtotn ieW .ARNOLDOi LEADING JEWELER.
alt. instrement,satstoprire, l ta'lHnningercWas-toloHillsdalt a suetsof thit niviytol3 pu1rse __________________________
"r sare with i., ys-eial'ooy, as-losri'e asill ac as soialianti ecoinio ic tiel~s "a, (ioU IV RSTYSCHOOIL
of nd fr illustrated n- tlogee, rc 1psea ill a joint iathleli ticret'llent go Comnsooios oltitilg hoc so itto"
1JOWN. II5 OlOS Co..hLi 111 1 oaron haSnd fteir 1names5at "Oil to1)a0 OF DANING~~
41-463 Wasliin t.-ort, o o en. jotioloabin as- 'ibsdae olieiges. nle fueelonto lseil peseIs Blig 810st a o
-OP .9SHAVING PARORilllanl.15 laard i. Tnicomite oniss ao any tocle s Offie.
rm ooms.All ccias. oest ramios. Wedioesoloy iiiriiiignd intructed trf tet
pedan oeddomestic c s.Lalies' arts- Po.Adas anid Isrucors h D.2 'iT onmpson Sre.
ii heir desattog and hatlino parlosrs, up te presdetnt of te ncliss to aipoin Jhn~son and C. -I. Cooly.
stairs,.7.1.B.Troanawolol30S. Stts st. _________
it1omm tteetra is resottionos to l<lO el dctdliyt ust Reed a Large and Elegant
ARpitesent to reiring trof. Griffin., ilitrtie an euciaional serial; oly Line of N.ew Pi.pes
OUN 1 E Six losoroa dy reqired. Termstslib- Bt and Cod Lnhsa i or.Ael
1I11TCOAN~it'S ACADEMYeraLl. sll explanations by leo llsylor's eBnd Willimsean oers Co.'s
- -g Chocelato Sen ons.
- ~~~I sieols of six or ight oupes got It, Care of Diy. R B ~o.-.-y O
No waiting for "Clamba and Hartford tntpt .-v O L 2 O
lisyces. No delay and cosequeni annoy. ol pa crtipate ioi the lrogroa oo
sine. li odls nd atlrn no redy fiidonces at Granugr's Acad'y*Soil-a(1010 tx imaylbe plid to meeliy 05. State St.. Sager lek.
" atssred ta god titto r.Pivate lesille.1 ,KAlC AG IEO
5s115 in dsucitg by Mr. aod Mr. bRos Treasulr. Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress
Granliger ncan be arranged ton' by til- LOST-Southl of tLe city, a ldis' Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Etc.,
cy es ig at the Academy. Oiler rsilence watchwit nman case Liberal e Ant nAT= el
STANDARD OF THE WORLD) For Sale-At i owv prie, No, 6CItemi- The Dily will be delivered at your 6T S. MAIN ST.
arse made exclsively of. S per cool Nickel igton typtwritr !in exelleutet nd- roolm Iho ret of the college year fo' U L R
SeeiTubing, Ike entire pro TO ALL -FU L R &HX N
duet of which we control. ALIKE, tion. Adoress Pox 333, City, Ge Dollar,
Hartord icyles re t prcesA Slsh in Prices. For a sort
HwrtoreBcyclfevaea rie. time we will
withie r ach s~ . ofTesernoue, to mk SpeahrPRESS SUITS FOR 25 CETSI
Caalgu troo fro any Clunbia ® C swer-But here they go. $1.0
oetr; fromnns for s-ones Scntfiotch Flannel Negligee Shirts CLEANING AND REPAIRING.
sOEp. .CO ffor 2hS. State sn.O-vettoRoey'esiliard Reem.
Hartford, C... -199 Cets. SentFree!,
in l TS etsWorld. More than ce fForSpae -
ranch houser denler-' Reason! The Weather has een too To any pron Interested In humane mat-
'-unams eeyct n ters or who lvee animals we wi send free
iusossryyns_____cold. Too much Stock on hand for aon applicaton a copy of ee ALLI-
town"- ANCE" the organ of thi Society In adl-
this time of the year. ton to Its intensely interesting reading it
1 - conains of the valahe and nsali prem-
amssgiven by the paper Ados
RNAGNER & uu -lu s W GNR& O 2FAll S 154lnle Caite u dng ewYr