THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Coast Line to MACKINAC ,'-TAKE TIE-' MACKINVAC DETROIT PETOSKEY OHIOAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perfection yet attained in Boat Contruction-Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Effic- ent Service, isurig the highst dgree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FURnToIPs PR eWoEEBEWENn Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE 80," MAQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mckinacand Return, including fisand Berths. rom Cleveand, $8; from Toledo, $S; from Detroit, $3.3O. DAY AND NIGHT SEVICE. Between Detroit and Cleveland Cnecetig at Cleeiand with arliest Trinfr alipontsEast, Seuth cd Soth- wettandat Detrit forall pisorNth cd Northwest. Sunday Tips Jn, July, Auust and Sp. Only' EVEtY DAY CETWEEN Cleveland,Put=inBayToledo trd otrIiiustratedl Pmphet. Addes A. A. SOHANTZ, 0. . A., DETOT, uIt. the WDWtuit CIvCIIRIISteaoi a. Co. AMGHIGAN GENWA L Time Table (Reised Feb 7i897 Mail and Ex-U__ 47 N. Y. Special--. 7 300 N Y. Special... 4 US Mail . 8 d3 Eastern Ex.--18u N. S. Limited.... 9 Ia A. M. P. M.] Atlantic Es.... 75 Pacitle Ex- ii-- ii1 DNEspress.... U U0 Westers Es.___188 . R. Espress ___ii i0 Chi. Nt. Es.U iU9 1 . W. RUGLES, H. W. AES, G0 P & T At, Chicao.At Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Tlr. Sunday, My iw3,1857. 8:4 a. m. 7:58 a. m "1:5 a. m 11:25 a m. 4:5p. m 8:33 p. m 1:10 a. m. 1: 0p m. -Ron between Ann Arbor and Toledo ony 1Rans between Toledo and Howell. This rain Sunday only. All other tana daily except Snday. . . GILMOE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL ASSOCIATION TICKET I BROKERS Those wishing Ticet should lev word at once o tat we Dan sae ticets for them. Cut RatsSto All Pontn Cor. Main and Liberty St. THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY!I S:.W. Burchfield, HURON ST,, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. IW Ladies Tailoring Annex. INTERCOLLEIATE BUREAU FOR R: Caps. Gowns and tiHoods. CTRELL & LEONARD, Albany, N. Y. V. Munnt., T"mnger. 44E. William St Cov. Pingree Not Satifid. Governor Pingree is still unsatified with the wolale manner in which the legislature handled the railrod tax provios of the Merriian bill. After Railroad Commisioner Weo. selius bd pronounced the bill uncon- stitutional, the governor requsted an opiion from Ating Prsideit Hut- chins, in the foilowing letter:- Hoi. Harry Hutchins, Acting Presi. dent of the University and Dean of Law Department. Dear 'Sir: Will you kindly furnish 113 with the oinion of the law de- liartilelt of the Univerity ao to the conititttionality of the Merrimaii bill, So-caled, a copy of which I enclose. I also enclooe an opinion given inc by thie railroad commissioner of the staite. I mke this reqluest as governor, as6 I believe the University of the ste call render no higher service than to aid, as far as possible, in the soutioI or questions of this kind. Te qus. tion of taxaioi, as sas said by Jdg Cooley, is the mlost momentous of "ll tihi questions which aect uetcii- towwatl. I understand it is tieI custom iii iminy countries for thos hitriustedt with fle exercise of author- ity to0 counsel with atd be guided largely by the wisdomi and learniig of the universities. I knw 'of n110riii impa)rltial tritunail to appeal to. I teust you mnay iagee with iiiec.Stt the Jrop~iety of rendering this setitt- Is tiles stale. I regret Ilhac I have to act tpon thisI bill by 12 oclock, lte 5, so 1 shal12 iced your opinioin teore tttime.I ii Very rspectully, Goenr. CALENDAR. Juiie 3, 4 and 5-Westcr nt tler ci legiate 'ennis Sleet of Chicgo Saturday, Jule SW. I. A. A. A. tralck meet, at Chicago. Sttirlay, ,ltne 5-Varsity Glee Citti (Cencert, ini University Itl. Tnesday, June S-Alicign t. Cii- eogo, at Ani Arbor. Satnrday, June 12-lctign vs. Cor- nell, at Ann Arbor. A. A. & YP'S. ST. RAILWAY. TIMIE TABLE. Takig Effect Ma~y 17, 1897. Leaves Congress street, Ypsilanti, at 6:60, 7:10,, 8:20, 9:40, 11:10 a. in., and 12:40, 2:0, 3:40, :00, 6:30, 7:0, 9:11 aid 10:20 p. in. Leaves court house at Ann Arbor at 6:3, 7:45), 9:00, 10:20, 11:50 a. ii., aid 1:20, 3:00, 4:0, 5:40, 7:10, 8:30, 9-0 and 11:00 p. i. SUNDAY TIIE. Leaves Ypsilanti at :00 and 10:20 a. i., and 12:10, 1:0, 3:10, 4:30, 5:0 :10, 8:30 and 9:0 p. in. Leaves Ann Arbor at 9:33 and 11:00 a. i., and 12:30, 2:30, 3:0, :10, 6:30. 7:30, 9:10 and 10:3(0 p. i. A white silk fan was lost at the tinny Social in the Watria Gyna-v iniio it is thought. If te eron wler found it will deliver it to Dr. Moser. the osvier nill be mot grteitful. a Our 'Ninety-Seven Complete Line of Bicycles are the SupremeI ResultI of our IExperience Send for Catalogue. MONARCH CYCLIC MFG. CO. CHICAGO SNEW YORE, LONYDON lend nietwocent stamps tor a dech of Monarch Playing Cards, ilstratiug Lillian Russell, 'Tom Monarch Cooper, Lee Richardson and Walter Jones. Regulare 50c caeds. STYLE 1S THlE MAN, FASHION ®J FITS HIM. CHOOSE A COLLAR2~ 7 i: FOR YOUR STYLE LOOK ®! AT THE MARK__ .%I ,7 I I This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. THE PHENIX ELECTRIC CO,, of Elkehart, hnd., wish to secure a few energetic students to represent them during the summer monehs. Big money oind splendid opportunity if taken at once. Poll lafortostlon can be obtained by enclosing 2e stump to above address. SUPPLIES Spalding league Ball, Miits, :flass, etc laua;igcrs sho-,ld sexed for sampsr an4l special rates.Every requnisite fo~r Tennis, Golf. (Ticket. Teach and Field, GCysea- sltm F(iients an~d outfit . Olmiste Ctaloguc of Spring and Stne- Sports tree. "The Naime tlie Osarantee. A. G. SPALDING & ]BROS.9 New York, Chficago, Phlsdelphft Bicycle Repairing ! in ill branches neatly and piey etly dema- P iees reasonable. Sundres at rockt mW prices. Wi. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURT-H AVE. - ANN ARBOR. fANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHE R Washington :Block, Ann Arbor. I .....ORDER YOUR ICE CREAM AND F3RUtT ICES AT..... WHITE'S Confectionery Store, l0"lSouth Main Street, Telephono 166. Lowney'o and Allegrettils ramous Chocolate Creams. Soda Water, Phosphates and Vornor's Ginsger Ale.