THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College ear at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrrIont Times building, 79 . Sain St. be- tween Liberty ad Williams St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 7. AS'T MANAGtN(s EDITOR E. L. Eissus, '98 L. ATFILETIrC EDITOR 11. B. SatLMAi, '55 1L. iuI IESSMANAER 0. I. 1ANS.'8 F. s. Sasois, '50 1. A. CAI'IILL, 'O. P. A. Fect,'SO E. A. CAMEsLL, '5. 6. D. HtWuu r-,"'5. T. R. Wooow. 'l. JiUVzta As, '10. . D. JENNwssl '91 The subsriptin price of the Daily Is $2.5 for the college year, with a reglar delivery before soon each day. Notices, cowwnnca- tion, and otherwatter intended for publica- 1100 mst be hded is at te Daily office be- Isis s p. m. or ailed to the editor before 3i p, i., of the day previou to that o swich they re expected to appear. Sbcriptocs may bie left at wThe Daily Office, Seyes or Stoiets Newtad, or With Buinless Manager. Sbcciberswsill co- fr a favor by reportig promptly at thi offce any falure of carriers to dever paper. Tile mutsical clubs this year have showed the proier spirit is Unliveriy organizations by freely giving teic Services in the interesto of oiler uni versity asociatisidOilltay 000a- stlls, atililnorross iigt s-leii1liii Clubs give their aiiiual conert tie sttideit body souitld trn out aid asho- lts ailreciaion Of suemitcaospii. The facilty did iot ermit he clubs 10oiiakie their iisual trill this year, tind it is cerainly isoitieir credit that thy hisve faithfully 1ect11ut hir prcice Ithrocgh the year and have reacedia high degree of excellence despie th- herk of incentive to imitrovcncll. Fews ttidects realize ite imporace of tbe inter-high school meet thant is to be held here tday antomiorrowi tnder the auspices of the Atleice As- sociation. Nst only til it brng to Aim Arbor tie best high school aii- iea of the satle who will ths ilav aiiteoportuity is be~ome tcequaiited with the University and uts atlelcis, but it will also att ,Act a large iiUii1- br of high shool students, wh will come to support their temls atd so will strely lbe iterested in lookig aibout the University. It is expected that 500 wiii attend the meet frot ouside of Anin Aror Tiememiber of the'Atlleie Association will do0 all in their power to etertain. the visit- log athetes, and the stuents should see that usocoe g ins it wroig in- presolon of the Unrersity for wavn of a proper .guide. Nothern genlemnen have spint over $100,000,00 isi founding and nain- tamiing colleges for the higher educa- tio of negroes in te'Sutl. It is further repored that 30,00nen hve bieen educated in these schools, but iliat they have nade a slight ipres sion along industrial and sholarly lines in the Sut. Pay Your Class Twx, The comamuencenent invitations for the Class of '97 have arrived, but are still in the express office, not enogil mnemibers of the class having iid their tax to eiable the C. . D.' charges to be paid. tnvitations have already beguii to be sent out frin the other suniverities, atid it is tiie hat they should le from here. Every 'T stleomitshoilid ay his tax, his shre o - the eoniilleiiemeiet epeims, oii lie soonier it is cone ie better it will be for all. The treasurer of the class sill be founid in the seretry's sltice every cay' from4 to 3 p. ii., to rceiv itie tax. Those whio have already paid have been promised their invialos by next Monday, but it Wil be il- possible to fulill this agreement un- less enough shall tilts- paid befort' that datte to eable the chrges to be met0. Chicago's Twirler. The followsing note is beieglubtih- oe1 by itie sporing etlors: itiiity Nte.ames has tis to sy of tHarry(larkce, the yuniig Ciiagoi-ii v niey tiirler, -signed 11y-framk bitlet- for the .Bostiiiitiaml: "I1Rnss- en l f lihe Seaors to Chicago, am4tn i'eilucotay- lat, whent-Clarke 5511. wsorlkiiig ini prctice wsit the Be-soll pdayer,he ws - s tsigtigemiciuillto -darty-IBemrgen, 11110catcher, ant I1 watceid is delivery closely. He showsed fine sipeed, admliirablec-ttrttl, intl lias a speedy urs-c which he nixestOtillssita stow' etre 111111 bitoaks like ta1111011in 'front if the plate. If le 1cll otrol tost bls intl le ctltlthe cay I ishiiiiois-i lie sil iproe oie of the hist iitilelers in the major league." Ctimbridge 111s0folosw-dilthe exaineitl of Oford antI refuset to grtnt is .de- gree to somen. Tliry stdeus took oath sot to tmake degrees t cotmiene- nelt if ss-eicn wsec also ipermiittedl to. NOTCE. All track aiid field men are requested to reimose their suits fromtilhe At- ile grounds as the dresing roons uill be turnii over to couesats ii lt'Interscoastic meet riday a111 Satulrday7. FOil 'SALE CHEAP - Complete liousekceeling outfit, includes enough furniture for 12 aooingrouse if btought by one pity before the l1ili of June it can be gotten at ait ex- tremely- lowv figure for cash. Good chance for sororiety or fraernity. A- dress Z. Y. Z., cae of U of M. Dily TANDEMS To P~ent!!!I The Largest Line. of Bicycles, Sun- dries and Supplies nt M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. 8. Oe door East of Aeri- eansHouse. (' . M1 SATIN, Fueral DiretIor, Cfah a-1.nd Metallic Casets and Fne Gade Coffins. Fwmbaling a Specialty. No. it S. Fourth ave HADTO0! Better the qualities-improve the patterns and yet have a popular priced shirt. We have done all this in our present stock of shirts. You will find new ideas in shirt styles, and new Colorings; all made specially for Summer wear-We can't begin to deaccibe the many different styles cf shirts we are showing for husiness and outing wear, better look them over............. You will want onje of our new silk, puff and plaited fronts, when you see them. --- 1H1 PRICES ARE.----- 1~OO ~25an4 $1.5O. Te BETTER THAN EVR Te1897 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvements in construction than nny other bicycles now before the public. Never before have sulch excellesnt values been offered for the money. Our new line, consisting of eigit sperb nmodels at $60, $70ntd $121 for single machines, nd $1501 for tandems, wish lihe various options offered, i8souch that the most exacting purchaser can be entireiy suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. 00.s ?'2 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, IND- 0UR. FINE POSTER CATALOGUE MAILED FOR TWO 2-OENT STAM PS. Students and Teachers can secure pleasant and profitable work introducing our Public Libraries........ ill townsanSld country and forming Reading Clube. Jusd the swork for Students, 'reachers and Ministers. Managers .................. We also want a fewv energetic field managers. State agf and expterience in book swork, Address Dept. "5S" RAND, XcNALLY & CO., Chicago. ETb HT,a'It, SUMMER LAW LECTURES l! T 1Z+UNIVERSITY OF 5'Il4ItNIA. cud ~ P~ 51 ul 1 toAu. 1597. Couse includes 36 lectnrenhby Uhe Justice IRarian, of 0 5. supremeousrt. Fsc ANN ARBOR. MICH. faalgue, address R C. MINOR, iSeers~tsxt