Jew c e F . UAMO VOL. VII. No. 186. ANN ARBOR1, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1891'. Founs PAGES-3 CENTS. WILD Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN, CIGARS TO BUR-..** $ S and good ones too. We carry all the leading popu-0 lar brands and can suit your taste. Cigarettes and Tobacces, too. P ALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. IHigh Shoes and Leoins for wheolinen and wheoelwomen At prices lower than they really onghit to lie-qnalities and styles unsnrpassed. W'. J. ArPRILL, 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. STANLEY -PLATES i) i ) I : . ' ,!, k ! i 3 111 UNI\[EIFSIT\[ TUS1OAL COLUBS. 50C A DOZEN, In case lots of 24 dozen, -40 cents a dozen. A great many of the ama- teurs are using them and are satisfied with them. S v °r i 0 0 e e Concert Tomnorrow Night. All aal au enits haree 0, ('.Clii1- Ilt tel.'fir thle conceit to he egiven liy the 'lx1t1sity iluscatleclbs titio', er cevruing at University t1'tU. 1,4viy indication totls to is lerge auilienie and ais teistexceliittlyrndered 1t'ii Sgrain.'Te clutis have tieen iarid at ptractice titis xveek Putting On i tin- 'Jill-tuchies. 'the (lihe Club hta, li en sailer the etlicient direction at Prof. Ketipt. The progteittt will be as prtinted in AWidtiesdety's Datly. It is in entirety ttntv titdonim, as lioixe of ttte tmuitc hats evreenectrenderetd before lby the tittit, exceit, of couirse, lte old Mci g Mic-;(alsotigs, "Yellow tani Blue"tald "'Aitnt'Arbor." The song "Here's to ''Tast to tolid \ichiganl, one of the tiuetiitrs on the irograln, is a news Mliciigea songo,taitt all who thase 9tectrd it sep thalt it to well wtorthy of a tlace ins-Michigan's sorig book. Thte patronssoes of the coucert will lie Mfedaiales Augell, aHutchins, Nan- creede, Knowltoin, Cooley, Pattengill, Loitlia rd, Dock, Stanley, Mosher, 'Mc- tauglin, Seigbard, Campbell1 and Pitterson" Tickets can be purchased from inem- bet's of the clubs, of the Athletic As- sovcea-tion, of rte Woman's Gymunasiuma Funds Commtitttee, or at Sheehtan's botok store. The cotneert will be given for the benefit of the Wonman's Glymnasium 1'nnd and time Athletic Association. The CT. of M. Toastmasters' Clutb u'ill hold a banquet at Whitmore Lake a week from tomorrow night. Off for Chicago. di it ilit'ns re'tcSettit-es at the Wi-~seu i i t'ei'ollcg-iaie 1AttetineAiim- iii 11Assocititionti l-k tixieldunit mc toib telit Cth'Iica go itoorowt- eiti lix atxi1:55 this attet iootiv,".1_te 1 ictttgtttt Cemntral. Catti eadcetwilt tie timit'ltrnt.his injirrets not titte- iijicrvel Ottflicittitty to aracait 1 it. lloweverit, in' will tatccompantyttyhs til. en. es:ixits Ceaptain l[Icahi. Metit' igie rHill indl Dr. 1Rethtge' till tilso gi.The team Nwill lieimiateeuiltof 11i itieti, eafolios: ''iioa'as, 10til ndut 22(0 yardis dashes; 'fThompision, iluartee-ildle rut; W'ood, mtile runt; Tlryon, gmile wtak anti lile realt; MLoeits and Chiubbi, 1201 anti .20 intos hurdilos; Turner, YTandtut Btisti, ibicycle ertees; s'ettte iii tFloutrnoy, high jumitp; 1Iinatt, titoadi tjlitp; tOliter tutd Lehrx, sot1title. Theueieititself promtiseso t tix ti or the tiest in the history of lihe asso- ciation anti if the work repx'rd Is thore been dotue in praelite leeyste af- feetcoxlleges is a citeelon. recorss still be broken. Yesterday's Tennis. There tres but one miatect playedi in theto entils tournament yesterday, Wotod winning from 'Davis in the lire- lintisiary round of the second class sintgles. The ether snatches scheduled foe yesterday will be played some time today. There will also be three meatches between thighm school champ- ions "on thse courts, beginning At 2 P. in. Inter-High School Meet. Zh:: 3'ite .Micttigatt Interschotlastic Atli- li-li meietxwifltiegiti toils:,'at 2 oclock ithiitthe itantis mitesr, wtichi xviii be pti tyel sithte feaculty courts. :it 3:30 o'clocke the ibaseball elie be- tx.rcithile Dciirsit antI AsiaAehetrHigit Schtools trill be called at thti Athletic -It'iel. h1' is cleaitmed tut the teanis are titie evenlymtichted antithe geamte should be an interestiingsite, At S o'clock p. it. the inidoor inet trwill coixtiseneit the Watermuea Gym- niumtta. The erents till consist of the ustutldtishtes, lig-itkickitig. xreotliixg, Thse bicycle races trill be 'held ,iti tie Feair Gerotunes Saiturdtay morning,' cons- ittincitig at 9:310. Quarter, half, smile anid tt-atileraces, besities, atulliei teademi race trill nteke up thteipro- The hield and track events comte Sat- urday afternoon at the Athletic tFielti. Ins all there are abont 75 entries, reptre- seiting the Annu Arbor, Detroit, Ad- rian, Grand Rapids, Jackson atid tan- sing High Schools. This is the first lime for thte meet to be held unuder 'Varsity ausptices and inaugurates a next era in local athletics. Everything ptossible lhtts been done to make the r.:et is success and this nosy seems is be assured. The admission for the entire four events has been placed at 751 reals, and single admtissions wtill be 215 cents. Dr. Martin 'will probably spend the greater ;part of bis year's leave of ab- sence in the Hawaiian. Islands. ICALKINS -,- PHARMACY.1 --AT-- WAHR'S BOOK STORE. Just received another lot of that fine U. of M. Monogsam Paper, the popular shades Blue and White; also a New Stock of the Various High Grade Correspondence Paper. Visiting Cards Engraved, and Plate Printing. WAHU'SBOOLSTORE 'Up Town tDown Town S. Sate at. Opposite Coorst House Ann~ Arbor Mats Lat.