THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY". Published Daily (Saaays excepted) drig the Collge Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFLCE: Tises huildig, 79 S. Male St. e- twee Liety atd Williams St. IViANAING EDITOR1 J. F. TOoxAS, 97. AS'T LIANAGIND ,rEDITOR r. tL. Est, 'It L. Afh-LETIC EDITOR 11. B. SiLoittAN, '0 L.. I )h}iISIN5 .RIANAiIER 0. 11. 11 A, 'll EDItTORtS F. S. Sewfo, li . A. CAVeoteL, '1). F. A. lFuci, '8 E. A. CAMPeoct, Il. G. D. ilcoxito. 'h. T. t. Weusittl, '3. BUTLER LAM, 'ii. G. D. JEatiNGS lil9li Tle sbsc."ipionie io~ f te ily-i -;2-0 rt"e, c 'efe, c c.',wta, efOairfedeie'iy cci -' non dy. Nellie - tions, sad t 0 e i'n.i ii r 11L1 il fti f to't tust bsio' -d iaatt, I ailyxle ' e l-ee 5p. i.,or ii.ei'5to th cu tbe fex:3 J). m. otil ayyl'etIoectoithat ootihich they re e petd to appere so lmuiri p~oOns maoie lefct at The llaily Ofilce, flee's or Soileux Nttxomfl, oc witles icesicxfana er. to'ciiiecxiil o- fer a favor by elotig promptly at 011s officeelayfite of cae'rto deiiri'aper. The Daily wishes iftinertlcsoidlthat the fact tiat it hrits ctit' uitf ti o ttiilx iele) ii nt.ipy otlitirt ofthticviw 1P11trwardI ii hil. ilit sie it everty til 'xflou will aliwaysbt it'egn a111 opporlunity t gel bfoecc texsi- ei-t littlllifthrugh Itic cliiticeof tite'Daily, bt we asuettesepnsibil- iy oly tiic the sandtale iixtheic edtiarhl cliiiii. Athletic oard Meets. A't liii athletic imeeig 'fxexibt 1 nigt, tit l'tiig-lilets tvreiici~e ot lieiIhighi Scoltmcaet letFriday alnd satuttliay. lRtprle wre preetede tfrii the Detrit gamie and a goid shiwingtigsadase. iii. Ha~rrionin i- lii iltcril ani'ititcidtetitphreviing 11111 heireatlert roll al lit woutld te givei ot tor lllllliclafieB swheii the beard' electeidany officer t ill iitovaanlcy. Br. Ifarri oetilieesestfis will makteI the hoalrdl ext exclusive anit secret ii its wtkings aitdiwill britig Itet into clssertich swiththeItetis. Mfr.fHarrisoti presetetil estxigna- tien wvhichi as tcceptedl iwitirelc- tanice, andl the tolowing resliines were tdrtitfed,exresite ot rege lt Illx resignatioin: Whereas, Mr . B. fhlarisee ls steasfBc tosever ile cnteciot ilwit the U.. ot . Atletic AssciaiB Botrid of Direcos, ittis 'Whteeas, Dufriig tll hiis term itf olfie Brl'. Morriwson its rdisctargei hi dities mittf onsciifiiietly antihis mosxtceetfullytssiimet lldxtmotxen - ergetically carried oti every uty tct- gatedl to him, atd Whtereas, Mr. ttarriSse has always had the iterets of college athleisnershihatadhssped o effort Is make 'Micigati supemte.; therefore te it Resolved, 'That we, the Bard f Diretors of ftheUivrsity Athletic Asectlion, express our sense of loss fit 'Mr. Harrison's wihtrawal, andi tic sinrere appireciatini of tltile tt.alty sricecs itt'bhetat of the As- ALAN CAMPB' EL,. Gowxnttilee. Communication. After the ineiaiifettinoft siitl that hats been for the mt liadrt stwi thisxyetar weti nklc it untu natt~te tit siese niitutixtic rootales. Scih a liis i iiiere'ly' xse e s ibe, frtochet ireuay. ViesreferteoIsthe piersonal e tituts mcdlicoIililliti lxolitheiiis li- i« te att. We sicrerlyhope to s, e ii' 1morec it this, and tit'Iwouli t 11iI- cictriitee l tt'towrd te ti'lt f tuCor'ecll leaits f tiiw rdttthem ltiit-here it nt i's'iti lie extuse ot bid I Ciatti'it ts CrcltittWheti playing at eititrtof thoseplitres. lThseitit anthierci 11after of simiilarnituri'ofit i lOBtile11111(" of ictisoce cinnotite soen «t. 011-1 tere issuelcit atmaniest dixity' xl tlgtl'flfitially' eiittisardtur ttowix'n team111as Istshownsxiiy'steday whenit Irw ttvifor is pesonalities ttward i li owniitiatis thentieSiay' it is hIlls '5 cry'a hai. Ithtiem r.'ecpesonitsiftsi a~ptaial let ttheit la leviy. tlti' 01 'tuft' is bitteirtian teit'moneiy. 'T'iistiningila. trebuke cti not lii spiriit to csieak taiwoxdiiofiionestixcii- ccliv, or esilt ixproices 11111 eltic In princtIil lilthy' tlet titlseaikig way' of aiitg stiittits tiley-l'n',iitoo c'es'ardlhy' is sit. Wietstea ittls plainily' tienneItheis xsuch 9 dcii neeid. Tit' ~ii ellatiele isplys iii le. last ix'oc s'1gitiiS cl tr ittiial- iet cesure. School of Music Faculty Concertj Foelowing is liii' prgramtioftLrlasxt l~ll lllly' C'onc'ert in liii'seri titl y'ia'x. The co'et:'Iwill its' lentoI- iighit tte Schol of Muic: Suitefoiai notteatd violi, (lltttoeiciiu Abetol Jonas. Hermann utA. Cili. GIldntter S. Laitislini htstgr tu lluutit.... ........lit.ts.t.isiit r losoa i coltlt'iAsful tiliiuuWavti e'su...... .. ..... ......".et te fA clti'ti-i.Lo it. CAn wttlo..elli....faii..w.ts..lustGoarli [Vegin SDace......he....xtrlildi-tGy'xta- sttitiltlgitIn .Ifte itersasv frl ei i ll "'ileluis'r Oills-Di'.--leshsrn thewhter willheaitios gotfith Subscribe for the Daily.I Th , BETTER THAN EVER" Te1897 BEN.HIUR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvements in construction than any ether bicycles nose before the public. Never befxre hae crl excellent values been offered for the money. Oar new line, consistitg ci right stthierti mcdels at soot $75 and $125 for single machuines, and $190 for tanidexes, dii thte various options offered, is such that the most exacting purchaser coo e ticely Sailed. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., '72 G ARDEN STREET. INDIANAPZILi-5.'V OUR. FINE POSTER CATALOGUE MAILEFOR TWO 2-CEEiT S1TAtIS. Students and Teachers cali sectire pleasat Iandl oi talews'rk introutctinigstir Public Libraries ... ,..... iii towns anid ctuntry sndz formwitg Betiding Clubs. Jts, the swunt tsr Siudhent,'OTacheers used Mitnisters. Managers.................. 'We also want a fewv siergetfc field managers. State age atnd experienice ix hook wont. Address Dept. "5S" RAND, 'MCNALLY & CO., Chicago. T AS This space is reserved T o Pent !! for the Grand Opera The Lar-t ELhieof Bicycles, u M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, House. Telephtone No.s. eOne dooeast oflrei CnHlouse. RENT., 'HOE, TH-E PHENIX ELECTRIC COe of lkhrtInd, ANN ARBOR. MIOR. wish Is secore a less eneretic stodetis to, SUMMER L.AW LECTURES represent thcem during te ttummeremthhs. UN5IVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Big mney asolndidt t opportunitty iftltken laly to Aug. B15590. Course includes 3 trtes El at once.Fulsit nfoirmatioticatttbe sbtaied Or Justice Halan, atfLi S.eSupemse Court. For- j byencosin 2cstal7 t abve adres. ,tolou, address B C MINOR, Seretary. by I~iohagIc asou toshote aldeis.Charlloitteil, Va.