THE, UIVS!R-SITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JOs VV., M OOLAF 0 ou Can Fine B1lack Suits a specialty. 40 K. Washington St Yip Stairs.! for less money th- y -~ ~Before Commet Just the thl T HERA HOUSE jEE L Rl, .Ann .Arbor M ; Oane fursh'iyou with a first-class Fountain Pee. ccenacdesicg repairing a spcioalty. --DIVE HIMS A CALL. The Maa in the Moon 20 Pittasug stogies for----------5cn 3nisy cot he thirsty, lbst if hie mire, hie would 10 La Princess Stories for-------a5cn1 is ooa ......cliat l~rtoi S tllogies or------2 e 6arer' ConerStoe Stogie for ------ ---5dn STTP S.A NDe Y'1 . UNIVER S 11AVE nsCgar fo .-----------2cn TE ST AN N.U IE ST AV 16Sa Ciasfr------------2ceand getaIcie Cream -Soda orsme of ihis 6iRecord iBreaklers for --------- 5cn othoe Soft clrioks. 32 si~o c ok Cgars for-- Poocons is feccd at every Bail Ocaoc KithD Ft ri and dPeanutls ________________ 44 Sooth Tffnie Street. BICYC.LE LIVE1RY AND SALESROOM 18 Forth Fourth Ave. We carry a ful lice of up-to-date Bicycle Senries anid parts to manay w heels. Also Repair Wheels at living prices. Give us a call if in need of anything in our lice. WOTZKE Echo.1es to order Women and Men's Easoy Fitting Shoes in all the Latest Styles. ITO, Best Place yt for ~ ~ja Repairing 43 S. D iia St. - Upstairs. U OW iAINO PARiLOiRanad eath- . o , All %ppontmentasecrt cas. -rIdcwoeso-iilara. Ladies' crtIb- -bl ! 1ci r a nga 1 kcbahingparlorc, ups 4 ll , eoaoasio30iS. Stateast. ONCE No ;oug for Columhis end Haf coed bif ._Is No delay and consequent anncy- ane All mocdels scd patterns cow ready ior immeadiate delivery. 1897 STANDARD OF THE WORLDI sr made ruclusicely oh S per tent Nickel cel tauinog, the ectire peao- 0 T L duc of schich we canteol. llALIKE. H-artford Bicycles are at prices within reach of everyone. $60, $50, $45 CtaguerIlee rmeay Columbis itd- r-,fom us forIc e -c et PnoP FM F'G. COs Hartford, Conn.a Glreatest Bioycle Facor~y 0r lo i intheN~oeld.atorethane ay Acres of Fleer Space. Branch housesor dealerI inalmost ecery citycand UNIVERSITY NOTES, -1 a. Noala, ol of t eS(1olo~l of 911000 playedoi ibeforeoI-be Sioooioooo t.ioeiolty i (ilil Raids last i-ht40. 1C1100. A. lioiii ooi. ISta. ,., ",)I, dii iiomiler ofi 10heIDily- 1200001 ril 1W, i5a001iin5cllt~ootil l oialiiollr 201001IntloioaioilT i ll law ilathI loiiioo Co ollego of SLw, (ilicoigo. SIilas Ellen C. lHinsdaile, whooiha hail stuooyng in tdcroooiog fheloe20 threec yoooiio, 011001 otoboblihe Dix lara odegre to oil Ral hger 10nhoelbruloo arrivs-ot iomono-000Saituirdigflot hb. "loe 1. of At.hass ocobooloof 1 lilil g;all -,oriiioooiii old020 he iu rognilal illollog ICrloooT-FtOill;;oo, .I1 but 1, Mrf. Dan'sou, :1 oo loot c. Eioolioo oficert so o h Oeliliiiof lt010 1000000. Mooloogyo si"Saooof 1000.Dol lootl 1sa-a log qv etseonoiiiois 00all iolillC000 weal,01 0000Soo I iil.0y 0Siathlico. ' 0000 010 iI ii Cio-ooo, oa,5 100ltlii 00t1ho 11,001 S 0 0sitounlilo aogooi tstanllililooloo ylig 100000 elatlvesl0. Athletic Notes Toll (ofloloo l tVi (ico000051 llroa, in th100 100001 too0 h ree 100llOil. lb ' 10110000000 .105-4. ("oiol ieig th i 1 10000 of lerloo 011, tWico 0010100 omade ioooig1oo1iooitl lowbig. Iloth 0(,"(- fllihoiitomolg ST'teooforn -i Sol Satoroay h,lAwe0 llslo0 llhiio olS 1100 Annaoiis>. loil .-aooloiogSatuirdaioig 0010 05011 btL loa~lc. lOborll w co0the Ohilol Iioteoaliagioi trao- 010001lileet0001Sailtrdag. fLOST-Souftiof 11.e liiy, 0a ldes w10 u-iwithi 0001000001ca10. Llibealn wardo. C. L. Meuder, 33 S. Thayert A MAY OLINThe Inland Press A: G-uriT.A., DOES WORK WITHI -A IBANJO, Neatness and Dispatch VT_0_1',,-r'Ove thenagll. e A. IO IN COR, HURON ST. AND Df OURTH AVE aanywhere in the United Sates WE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS BANIK -tcegiieiit. Capita Stock, $50,50. Surplus,$101,11. Resources, $1,100,e00. i)for vacaion. Organied underthe Oeral Bankng aws lug ithic Sate. Receis rideposits, buye and (' 201 AND ?:,3-AST els ecaonge on the pricip1 cities of the ,sc, o., AHNTN ST. Titd States. Drafts casheod upsrpe idetifiatin. Sofey do sill oes to rent. Or Iceco Coristian MaboshPros.IW. IS. tl , Hariman, Vicoeas; Cloas E.- ulcok, $q~~p Cashier .JFitzP Is Ocanst asier is G og hoo cioiars for.---_.2 eacs FIRST NA E~A 3ANK rA rbo Proig Ciai fa- - -cotaCapita, $10000. Surplos and Piet, $411,00 Is 0 Paadi" igas fr---- ------ cnts Tansacts a genrl bardiotgsbusiness. is 2 La tolso(Clie ar . .._---------22etnic Forign cacange boght and sold. uecsh s 2 tarey Clays foe. . ..-------- d -2 cots letters fcerdi. to 4 Owl o ts for-l -------------- ticnts .SD. IKINNE, Pres. 1A1012SN SOLE, s 3 Royal 0osors foe--- ----- fo cnts OAISN .VitoPres S. W. CLRSN ahir. A I & COIM PA NIY. z rtt I t 3iii uk i Elisha Jones Felowship. Cor. Aoain cni ouroo Sice Captal &i;0,0002. Surplus 5$3i,(60. Trancat o~f li itteliog o blo o .oolloiI~to1. e e eorrl baingicg hsss. r A th neE inof11n cln )ti.) l-.Ap- P s OC FUe n.Vieois 10 10. oil es terl tiolor ofl n 0, loooat1t11o t ~n Ii Ott rUoCalh ir ,o1111 ', W s20( ci, 01l l I - - .Jo-n1s' do-t saltol fclliooatsil i lt., 12 ~ g F.0 Sic h I e.S.,i )d goo. Air. Sooaoool is n sonooo f 0i1 Slte. 20 S. STATE STREET al0 t:1 looS i iof D tlit , blt i :5 -lao-a Selsa SolidtGol oi luoti n nat $t02 Olo~ti, boilBooks osed 2cersisatod supward. i0 Uollg00lill~lt ooo bs . of l. Scs nd Pofessorss3200lbs. i- actig y; istl~i 110 i -iat - Voltea). eotaper for50 cents. Sehas 0coomboinedoo-hc tiswiaoath iii otO Nte oksS cetansd upwards. 1N oaship, 1ihaioaobee h t io-00 2aftilt- Lowney's Chocolates. to{ e boot-b l as ot gyear aaloeo alit-ao ot00 locnsbetal cl-roundootl olleto.Th - Hot Lunches. ion of tli l fs-i-oi500 and oi lotiotioo o iiooiiltii ~ 's UTTL'S 4e S. State St. iiir-entkololeris -MaoytG, 9) i:-{o'rIiBET it lilo-Ils. :, - ----We can nosy supply gee with f CALENDAR. a fle FRATERsNITY PIN. Wedtoesdayoi, Janai"2-I ihig00 .. See ot ie iiof samples. Jiooonion, atoi A.XiAor MA-atODLEADING JEWELER, Soot , d-a1dool5-AAF int oTol: IWM ANO- Sada ~ly Jne v, A A.A.UNIVERSITY SCHOOL Sl000.Jaooo5'olae li( OF DANCING to cueti ni Covo-rity 1211. Opposte Lwuidig.$l.0 ntsil Say 1st Tfuesdy, ionec S S3lo 0 niCi-r ay twotases Ofice, o, i0,01 AnniuAlbo. 27t Thompson Street. Noe trlig, .10e11 ?i-Siishoga.oaCa Co- ell, a1 An Arhor. ust Rcicd a Largr and Eegcnt V SIT 3i~~ii l5)2l Line of Noew Pipes! Of oiioofsix oo igholt onl tlcgoaRlitunsd toldLuscohes at all looss.Aets o fo iloylei slind Williams and Wrurs Cue' to 1001uplol ar~tiiiaioc11ei i b pogi . Chooolate Boolons. ' ^ + if dllilei5 at 0 tliiietsS od 009RSoi- FR. aElJO LILY & CO . (rayas-iliioa-ds,83oh l o i ~a-h ra N0. State St., SagreBlock. -10 oa ured t goaodtim11000. Private ls- Ssonos isodooccig ay IrsoloSAirs.Iloss A LARGE SLINE OF )g Gr ane oall b1 e aroigdfoot ly caoill-Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress lgoiltItie Aocaidemiy. Ofthica, , etolitoss Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Ete, 00h.ts-Aaobouoy (SSMaynard 0. ---AT-- A white osilk foatiwaslbosb ilbhe Anton..TIeufel, Pennyi -Soialilla Wiotelan0101 (o 1010 7S. tA.N ST. sile iis thoogt. If the5 petsonSaslot afoanod itills-bibveb-r it too Dro Siesbo, FULIJER & IXSON >T a oth ioesoill he umoat bgotefuot A Slash In Prices. Pr a short time we aill "A Penny Saved PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS is a Penny Earned." CLEANING AND REPAIRN,. -^ ' -°- S22S. State s.. Over Roeys Bilard Roo. SOFT SKIRTS he warm weather. fonresthe hest styles are tobe [ F r e isltod will interest ge. (Or rite ' of Neglgee Shurts boads for style Set Friee. SUMMER UNDERWEAR. !8plen- Ta any prso nterestd lu humane at- SUtrMaR or wholo bvee anima, we wrill scd ree, sdid values in French Balbrigans uroas application, a copy f le "ALL- and Jersey Rihhed for Soc.AC,' the rgus of this scety. In addi- Thes ts re bauti~lltion to its iotnsely intresting reading, it Teegarments aeeatflycentais of Ie voiubole and unusui prei- finhed and are durable. use i ven y the paper Address & C0 FUJRNISHERS THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, W AGNER & U 21 S, thin S 410411Unted Chariteu Buildng, New Yr - . __ ; ,' ' 3 try1 rY, i ' // '