THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 34 f the fact -that over $20 was spent in f o fLV e I~ f elegam'sin Securing the j adge , - proof of the necessity for action t' ai Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during existed. the College year, at The Cardinal will also find, by lootk- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, lug at the latest revised constttioni OrFICE: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- that undter Art. X, See. 4. "All at- lues Liberty and IWillamt Sts. MANAGNG EDTOR Iangenients for contests of the league J. ie. THOMAS, 07. shall he left to a caommiittee cosilpoced ASST MANAGING EDITOR, of the execntive commititee of tile E. L. DEoIostE, '50 L. local asoct~tlion where the contest ls ATHLEIC EDTOR ld and tile treasurer of the lealgu, 11. 10. OssoosisAN, '50L.b wvho Shall heeechairmtianiof tilt' tilli IIUSINESS MANAGER 0. IH. lleSs, '50 hiitee." And that nowhtere is the EDITORS secetary now chitrged wvitl htil duty. F. S. Sistows, '98 1. A. CAWesooc., '(0. F. A. Futta, 'N5 E. A. CAurscs,9.oso M1oreovec, the secretary of lte GO. D. Iloscac, '00. T. E. WOODROW, '985. let~goe Sanctioned our actilosais BUcLERnABeo, '00. G. D.JosNNStt 99M001thattked tile treasnrer for actig ;, pi'sdtoptiy wileD it became ara. A___________________ The second charge in the tiost sei- The subscription price of the Daily it 51.501 ions one, anid the Datly after carefully foe the college year, wthl a regular delitvery before nooech day. Notices, comminica- looking into the intler of stlecting lions, and other matter intended Ioe publics- tisansiust be banded inatasthe Daily sficer be- the judges on delivery, can fitdtlis fac e p. in., or mailed to the editor betore S p. in., of the fey precious to that on which Ctlie instance of Unfair intano. Th they care expected to acpear. Sutiscriptions may he efctat The Daily cotittioin of the league trevidz Ofiler,hMeyes or tflletos Netwstand, or nitb Bcsineiss Mhanager. 5Suberibers, will con- I' thaojtud-'e Shlhact N-trit e ill Iere a tat-or by reporting promptly ait this"e office ens filiure at carriers to deiiver super.aa tle riprteseiitetd in thie legue,, stu, as lti'tltnttis the nearest uutrtl ,iatty', The Daily, lifter a thorouight Still i:- Parializvsug, 'ionof t~cch 3"e Mlihgan seiit there for a list o ilt partiil is'este~siol o l~e 'bargs . es'who htid se'rve'llie I u tiait, PcS Fc~tt.'3 r w~ii -ii 1 - rileJlt . lg.. t- s We ore offering are grand valnos, a good isiany of them have boon reduced from i teen dtollars to twelve tdollars in order itaotgiue you tihe bost twselve diollar Suit of Clotbes its tho itatrket. You needn't la our nword Pot' it, c0o11 in an I exans- ii t eml. They ate ls:o its our window. We've Got Cheape-r .0 .-s and Bette r 0nes. UU~r f4 Ctardinalaginltst tile action cit t't'. Trueblootd in the recent oratorical coil- lest, is cells lcer thtat theuellirg.' itro entirtely' ts itlisit foiuii1tiioi, told that IttIleter they orgitstted sili itht' reotce they 'set ebrs-oI tstui'fully AgtinttPfrof. TSruiebiloodiT he flo' di nls deserves tile greatest contemipi for te imalillcius taierilit Which it sfttedth ii'eltargetsslind tlit,' taoly woild loca