VOL. VII. No. 184.
1 i
Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
18 97
Programn for 'Varsity Musical
Clubs' Coucert.
Tim UniivereaLty Glee, Banjo <adc
aNfaclalin Clubs will give their acontac
-.on aot aIsItUniversity 'fll, nextSwit-!
ta Yca-rlinig, at 8 o'clock. Tfir-' rca
Tennis News, Technic Out Today.
Play in thle second class singles and The Teehnic, the 'annual publication
the ecnsilatin singles of thefitrst of the Engineering Socieiy, of the Ual-
class ionrnamnent began yasitraay. varsity af Miechigan will lie plced o
Puat iwo nsaiehee were pliayedi, 0s1 in sale taoday. This year'a issue is seine-
each tournamnta. fn use seciani what siaaller than acme of the prey-
class singles -Morley beat 11a alelet-1issis ones, but in numnber of articles ef
al-ic. -3; both player-s were sissy caii real value ta enginseering studeants it
-ale. Tue oilier nmatch was in the is never been srprassed.
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NAW MAIN., c rt ccilaa e oof itie best ever
avn an Aria Arbor lay te usassicali
± 0Clubsi. ay hsave hen laadat crush,
SCIGARS TO BJ No oe#lotiepat rprnba x
anid goodi onesa too. We $ -.aa.el iaaaz~aelast il e a boosn -
carry all uhe leadinag papa- a foisathe aconcert.
7 lar tbrcran sadcaassoust
your laste. Cigarattes ard A tea slie of she ar-ramg waciiili e a
'fTobaccos, too. rener,slgof "Annie bira"iy f lie
--- L I. o al. (josarset. Tire nsene'sorfs
$ PALMER'S PHARMACY. inli rsis attare IV. t. Lacy, fursa
0 46 S. STATE ST. telmr;,i' . R.'Furluong, second ienrsr
f ® 'v 'e '® , ~ + ' i].rPae, first tacos, and W. C.
Mac, rsecaid bals.
Bicy c Ie hoes 1La yiniilava-hn points is a large
All the goodl styles. Wh1eel-a cudr ih.Tr
mien cviiil iad hose just te p" " usatheconscert are is ga
sight prices. Comiparrothiese sie UIlliliS11 as niasirrFundPanllaid
Io anything you knowcv of sny- aits.rileil Am :xaruoa. Tiek,cal:
where 0o uhisaera srom naarears airs Oacthise
AT $2.50. altan srieias-hletia'ic hoard.c
BICYCLIE LEGGINGS. i' a aii aisrliafali,
lo 'sa i ll ibse s e ra Ioabe I. ass-s-i ,!-
13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. 1. (,siiis igh tsacMarcia...
. t I.eiieiier) arar. lices
®. Teiiacc- aaidl Shae.........
4 IAT( tfi ifajIc isac ia DAixi . Sol)sls
'a1 leearsl( lsh.
STANLEY -PLATES :3.Irli ey 3ja inAgfaHarasses-Mils
5D. A DOZEN, peas at trandh Gleel lub.
In case lats of 24 dlozen 0 - -last leaeub atso. Iles
0 -40 cents a dozen. A IBanjo Club.
s groat snany of thse ama- 0 P et-r aIt
la tura are eusing them na d 0S. 1Eraqairer Claiub arBath...BesllI cli
f are satisfied cith them. :Masa0inClb
as-- air'. Perase aladtlee ('lest'
A 10 3.i i.1 aitan . i.Sosa.) arr. Ilasassa
CALi S - PHARMACY. 0Banjo Club.
f v 1Annie aurie-------------.. tisek
_________________________________________ aa ,r9i I - aof 'M. Quartet.
-AT- heace f0?...........Danaiel
Gflee Club.
WAnR'S BOOK STORE i. Dasncsaf tire iteraralls .
SSoiert Csa
Just receivead anothee lot of Mas1isaolisi Club.
that fine U. of M. Monogeanm 7.Aun Ashorr.........
Paper, the popular shades Casran. Mlieiiganeaisiia
Blue and White; also a New Gi lb
Stock of the Various High lragged u-ariaby laylinsis esiabiad Ol-
Grade Correspondence Paper erli's jprofession ream to cwin Satur-
Visiting Cards Engraved, and day, 7 to 4.
Plate Printingr. 'ennsylvanaia was first isnfire East-
_______________ ersn Esteaollegitate Association gaines
t ,Sturaiiycwith a total of 34 'soluite.
W AHRS OOK.STORE Yale iasacsecosaduwitih 241/ poilt,,Ho .
Uip Town news Town v. 'ad thiad witha15%.. asad Princetoin
S. Sate nt. Opposate Cort Houe n
AssnnArbor lain 'et. fourth acatha 151/ipaints.
sar-si-nsals of sire raonsoatcioans. ils-
ca-i got aldetasalt facrar Wrigart anii
lavis astbye; unader thser' arsaiseass
rlhe tars asestftoflacy for a ,larea in
rise i:acia.
Frerrthfiriars s-th slary was at rigs
,)vira;sbosath playersa'ouiagiht foar t" na-t
asaal mruch lacbaiinag cc ass iali-d in.
Thlace cats ac-re anecessary-tosdeciade
tic hatcr-h, a cictory faar tssel G-c,
i-is, (i-4. Tire sdra waiuag ins tire rca
taournamerns is ass folloccs. Sacilli
casaingle's.tayr's Macnay asc i aci-
alair; prsliiaray raundia, c aasc.
l -lvi's, cslai cvs. iBaxter, Siari V..
sr a ti; bcla, Va--altr hl'a' r adAll-
tarlh cit ('s aiariisrs of firar rise
-si-.bye iyrari sari;ireliarir
crarart Ilaxier cv-. tisiaVYI 'raast ca
uris--; ibyeaDai i. 'Star' irelaa'srraars
rasrai inibothtouiasrsrnae'uis cc-ll lie
1irai5 i eda~iy.
High Schools Wil Compete.
'hiaItihig;ani Sirse tearai-iaiaiarris
as's riccill behelir-i Fridaayard Satiur-
sisyunster tin- auspiices of fire Pasic-s'-
siayAMilstic Assoceiatiocn. Tire i-a)ar
alas-t cciii be hl-d in tirecc'ats-rmsan
at'ymnasissiarFridiasynight. 'fie tricy-
cle races ccill hi' raincit at sire fasir
groundais Sastauraysniorniug-, assailtire
searchksadfielinesitccill be hldllirt
sire athletaicFieldi Saiteraay afternsooa.
A basi lagurs' betwceena fie AriaAricor
Ilig h Schosol saiueand fliat of Desrait
air (-randsItllapaidsaacill ire ilasyediFri-
dary afteras n at lire Atletic Fielsi.
Ticksets asisisiug to ail fou earcccrs
ccill be laplaced ala sasheat 75cenataeasels.
firs' meeitlaromsises to be very chase
saldlanterestinag. IfigiSchools froim
ail sc-ertire strata'wlccii msapete.
Today's Came.
tfeas'd cas unable to rouse out for
laetle wor-k yesterdaay becase of
iris ccraehed keacnal ccill be comis-
peliledi to stay -out of todray's grie
cclii Wisconsin. Cooley played are-I
ard in tiereacetiee arid ihe,as cve'l as i
tire rest, ahidigood worka.
yltiahigan's line-uptaotday cwill be as
follow's: fLunn, c.; Sacwyer, is.; Can-
rdcn, lb.; Cooley, 2b.; MteMurray, s-I;
Sullivau, lb.; Ludlow, 1. f.; Siseec'S, e.
f.; Butler, r. f.
Lasies ccill be aiaitted to, the gamne
flists afteanoocfrae of charge.
'Paso cf tire articles cwere fareciosly
ri-ari before fire Ensgineering Society,
anal as fthey-tochiediesupo o mncy
laoinlts not to be formal inulhicatios,
tics Tecihnica'board deemned it u-ice to
pli"Aiii thesis flaus allowsing its riers-
lsata rserrve them'.
(if tire article by Prcf. Dartssio
rancalspraise cannsot be gic-er. It is
ccithroust douba hueroost exhausctice
liper on tis subjaect yet pubatlishsed,
resis althouagh the aIane table hras fail-
aes siaraeachat istodtiscvcr the.'pres-
entartcicle canot help bait be of bene-
fit to fastudaents of cic-il csag-tsaeriarg.
f'csf. tirecase's aicplicatiron of the
oqilibraiumsa polygou to leafs of secver
lilac is taksen fromn iis cc-rkoi "tie-
sitansce of Materialt; ss isch iiilla-
parsh iortlycliii it is a gaoasul lus-
isration of the rarareras apaplicactionas
sath lir'eqsuiibriumnspolygsnrtaoIrob-
laersinhasppuslied mathiiematicas.
i'raaf. (cooley's article is as casluablr,
siritias'sto the litrature of athtamney
Colr s iuon. There is probtaably no
banchof-l ar echiacal engissec haag on
cwhiicih so little bras been lasriliciacatas
itiat of chimneycy ostsrurcticss. flail-
kaine & Kesnt sea-asstasbea tilt' onaly
austhrities. Ta one slot cc-ll apk in
lRanknine, Prof. Cocicyc d,-'ansatioa
aithaasgi arric-inagat liresasrm e crahro
ass Itasasihe ccill ccsiet aisdobt be far
nioari' sattsfracicry.
'fTire articles of Mesas-s. Dozy-, Riggs,
Griaaaaell. ccilliasainaid lssrh a are
sc to be suiggestive to s5i55,hs's ints
sill dealren ts of enginecerinag, i5,1
an arensnot sells baittfea-ithat s-c sang
ass tire 'ecinia is able tc obtcin arti-
ales of sianhprattic-allearisag as thsese
it cviii be an impoisrtanat factoi help-
ing- Iaopepare tise sudent far Ithe
lIrai-tial stale of isrofssisn.
Tire titla's of st'e renarirsisg aaicl--
as-es "Soasse Iethoeds of Mfakirng Ify-
drsograpihlicSurc-eyo," by' C. Y. Dtixon,
'S7; "Straighatesninsg a Lecaning- Chiasa
stay," lay . Sc. Welbs's, 19i; "Carasarasa.
than of Little Calurniesnt River Bridge,"
hay 'Benaj. Douglas, '82; "(I-I odRads,'
by D. BI. tutin, '94t 'lleet 1ossalrc
Casiacity of as fay-Stir-Caish," lay
Prof. Pattersan; "Teal oaf a Boiler
Braee," by 3'. T. Faug; "Gold Ores of
ttoa'Bckillsu," lay F. C. Ssaairla, 'S9,
"Uoe sf Superhseated Stana," by J. ft.
Allen, '92.
Michilgan vs. Wisconsin, to-
day, at 4:15 o'clock.