THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Hot Drinks SWe are serving better Cold sa *oda now than we did last Sspring. That is becase we a'are not satisfied with 'good _ enough.' SWe are now trying just as hard on hot drinks, Our drinks are not as good i' s the average-they are a' better, a },fat Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Clam Juice, Etc. ~ ALKINS'-- PHARMACY 1TOTZKE MAKES TO ORDER WOMEN and MEN'S! Easy Fitting Shoes in all the Latest Styles. _I'ee en a ila rpia aspcaly 63S.MinS. HUnstare. THETOPRAHESCES.WEER Ch ealy No 7S afirtclasFtai ---SpL rBestoadesolrdsad ferrym Colns c ,Ca M.STE. BLrnte,. Yrds, res.Sul ses FOO TALLESUOPPLIES TVR- n alisesofficirercNatlegiate ]lae yAseti.Cpente Cata- its itiadwaerar staureeg . e andaCoe. Ordaee.f M4. SANGB RO, Owce 1r. Wahicgto, s.Phone No. 8as For the Furn There Is in It ! PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY You should devote some time to Music. and get the best service. Forth Pr ftT e eI in I ! Office and Stable, 32 Forest the roft T ere Is II t !Ave. Telephone 106. You should devote some time to ;Music. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy It rlves you Pleasure. It gives you Kaowledge and Recreatioa. [HE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK A Guitar, Mandolin or Banjo is the shortest route to the grieatest gain. Capital Start, $5,000. Surplus, $150,005. - - Ask About Them - - - - Resources, $1,i100,00. A1 O Ol,..J' Oranized atunder the General Eanhing Laws I\. t41 I ?.B f this State. Receives deposits, hays and NT %I ~A T f'.T ~ ~ fesals eschange an the principal cities of the ~ EV. ~ ,L ~ I United States. Drafts cashed upon proper 21 AND 23 EAST 'WA§HIN(!TON STPEET. Identification. Safety deposit hoses to rent. ________________________________________________ Orricaus: Christian Mach Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscoch, oro so~wrc~", w vc~~oaordCashirr: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. wlenIloz eeipt anya dd s r reino NAIOUN'AL BN gnie~r10j p pud 40 ur 01! ~ ZI~y ij~ ter pound, 40 ci.. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Protits, W40 ipnun iii 15PaFlian Transacis a general hunting basin .s. Street,ac1,a11 .orelgn exchange hought and sold. Furnish Only letters of credit. E. 1). INNE, Pres. IIARRISON FOULE, ~ ~o~dzS. W.iCLARcSON. CasiAer ! // _ and repariag at loweest prieu sconsistent with T A IL O R IN Ggood work. Goodu celIled for aid delivered. We seek to please. 10 S. State Sireet. Givr Refinement in clotlies-making runs up the cost oSf1)r0- Lowney's Chocolates. dtuction- -- -Clothes can he gotten anywhere at loss price- -- -If you are satisfied to wative the elegance Hot Lunches. of tnake which preserves it's elegance thro' hard handling - -- -You might as w-ell have the lower priced- -- TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. If not- -get ours- -they are cheapest. ________________ EENTS31-LS E!i, GoonSTREET. PHOTOCRA.PHXER T 15 SOUTH CDAINSTE . ANN ARBOR. MICH. U. OF M1. CALENDAR. I Stagg Explains It All. Oct. 22.-lbeei 21,.t-iiei-sity 11.ll. Professor Stagg e as d ic stalii- Meeting to r-e-urgaize llilstsoiiial iletregardiing tie allsegedlitf--at of Friday, Oct. 23. 8 1p. Il., Eligilli1-i-(icg o (e-n Mna. Ii lug Builsilog-Tie Mccal l'Trat- i says that tie:;ante was15playeti; thatiit meat 'of Ores. Pir. P10-i-. iwas slopdy a "practice"soa. sivrs Salturday, Oct. 24. Lafayette. ose priactice- ai that. -Noi tits.eswas Michiigan v. urue kept, Protfessor Siegsserts, all pill- Satutrdtay, (Oet. 24, 3p1. is..Atisletic attics fit fettls ertt susteed alnt .Field -All-Fresltass team vs. Detrcolt noic(,ateite Iitiasetiltlc wastt5iise High Schssol.Iof lthe advsancei-of its- till. UNIVERSITY NOTES. jAT TIlII GANIS OPERA HOUS.. Oblccin wo011fruiiitiitawI'iss-rity si4 DciiMcCarthy, the Iriesi comiedian,. Illino~is yi-eriday i toi 2. O tier anid his clev-et coiiipaniyswere seen fot- titus yeserdtay resultteil: Pennsyt- the first tint- iii'The Irish (ireeti v-aitia 14, Amhlerst 0;Pineton 45,lois-s trn."Tie lt ayl-stas swritten toy Mr. Me C atti- -ndIliealtlohes ale snt N'ii ila (5; Talt- IG, Wishlii ii t. I i-it~tsedsl ss iecinseil theti the The futneral st-csices of tosephtigrea-test Ifito01 by iote of the largest' Clat-k, supterinltsleet if telitiisc- (attdietices that ever enatereid the operaI shy lioslittat. sw-totdieu '1tiesday night h1ouse.cPewv seats stere sacait, toil of lithl-tttills) ftomtistrttoOiis- eer-boty-ei- joy edtheliiquick stit.,tileaisantsonigs it -0:1. rT- t ols stittlis-takeit atitiIrishiacltes. rue tiiece butbbles foniess-ille for buriial. ovir stithi fttnatnd affsordts the author At: t.meeting if lie sellists list titlesopote to displtay his st-lltknown-it class last st-ctk IL. I. Harwitas uel- t ility.-Ottas-l Free Press, October 3. eit presiudenit sof us-iass. Ansothier Theastiecattractioti stittbettic h le iset h stil it- lt-It i-it-)~ opoen)ihoisite-this ev-sing. mit g wibIedFia nriit tot-lk in Roomsott f liiilass- Wanteil-A re-liableti-atutuiiosok xf- ti-cfttu -uac. 21. batildting itoelist tetie u clnt iitg i-lass______________ ofirers. FIRENC :Th De, elass in C(tihs 1sti - - - st-i ill tiet Profsessioridelonst otiirist)-. P. of M.- Dining H-all.,(12 E. Litierty'ct23at8p.i. st. We aim to please; if not, please tel nosvwhy; if swe do, please tell your TO RENT--Otto parlar suite, very friends. $2.50 per week. 25 laryge furnace heat, ftghit and bath, A, fews- tore can be accomumodatedl at $2.50. 20 S. Ingalls at. for board at 83 E. Huron st. .11) Sitbscribe for lit-e Daily. PSThat have perfect combiustion and do net iL.1AMsmokeor smells The New Rochester, Thue Yale, The New Royal, The Perfec- tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Studetnt, all nickel plated, with latest improvements. We sell what sve ad- vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold. DEAN 8& COMPANY. 48o uth Main Street. LAWN'BOOKS! Buy all you cats afford for present and future use at our Lowest Prices!t We shall be here for a few days only..... .. .. .. Callaghan & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. At Schlcede's, 50 South State st. - CHAFING DISHES, TABLE KETTLES. Alhatidsome line stud Cheap. WM, ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. FREDERICK J. SCHLEEDE UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. Biads Soaks from 25 cents upswards. Sells Solid Gold Foutua Pess for $1.05, and 3 its of Lines taper f or 50 cents. 50 S. STATE ST. MUSIC STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. R. H. KEI APP Froam Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 22 S. DIVISION ST. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, Itsgenerallyconseded that a staiged in- strument is almosit as absolute necrssity. To secur tie greatrst rznjoymenit from tie purchase set thetbest your moneay willafford. Esper t;judgmcat eronounces the 'Bay Statec" instruments thietithtesi-ria. An escellent instrumenst is the BAYF STATE $10.00 WeT have in stork cleaper bsanjos Ithan this, tout for a substantial, servic- abhe instrument, ut a low price, no aother instrument maufactured can 1compare with it, Send for lliustrated catologue, JOHN C. HAYNES & CO.. 483-463 Washington Sireet. Mists. Subscribe for tile Daily. lr f