TIH UIVERSITY OF 3MiCHIAN DAILY, JIS .. KOILAUF CO, FieBlack Suits a specialty. 10E, Wishiagton St. Up Stairs. PHOTOGRAPHS ---Special rates to Seniors at J~rr yman' s Ri. Huron Street Bicycle Enameling!r v V. WE WANT TO VI "PAINT THE TOWN REF" WITH CRIMSON RIM SYRACUSE BICYCLES and offe5r for a few days a limited tnmber of '16 Syracnse Wheels at just HALF PRICE, AgmllkAM Arm mmmm s Any Hat in the House, except- KNOX and MILLER- Spring shapes and colors worth op to fonr dollars- comne qudck or aet left. GOOIDI=~zEDD'S The Inland Press DOES WORK WI TH Neatness and Dispatch Give them a rail. COR, HURON ST, AND FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Sarplas, $150,1005. Reaoarces, $1,100,000. Organizedi ander the GeneraliBanking Laws of tisis State. Rleceires depoaits, bays and sells exchasge on the principal cities of the United States. Draftscashed apes proper tdentifhcations. Safety deposit bases to rent. OFFICsRS: Christia Mach Pres.; W. 0. Harriman, Vice-Prs; Chas E. Wacoch, Cashier: . J.PestzAsssatCashier, FIRST NATO SAL BANK~gU z rbo Capit_ _a sievee. c__rplasadPel, 551,000- r~ i Plaits or Marbelized. Any color or Caia,80,W uplsadPeis ,0 style. All work gusaranateed. . ~Transacts a general bathing businsess, 3)I0 N'FA R 0 g oeg xhnebuh n od uns letters of credit. _A.. A. N'PL-Q0 NI. 1ISPittsbarc stogiefor-.-------25 crate 6Dorg itead Cigars farr--------- 25 crate E. D. iKINNE,Prets. tiARRiISON SOULS, ii La Prioress Stogies toe------- 25cens'6 Prodigy Cigars toe-. ..---------25 rears Vice Pres 'With'ITuCcker & Co. 18 N. Fenuils ave it Pleat National Stogies toe----- .cets 6 Paradise Cicero toe- --__________25cn s S. W. CLARIKSONCashier 6 YnVa-sireStogies toe ---------2> crate 5 La Oioeo Cigars frlee --------25 rests 11 AlfonsoCigasrsfor-------------5 cents diHarey Clays tor---- ------25 crate -f3.Gur~I if ,y, i y Star Cig-arsfor------------- 2a cete4 OwlBocquets for -------------.rcents fT 2~TM h- - #3a R iJ 1AN R- T JE lFB 6 Record steakerstsg---fee -----25 rests s Ryal OBanrs for---------25 cents 3Bruswsich Cigars for------------------25 ensoCor,-Atain aid nuronS trte , n RAM SODA DE .AN ' s AN-Y. Captal ene. Surtplus urine Transact 44 South MinSretjRiaMrYS, C.______E,_Vleres GS. lsoE. II. BOrSERsCashier. Strawberries IS UNIVERSITY NOTES. Intersoholastic Lawn Tennis, ii, ax- and Ice Cream ' P. Chicago Weely) F. J. Sclileede, A - lTlt ChIorai lioit itnt'wsill like ~~ 2SSAESRE Fruit YIces. T 'iii'' nl the rOin's (lyiaisiil11 2iill0 oe lctisli S . TsiirATEoTRTi 11 orB T, (Si-1y, .mar . It is nelo it'enooks Brued 2i renies rod usarsd. ___ ________ Iiiiil. but their osefulness iis stois i-e' a _U. of Mt Scensi odPrfessors 3,'lbs. Lin- ho i(~~ir i llssoaftaor. Allsoit )expect to ati elt enPaper for 50 'eats. Ca,1 IR dWS1GO T pe o dut ens bd lvr Note nooks5Icietroad upswardis, :lT.- hishouli givt- their tiones to Prof. 0___de_______________________ tutu ai ott-i'. ;i.it i he propericc .1111 illi, the lii' Lon ey's Chocolates. Ao ta o c.si- tnilar c holts 111d1it Ois fori taii LetaEWMETui Thletat. hi sat thi l th ur a s~t o- s- ceite-sais evil t ii Hot Lunches. S TVDENT'S RRD j 0io'i,t5 i tyitit itCli All i i s t-at ,siitiii i slt t rero cally eoceloilitha t stisged in- IFirlitbyi, c-orteof 03 toi 2. Ballet mVY 1m81148 ~State r} ,t,iieiti l mtii t iasi tetinecessity. Tr ii'dit.11lI iii ii a 01Vess r's 1,1. I0i li . ~ ~ ~ 55i5'the grat as.l renoymenottrse tie lilt -iiag tic the Betai 'Ila 1zi ''(' :ll a tile 'cli ti-i-i'- u togt. s - crd01 sWralmlaa t a nuactre e d csta-n E t f s~ is gctfnbl altt , ro t Ie t tp sa tssn taig $0 saatSyit -for t. ttA.tlittL tal as tt.-s- t hlti)1t i rlt it I'' i-oti- Ailsypotesteats SsI las. t'li't2 1 E? iii I 'tlllalE iln IIt 1ta ttl, h n p o t e t -h ssd;. ITr YEsi rgt&. Col-ells-Ost-liedtilcrs 1111< tti tlhi 0 itltrt i"t ________________________________ t-:1-463 TWasittn liS.te tatest~c. ita itic st-ect h-leb en r elot 't t Op ostetnyBis-d g $3.La ufcentdleay s hi-i1%sit -atiit 11001' St it itt tittL0ne of GW Piteto A ll alit tltl alet ic" liilrlle ll; sth elit(,it tfaatitri' t i orht enu1".i rtsdr4 adseatal1ers.get oat hilrl lnt'hdomestictatigiars.tL to heayiartited y Coiuata, Sare terCo.' E;. (1' s;Inq a~r buringtarong Up t('( th hou e lrtrstziy tylt ly a1 -R. ionailtki fs S Stte tttli\iil orbeeracloe i-lail.nsla Sit--: r Chocolate vd aLaHr aCars.an 't~i ti Of' tcr ha'9latoe;l.B t a h t it ' -1 5 ttcaii15 ota - ~ t R l J -.Y & is-i' I altiat ticd tthosthai' att-ho r- di ne o e i -- , hit' til ortittthou lit, toitta alit- sothatthe_ bl___s_ filiala__ I it forl'ttsa'ats anitilliam--anWtinelstill' D li l~'tt poooa ul ti('itschtil is - lttahi~ybtil t'i ic iat Cht clatenn, raelng rgDrs At.tGI' it i 1att btsoi "lilnt0' it-ci hwSi t Cases / ., J g., Teun' ,B, Etc 0 ., I / All i'~i tltte tti ' lli tc t h ltaaiitt lt h ey sa- f oll c- h ii 'a tlld isotast-ll t i s t)',20i S. t ate t.,Sag rB ock oxiateliS t ebadiet't'rsiat ithutua l tiat dto ttatiig t iLt illatahi "t-atlto fc tcoiartitsta ittih t'' _______________________________o_______ALARGELINEOF - -- - ii -a-tf-ha--,aiiric'uit Calals.sesMAInksT . , t. airtal atitt'ttlte otahc atFULLno h pr'" ircelt R T IX O 'toAp l(ists afotr thistric t o aittl lt io t tillsreferenae oat sASash s P ees oe ati-e t5