mob ATURDAY, MAY 29, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 182. ANN ARBOR, MICIGAN, S - -- i 1 canPROPQIER SI RIT SHOWN. mass meeting. Thlonas -and Lutm -IL )'aLwh promsised that their respec'tii'e LatNgt'F asMetn nlearnS would put up the fight of their Reeiedaful in f ovl-s lives and the smeeting closed with the Ies for Spig S is EtLsaicSces rio determiination in every studentsc sosIl to stand hy the teams that tight and Trouserings "'Tie massusceting is susie of a'rtseeloanBu. s'tinsever." sures wats th1e __________ ctiisai.r emuark last iiight. iTis Entries in Today's Track Meet. , AIN Uti~tvasa sene f ltlune tilien Ttie fsllswin.g are tie teaums that; N!. 2 E WS 'ISTNSTofE tMIN. 1 tisossiand us sne cast any osre Sl aslea eri oly NO. :1(01111l~~i p ii tet i liga is to htiindit i ll euea erottdy pt i(,~isi" s st tofhisteams, victorisius or IttAN SCIGARS TO BURN~S d ts t itd I'iscEtissisitenderedtsosse sit'10)1) andst221) yards stsrins-Thoscas, arid good on es too. We '1it behisltio'ans, lirscticed issrets- 1 t,