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May 28, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-28

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JOS W., I OLLAF CO, You an A MA.,NDOLIN,The Inland Press
TAIL RS.A IBANJO, Neatness and Dispatch
:Fin Blck its spciaty.Give them a call.
10 . Wasing-tona St Up Stairs. for less money than anywhere in the Uiited States TEANABRSVNSBN
The Mans in the Moon Before Cotutmencem-ent. Capital Stack, Sas0e. supus, $150,00.
may not re thirReabatceshe wer1 hewoul
eaetieliC, aliihewerehe . oldJust the thing, for vaaion. Oraized ande the Geeral BaakingLaws
.a Yls I. of this State. ieeiea depsit, bayssand
Pake's ( 'jc' 7L C ., 1 1ND752.1 FAST ells echage n he eelielipal citia f the
A 1USiCIdeticati. Safety deposit hases to rent,
aed cgeti ce Ce ton iSor somcoof cis Y UaM OK aeimaa, Dee-tes, ChaosF. Hiscock,
otheSoft;siDri tCasheeB 1 . FriSttz AssitatCashie
Ps n~a t s 1ud i eccy 1.110ae it Fut, rnsadPlic otSA
. ______20________ Pitsburg stogies foe . 10____ 25Cel talogilead i aco foe-_.---025 reas FIRST NATONAL BANK of Ans Aber
16 La 1: iscess Stoies foe _-. .-25 CentC, Prodigy Cigas fo - -__..... 5 ces (pto Ge0,0.0 SrlusadY cO oi4ed 4Iil
,_ .ist N:o tioalStories foe - I__laCets bOardeoli.. gaes foe -------- .5 cnTasasaH. SelsadfctSS
tia1Y ala in S Sto es foe. ..-------- 5cents 5ITa Dioso Cigars foe--.. . . - ea-----ee25acenchacee haghta and. igold. Frnish.
11 AlfosooCigors for-.. . .-------25cesato 0iley Clay... . . . .o-- ------25cots tttes of credit.
TEOPD SLJEWELER, 0 Sloe C:iaecfoe -....---------5censo4dOwlBoqets for _-.._---.25 ceso E.. FiNNES Pes. ARRISON SOL,
6 iRecord Brekes foe. . 25 rots 0aloyit Rannero foe. ..-- .--------2cent Vice tesonfunhyo wihifii.c s outn,;B nwckCgrfr25etstsSW.LA KO .ahe.
--GIVfE RD A CALL,.]::)BAN & CO WI FPAN Y. 12I IkIit~l .T
ey1p_>.,44 South Main Street. tj.S lUT$asouso4
Trucker & 0.o School of Music Recitals. omsm-iteesMot in Now York. Cr. Blatonadtinuron Stee
A NO tapial °s1000., Srpuss$,1,00. Tansact
B6 IGYCLE LIVENY ANOJ SALESROOM Iil li t tl and pupttiils of lilt SciolofiIO. Scott is-os cc for Nosw-lol ilt eoeol big buinss.
R P. K Is ests . IC E.Gsa ee t Vietes
18 North. Fourth. Ave. f Ioisic- a1e btusy 1051111ig fo lhe o td til 5icso -mendils iisl t iicelito of Siloei IT, ESEtasCoiee.
We carry a futliliue of u~p-to-date c o C onc- t -eI t is d si l, 1f ti Iliiijtlil tisc iltPlls isis l Ie
B;icycle Sudiries andiiparls to nl sN 511r(gle. 1 NOlsitsifclty - cines-ifittiii toenlt.. in ;ii -itili f s F. J. c le e,
'wheels.,nes-t ea1 iison il tkepc e I '1111 st:, stsi ine lts e li'css,niiilli, eetiposs I20 S. STATE STREET
Also Repair Wheels at lving- prices -.lane '3. (it :5ic- eitl lvi. ittltolitt le tlegs . Sells s Solid Vld0 utenPnat SI0
Give us a call if itt ieed ofiany tin tig ilslotysci i I.silist sof ths le ilitlirs sgull iss,, al)iltoy --iistsh 11 tit :31st sit 7of10. Seces isl Pofe sos No t.in ~-
in Our line. _s-a Paiefoe 5S seas.
of___________ sthiis yr-1tic gaduai1111elii tti~ttilgcasan 1e T sit-o 15 sncill hd ssss ion Note Boos 5 ceitstaltO psacs.
I N TIHE EQ291P'fA UT OF A :isstIltI r01. ittIs lt itt 1 i it1 Lowney's Chocolates.
51 ROOM, lissor i ocst ic , it-i ne11514. i.ol itt of tNess 5Y fft 1 ,1 - t15 I
S TUDENT'S 10 M iss'.. Its lii Veitore, atire, Jl ttl -illConsicieeeviitiiss qcatiui..ecla,- Hot Lunches.
Itristgnt-rillsaicottCdeat f itttat t r dinsO t -.,t T 7 lii ity It-isti iiissrt
se e the getes UilossetiC Masrysel1-selsitrsou, iiristli11
is o'ls eartejyan fot.tl r irItas let Ote ltc.t ci- ci neyicy lii -uc si. :tst8,4:0, p1. Ii. Ph utTTTinLa usls wl e ' ° eS 48 S tate f3St.
esitt tionl ott ttttiinu te le fily
Stag sllite i ta tO th finsi n t o rldtt d1li. I-ei ii allt 0ltiiiticlitut-,. aoidte Ills s t ii o lt t lie I or I
AcietitlsttsettlicJl . .lisl lt .115' t be 'read andtii stsNOTI0 CIE TI
BA A TE sio.oo Iris..1.111. e It. SAils. Ii,til~t, lint c. e.tiiitlV shooticTflie t. We can now supply yon with
B~~t sill, asit F
Bt0 -. 0 is..'ii1-iIltehilititI. i:;c 4e sit -itf liii t th rill t of itaRAENTYPN
.N J 5 11slili st:.-i iti st It.i1 . 1:11 II nCltarki, :1 ielofosliiei itles See orrlhne of sanples.
ar lcu i a lt. (rft, so vis a 1-1: a 5:llutitcIt, Isisilii t ofi tits ot tllit Ntit:Hts1 l- . - WM n l ARNOLOD LEADING JEWELER.
isena :o: illuSitIlrateci1ilr. .11111 -1 sststeUNIVERSITY SCHOOL
JOAN Ct . iiAYN '& 03Ct)., , t 1r-(t 5115.Isp h. i- biltsiei tl sttol irs--s. sis trlti ttit. iOF DAN I NGu~,t~
arasa5us is-ta t-- t-s;n :ss 1c I.tsittti lr110co,:inii !-sse 1 1 d- cs-is site iLa 3 idliss $300IRni a ty 1tt
111 cf n4 SIIAVINGsPA tii t.r msas i ,1:- 01 .s Itig 1t lri will t lsss e i;i(t s it. . :1 It - i- :ttfetii til 1 stay two::Clses Glfi,
ljam lltwn,: 6 c titaitui11i ule15siio a pd io ic 11 th: 1t ti ori i cely 111oin t 1 127 Thompson Street.
-- .iIt T-:iaasasl1:. 1::--.eol Ds--scrtcoegniaton si- ii i slt i i s ciilis-Organization,_______________
.1ItllDat-li1thit5 1.I iiStc t~StN i~I Jost Received aoLare eadO Picat
I slisit-:siielissiiIs'oAIStI . LI3flO of New Pipes 1
tI !sty txic--tiis_-cselili isa moll tides' n l ot,11andtiolGd Lunces at all hous.aAents
I-i: s pi'lii- stilili-thi,-sc,-Iltl irs-,iiit foe lylee sand hiliaso ss eos Co's
asit i el p-lb - ts;:til-ts Chrisin ssi 0- htocolte ioontis
Noa waiing for Glamia and Hartford X1\t-tor, it iel -ii(i. . utiii ti :I: stro c st acgF.]E.JOLLY & CO/y.
bicycles. No delay ad caaseqent annoy- 115 ltsa tOtll15. 1. Vtki rts-ro It itI l O: l or i C S t slip t i- 1lS.Sat S.,Ssoe lak
licte. All sodelsanod patensnow ready :2.01 S.ip,1State St., hSager Block.1t~c 1: uc ul li
lor iomediate dliery. 1897 u .1.B dteatrr or~lad eului tde .C i
Tho -t1ilt ili lit t ui lit-lit i - usg- s- inill fc~stst ii s ti0 tle -51it!'::iO, A LARIGE LINE QF
ce or ths esa, ut ti - sceve sol hntiiihide l1100e; t oito 1-1Vaises, Travling Bags, Dres
Littuc o r nn n llt e i ~iIil- i: i t SuitCass, Trunks, Ete., Etc.,
______ isd t. .tsl c o i tl i ceislcslst aV.Pof
STANDARD OF THE WORLD , 10Sf Scut oteIocip, at ladieslits iiiand1t}-H .1. Cooile. .An.fton l.rIeUfe,
f -StlsN N3T,
re made exclasively of S pee tent Nickel hStI ii l ii11111 on ct..e. Iibl rc ore 511e-i tt .1 loiw ile, -No.16 Rei-it-S. A
SeelhTub~ing, theentire pro- fllTO ALL .sitid.G . Metel,a110S. Thatye t i lonstyllitcrliin Ic tlicnlcl1- FTULLER dl&TTITaSO
dat o whih n-a conrl.$100uALIKE. ebciefeteDipll.Air.sRxi~ i' h.1~VL
Subscriefor_ hA Smelt, lIn.Peters, bar.40aekoety
Hasrtford Bicycles are at prices A___Sla tsisPrsce s o sii
within reach f everyene. " tm ewl
~Ccislogeesefo y$60.Coua$ 5$5"AP n y re PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CETS
v asees ftainua fo on a-asntt is a Penny Earned." CLEANING AND REPAIRING.
- lt:. -- . . - ,., 115 2 . Stole, 0.. Over tioieys iBilad Roasts
POEMG O SOFT SHIRTS in w, ains weather,
artford, Conn. el Whee theu best syles are to e
Grae icylNatoyrudwoitrsto.Orlu L nhwrdMoe-tan a -of 4 sENeglige-o Shite lea ds for style S n r .q;
x7 crs of Floor Sace. ' . and Price,
Brnc h/e SUele $JPSIER UNJ DERWEAgR, 101el sT ay pesnan te resed Itshumo emat-
naloostosser y tyad _dd-vocespnlFrnclarsis hoe 01oaes anal si,se till sed free,
dido valesinFrnc Ialairigansupoaplicatina scspg of tlaeALLI-
/ / -osnd Jersey Rihhed for Sooc. uE', ue organ of tuis Society. Io adsi-
d' 1Ltn to Its istenely ieesting readig, It
Thes garoesas or beatifuly coPtafis oevaluabe asd nsaa peesa-
ABER C.,A L IS, finished acd are durale. anss Iven y the paper. Addess
21 S MAI ST WAOER OI 2 8,MainSt1-d11 United Charitiea Building, Ee Yrk

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