Aft, I. 1 F 1 F VOL. VII. No. 181. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAX 28, 1897. FouR. PAaES-3 CENTS. W IL ALL. ABOARD FOR DETROIT! and ifMIesf hip canoses Ii-uino IL_______futhetbr trouble, the ihurdles alsc will iArrani; emenlts for the Bid Game QW0hltr11Mcin'sie Rec~lve a til lie o Tgo etoIntie bicicleraces Rachtelle, of Ciii- Reevdafl ieo oe, and Track Meet Completed. a. a h ties for Spring Suits _____ Is t ite g acct reputatiosi, ,bti Mlicii -t has a trio of worthy r--pr"- and Trouserings tonit ti-n at itand 11. . 7. (1cc01tsstitaluhd-ne ad ot1 ar l imte, te trains wvi1ll u ott for" Detrit. Arrngenens hae bc i ,v wao Ire 'slt ahle-to oak'- very tos' Dtt i~c't At rmad gelts v ery hgpe-t ie h oevul steol il I ~t~ intttetti-t c' eryctity I 1the 1' is lred ci altotly tiet-i NO. 2 E. WASHIINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. i,(t o Itt, ost smtoothtly. Thte a t t ttI i l'cd irtteo e 1 ttat 1.:to0 Detroit litte, andrt l ie J fo II terschtteie 5;iPee record tt'trttetittg4,%,' ' l eaves llo llitl out tt tttfi vbepint's G GARSTO BURN.#'' 11 110ii tiit o11 O tihe hlrttint, 0as t te 0 55 11wil otoittChic ot. and good ones tolo. We uil1 l11ely aliow itle't10 c1- h 1irod-11 nc hm carry all te leatding poptt- u torl c nat ht' cli stteil by. t ar brandts and cant salt 0.1111 to. fTh . 11111 it r t;lt first y u tat. Cigarettes at l 1.11tin wl o eIt itt l tdiarceiltill to ilcil i c '(, Nvhsiu i le t i g10'h jttp atti Po a te'. P AR aYnd l i cie slt tstoi lt.' c1 '_'lil t still i d for t' ait rt'ty!Vot To 6ac .ostATo . "1 t. sitelita-w tote i'ndln'lllilo 111,th 'it It'l11 Iil' tttu..s s-l - - - -, e. .B.Iitc s ttttcitt I.i i',.nse111-ialet1 " u , 0 A T T tI cstlssssAttMACY.H it.,ic'-lrt t Mtctbidt f otettrelyi' i i B lLIliii'i50 ttt til ocenrc 46S T TES .1 ' n t'haves oil caIn is :a - t 1 2-tat'it i' lt ' cty liI 01 will it 101' lltt'111i11q, to 1 11110i ' I th i is eve t sssecure.:tt I t -w ,O v tttve~~allia thatt at siatil 1 ;.n11sh0.111d tct, 1111tcci' such sh~s, blss to w al' lietti. ,11oIt stslilsitt' '111111 irstiyw ill l t' 1 ii tc t1 Itr t' lt'cos 111 INTER-CLASS SERIES. '98 Law Defeats '98 Lit in a Six Inning Game. 'The se'cond of te inter-class gameso 'soas tplayetd at thse Atitletic Field yea- terd-ty aftetrnoont, '98 L, ant '9)8 being lhe pi inilpals. The formter t".ttttonl, the scole statt-tittg 10 to S. 01.11' six 3innuings twcre tplaycit, beclltle oi hav- intg to tturn over stecdiamontd to the tatrsity teamo for the regutlatrIliac- lice,.fBoutthitteiers wo-rcte tctedup to lioely fashsison, '0)SLgec'ittg t11thits 1and1 'h8 12, Itt strikie outs each, has six, Wheeler, for i'98fL, -000 the I teadie'r, not fgiit.g,t a.bseott balts, ' wile Lazceabct has Itree against h~im.i Thie Lawts camoe to bat tict and tile lfirsttosoe nsoent to base'stotl balls. pa tssetd ball auct wilci llpithscored onec and 'Thclntiocn's htit scored an- othter. Twso m10oo-cwre attttint tthe secondona.t'base ottbltls, ta stolen basse, a saocrticee anal hits byi Clark 1001 ' Mack, Tomollre catte in lithetirt 110 htlto hb- Wheeler, -tireeuloIctantIa 't l'li50psn.It hetcfourthtwo100011101 soc weetrecotrded, a triple Pby1Hi1l, tFox's W . tiJ. FA ..I LL iiicttetif te st~asis. 'tithigtin 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. i1 m iehr 1l01st. 't nt t nt p'i- ___________________________old-time____riva1 ltin isiidetermtintecd to 1No Bicycle is Complete Withouit a Wve Pave Camnetas thait ar0 spec ily adttped tot btcyc 51 11S her Stciilli t trs1)11(t utIll'v 11,1it cby Im-toll,tNil occtpy t1e1'busx. t ck Intlin t'efil-ittti,'tl treget ite11that-sir ts-orct tile wIt'll.~l ()f till'fttr'ttost in wsesters) track 11111 lii -1111 1tea1. 'tl"blitctof tihe ofd1 il- i' lii's111 1111 II lt~~it I s'-baggrcandtcsingless by-«"hisecec Pros. Angell in Washington. atnd 'Thompison itintg tite volk. IPu 'fh fllwin te ilfthth iey- oent oult to order, bht apparsin he k,-the sixit broutght te usual to i ritt tree tress1unde1r tate of 1Mlay 221' ccci a, a twcs bagger by Wiheeler, tti't'byhiMack being- tile catleec. Ikey Jamtes 13, Angell las arrivect hi-c Tltt' 'a8scortartd it out tpcorly, net 15 ltoea cllfrell-e vitt Ite resi tainga esrc thtefitrst tihree itte'- Pltntud lt'esecretary of state 11cc- Iosttti t otttla-ti N-olts to starling for Ills list at Cott- I rtt 11 o tekadooc 1r1m15andtt again ll the1f1st h DM itree c-sri'.1The' sixth owas a blankt.i Itlsell, lte first loan upi lte fblot tofitrtet 10 tllorloti ofce-ti"hiltt ilts right field fior tree tslss, ltsrtat $5.00 to $'25,.0. P$.00 "1i~..,t ste tback, aninaneIlittly 11101ttitof osill get a good 011e. Ask 10 oehet iseot-Ib tg a~c Wiehv endeeoe0y8a 0 0 : 0 - x ivted1his pelrsonaltl attention to thec 0 1 II 1111 lean t.Tere are os-c-cl coe.t' CALKINS' PHARMACY, 101hi1h Nvil be' especily close. Chi -AT- proass of Smitth, te ttile runnter, WAHR'S BOft0K STORE sathe fresMihian orn r Just received another lot of that fine U. of M. Monogrami cci tlel'tt of svictotry for htittt Thte pusintis ttlso will hoelc't':, ii'l'10 lit ite tattectedisplatcels tt th t have I asot-ti bftwe eonte tti'artmtlf~t ande olIlt relpresettivesinTt urklcey-. 'lle necws minitostter suited It't tie1 t-ittldt 1111 sill'exactIly 01ll a )Ic wottlid start for Constantlinoptle, buttetxpected to sail at to istatdte, ThtelItest actsit-cs'frottt'l'trkt'y itndicate ltlat till sutltan itstmaifiesting a disptoitiont to mteet teviesss of thtis governmtent in a trittltttmore stttisfatctory lmanntter thsati heretottore, and IIit qtcte trob- ale tat by Ite stole tit.,Angell rt-achsesltis 110sftihe osill tindst oany of thtt emtbarrassmients wvhicht madte te selection ot an expnrit'nced diplomt 0o necessary, entirely removed. Senior Class Announcement. ilsoibs ltof Ite senior clttss wooldisi- sire 11n0e thatt te rigtularnutmber of eight invitasttins -forcommttteneetmett, -tn st-dec extraitllviloulloos it ten ces't apoieitce of any niemaber of2fts' invitationt c6ttstitlee or by dtroping as card to the eitait'tuan, Herbert ill. licha, 20 S. University eve. bust ove-e'ran Itirdi tand oA15as I-tot1. Mee strusck ostt, PRiter sin-iesl tid Petit sWent Oatfrosts Iitcereto first. It thte secatisi IeeandtilCoolidtge -trutek otoustCittaukin senti out at. first ott at grouttnder tIsotf ieetc stasrtetdte fout i-~thasl idge, . tOti so estouti fromstthirdi to firat, Coolirdge 0was0lit hb- sa iitcedesbatll, Cat olkilts tit for twvo Pates, tLatefltlvsngled, as lid Itider. andttlee1cmatdtes'a iostt1e rttn. (tattlkin s -a s causght at Ite platic as- P's-it so-ct outt ott a fly' to Itird., Five rtuns resuterd. ThetehIree 1runs lt intte fifthltswere tiatte on thigh !-s h-by ttt Coolidge, Carilkinb and aussei. PFor '958 L Titotpson ssttg-ltaa fiat gamte, andthe l entoic' teatti h ckath himt 1115oell. Clark its left fldtitmtde x, pserfecftfitrosw to lte tomteiplate, es-aig a score. tiussell for '95 mtadle (Continued an Tb1iry Page,) Campus mass meeting in front of Gym tonight. Papor, the popular shades hits suvt stielt rensttkablo itttlrcve-l Blue and White; also a Nosy metisthlsiatiohing leslts thi sscsos Stock of the Variotis High ss lal lie itlelt1win frotti licitsattan Grade Correspondence Paper. Ths'estuarter saile isntto stre for Visiting Ctrds Enrtved. atid Mlts5 gnsot it appleared betoro Cap- Plate Pr inting. titn I-Ic rd's injury. Even unosw past reccortdssdo tnttdettand any coocro- WAHR'S BOOK ST1ORE Nion -to Citicago. Chticago appearsitot havaslilght advantage in tim' hall Up Town Down Towns ln.I h ie akTynsol s. Sate at. Opposite Court Htouse t l nte ul vi Tynosot Ass Arbor Mat's (Ib% mote thtan equoal to thte occasion, r.