THE UNIVERSITY OF M1IHIGAN DAILY. 'le Coast Line to MACKINAC '- TAKE THE-' MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Grneatet Pefection yet attained in Bet Cntuction-Lo r-eee PGqapmeet, Artisltc Frnishing, Decn-tin and Efic- intSevie,isuingtfie higlttdegref C.OMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FUR TRIPE WEK BETWEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, 'THE DO," MARQUETTE LOW tRATS tPicturesqe Mcina and Retrn, inctudiggmeles ad Bets. Fom, Cetand, $S; nrom Tled, $S; frm Deroi-et, $3.5o. DAY AND NIDHT SERVICE. Bentween Detroit and Cleveland Cnnectiting5 at C-lanR~d with Eartlies -'ris for al pitsl stt' S uthi.t ,,,sd Stht- westittattetrotit for alpoitsteNrthsand SIday rips tane, July. August and Sept. Only EVERY DAY BETWEEN GfeVeland,Put=inBay,Toledo OSed forIlltrtlate lPamphe. Ad Iss. A. A. SCHANTZ, a. P. ..DET~RIMICH. felu Dm11& Cevtlat Slaqu ay. fo. JOHHGAN GENT L Tiete Table (Reied) Feb. 7, 197. EAS. - WEST. Mall Rd ER-ii 5S 7, N. Y. Spcil----..7S31 N. Y. Speial.-- 4 i8 Mall -H______84 EaseRCRRER- US- 10T N. S. Limited...9S2S Alantc Es-__7 55 Paeilc Es.. __12 1 D,.N.Exre5VRR-'55S WReRrna-__15 0. . RIpUress.511550 hi.lNt. Es-S 1 GR Ex- SD---55 . W. REuoLES, . X. HAYES, G. P. & T. AeR.. CUUSo. Ag. Ace Asbn RAILROAD. Time Tabte, Sundtey, May 23, tR97- NOaTH. IOTILS 8 43 a. m. :9 I. '18:15 a . , 1:2:, a. m 4:50 p. et 8:4p. m . 9:11 a. ISt I$;5:PV.t a'~R u eenAete Aboaoed IoS any V~ias betwten e TUldanaed Hel. -oLTit ran Sudy oly. All te tatils dill except Sunaty. E. . GLM1R, Aget W. SI BENNETT 0. P. A. Tleda 0. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Wholesale Cigars. tobaccos Ran( Cigarettes. Cor. Main and Liberty St, THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE GITY S_ W. Burchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. aLadies Tailoring Annex INTERCOL.LEGAT BUREAU FOR C eaF Ops, Gowns ne r' loods. COTRELL & LEONARD Atbny N,V. V. MIUOCEE,yPMlinager. 44E. William S Shakespearean Enterbain-ment. A Shakespeare entertaintsentivill. be giv'en itn Uiversity Sall, Friday n f' o evelilsg, of a nlU-sel antd ittletest igC a ' character. M k Dr. Mosher conceivedt the idea sttmet tieago ii looking ovethe rate' a volseises of Shahettpetre itt the libr-ry, of htaving he eigrav nips cotlnottt- mit tese oldl book ts ldtgr.1511t-tltin _-t-S o he usetSd a stre tiille--is tl.elC}' a W ti e P1 m~ie fro is lTis itlet, st-iis l it-le 5and of Ste. ct- C ows TrO, nora good uoarhis ben < rriclout CycI boos r Castings. ttle, ItthSe es ulit tt t o tti soil- T nowts-rettdy forteiitionl.s51 Sntt.- O o' tarogt ottlt:a ltll tltfl -tnd atol ly i t- 1 S te irt e ditoseoitttt- N ut i.. 5'r Un-atti,' ss feti stSt i s .--tt ~ m i o, j R-s_" it11 e t-ttstiiit i tl(f i ii. t '- C i . ~i Suint-hti e s-llie-tl it t -il o i t'I i - S 'tii' S ilc r ".e lle.I S ttttL g il tti lilva iu tclonis li-it tls. oof. oedn Lay I toi Ibotlillii tnete ~i t a s scI I I ..t IS Et~ W ~ 'S -' -' - - S ig'Ug .2Pl7i Ar hee n tig S hefColesf i,. - c~~ ~ t t.Idlil t -lrsettii-U eS stsC nrs IetI ts sio Denl 1n1 nitillirsadtthe te11:00htelitl i-tsey h-g-t. I .rtte.. i 10oW 'iclt St-I tI-SUN . FG.t' CO,. r iAtonIfitlite Isw ea n wit tlsistiI ilt t lit Is t> - es--s Y lc1 1.: tat 1:t Q Ith hs teitsrU ft s- t .ittltIsei, ~ S-t-i'i :1, e:w liYo :5)k t Ltsl. ls s' Ft st re rtlteli. ise t' litIl sort e c gio.tsl bisti Art°g i 11111alotI-7(.1 j '1C11 O M X 8 Tl Evtitegy- se of 51.;a.d lovh terl ti ksit GALEtici UA'.-A.isuelss S PLIS.R IIV Y twaSeithtetd li-ethelStel -sits hieiy lists 1010 tal es et Gre n hS strs' le loet-ili t for S ite ilTlennEis Met'g R ' oe I P7TtB. ls tss. t SiieC 2ca; t A ul a . u; t ec ~ l y I.Asg o th C olle ge s , tt l lgl S ast te s f S asthra , 1c 9 - olt 10 lk i -o Leaeslt o r e s'd s stee , Ills- St i ph Iesst s 1111 Ctsste sUl-es Rpitt 1,:Golf10,S-i0-e . 40o 111a 0 aie In .Onilt (i~s'ld )