THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Coiege ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrPsc: Times buiding, 7i S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and Wiiiamu St. i ANAGING EDTORF - J. F. TOMAS, 7. AST MSANAGING EDITOR E. L. GEISsaEs, 'lb L. ATHLETIC EDITOR ii. B. SKILLMAN, 'lb L. BUSINESS MIANAER EDITORS F. S. SiMeSa, '8 -. A. 0AMruest, '1. F. A. Fsiem '8 E. A. tlAsssnttLt,'O. G. D). DrUoMrr,'I. T. R. WODeROtW'8. BUTLEtRnLAtt, 'I. G. 1)..iJeaNNGsa'bali The subsciptin price of te Daily is Q20 fee the college year, with a eglar deivery bfore nooen each day. Nties, cmauieca- iens, and ter matter intended Cr publica- tien must be handed in at tetDaily rfifer Ie- foe 8 p. s., or masiled en the editr before I p. i., of te day preouas to tabt n wiche they are epetd eo appear. taubseriptians may be left at The Daily Diie,. leyrra or Stleta Nestand or with lBsinetss Manager,.Suberbers will ee-' ier a fav-r by reporting prampty at thia office any failrt of ariers ta deliver paper. Anothieratihllei mass mtieeitig will be held Friday sight, a las lartie beinig laidto Imtake it ftill f e tisisi at. If te weather 1pemit i will be held coi liale gytuiiio teps itl, oliserwico' i lst'eold ciatiel. A ic- sueoiof th(le thltlicieaesooni il itt givens, .littthe prsetstofwtnig ,Stitrday-will le tilkt'ttitser. Tie tratmiis going in wit toeieOf ioig, lied the sttdets will itt' askdto aI iti thitiibIy aolarge tt tenne titSt't'Itt tsdy. Sieechesa will be tmadce by 'Wtiito. Pic hti, Shitels atithellr. The Univeetity cmpustt ita socever ilecellt ci Such at ine aiiilertiwii s toit does hilasprig. Teflowser brstid slirtilsLadome to the beaty, but te greatost'tipitoveetis1dietle 1 theiragdocig aud the fhe erndition tof the gras. A fore of nie is cuisttt- il' ket t awaork oc thelic'reids, anti tt' stuetslsshoultdotithir pat tt l ike-citllietiiloking taeli.-ohiiti leoks so batd as to see the grouittlo- cuiit u istilspatitsicortnloed withll sinali fencitg, andtie (tudetntus a this time of the yer epcaitly lre etiged to keels on the talaks, and keep tie' ctampus as free fresmhear'things as posible. Needs Financial Aid. An appeal ha reently beii issued by the Aiserican Sehesi of Casirtl Studieo at Ates urging nl who hiae at iect the bet itrests of higher educatioD iD Ameriea red who aih to see the American School s firmly establishied as those of other natios, to contribute tward its edwiiint find. The appeal states that the' Ger- end French seisols at Athens eaich receive from their respective governmets about twier the amount at present at' the disposal of the Amer lean Sehiol. In rder properly isotc- complisit its Prpse.the latter shold have an endowment fund of at least $175000 sous te ensure a fixed annal income of not lss than $7,000, wii ia the sums ucessry Isouetits run- ning expenses, At present moe than tswo-thirds of the schorl's inome is dentved from" the voluntary conribu- tions of the supporting coleges. These eolleges aerbo5ud iby us pledges and for the mosto part colet the amunt anially contributed by teim, from teir aluni These onrbuions cannot e cunted upou definitely or (ertainly,Soloug as th spport of the sthool depetds upoi aiiul con- tributisiss,ftrn difficuli to eslleet, its future nmut reimain insecure ad it sill _be seriously bhamperedh in the groat eduscaial aok iiclo it is conducting,tRealizing (thtte nr lmean Shasi attAthenslis alaretdy tionisiuch for higher edctilo i tis cesnttny, sitd rcogniig teim-(oo ilortlinee (o eclasstiatlitudy f ito eon- ttinuace, it isatouisgiht ttittoter tie tttiiy inerested in (ttie dtuectet tf learilg as-ts uill te' willinig-t ci- tribotetowI~arci ainei-tthis entrprae of Atoericton euitionition te sotinder inatii liibtaso isttn it is at prs(nt. Snit'(s foudation in 1880 lteite.-c i-toilShtool las ac'omisheialcd to ti-iIit rtstits foi etloitoit id ita- t'ade' itsainluentetootilwsidly' fetitoI attttdenutt eiiticu-ietitftitt 1.1lttra'tt ari 0stuentshIt-tariettdy' eotritilt $a- Art Eminrnt Divine, r.1.2,Tfx ic, of Nelw Yet-itity, ictit'oif tie iosts. elqetal thusaelt-y kniow~i n oah-et;f's i teooitriti -,sal Chist , t'tiversity- ate. St.,el--cc sill ftcgiltli a t olt, -Dlr, Tlieis sat-il'ktiown-i tosimanyt'of it'ecyltig pleti'ofOthe Cotlry- through-ls (10d-~l dresets t sttet'nt at itonacl C', i- eonventis A fell-yt'ars'agotthit'do- silttive tototitatdrss in tis city tt imd aletepttof ouind ilopressinun iier t- silos ssottsalit itm totr te first timtit. studtt'nts anti citzens Is be prtstt this eveinlg anti htetr this bis' ttnd giftetd sieaker. IiX0t'thSltaNTi) 'TOL-D) Stunday, aly 30, (le AitnoAbrtR. ii, sill ruiioaohexurisonstic'Tnt-cit. Speicital trainleaotvs Atn Aiortteoi 1tt:25, Fasee for itihesouttd tlit only' S0 cents,tReturningot rai leVs Toleo at iG p. i. Au exeleitietsher- tainmeni will be giveti at taie Iri bare and Casiuo. TANDEMS To -Pent!!!1 The Largess Line of Biclres, Sn- dries and Suppies an M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORUM, Telephone No, 5. De door East of Ameri- can ouse, 0. M MARTIN, Funeral iDirector, Cloth '..and Metallic Caset and Fle Grade Coffins, Embalming a Specialty, Ne, 17 5, Fourth ave. s o ielu n ui5n ~irsi -;p6.scouonaioEtr0anc {!neSpcil.etBlr7ndGry0i cycl Oak,~2DOpr ar H-irhelin aniotinslitoterpei asOo nfot$be-Ex Ha Pnts The" ETTER THAN EVER Te1897 BEN-HUlR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvemessts in construcion than any ether bicycles note before bte public. Never before bae suris excellent values been offered for the money. Our near lssr, cossing cf eight suiterb models at $60, $75 and $125 for single machines, and $150 for tansdesss, wiis tse various optiossoflered, is sunh that the most exacting purchnser cuss he esitirely saited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., T2 GARDEN STREET. INDIANsAPOLIn., r?'y= nsaRrussNE PSTERsCATALOGUE MAILED FOR TWO a-ar;NT STAMPS- Students and Teachers cait secure pleasaist alsd profitable wortklistroducing our Public Libraries ....... in towns and country and formng Beading Clubs. Jun., the work for Students, Teachers aisd IMimilters. Managers.................. We also want a ferw energetic. field managers. State age and experience in book work, Address Dept. "5S" RAND, Mc.NALLY & CO., Chicago. RENT.,v;HLER, SUMMER LAW LECTURES ~;,UNIVFRSIiTyCF VIRIGINIA. P ''i1.APIsly lSton Asg' 1.15,Ceurse includes 3s sectures hy 3 Sr. us tiie Harlan,'sf55 13. Supreme Cones. For NANN ARBOR. MIC0H. tlge ddes RC Charsv hrlottesvlle, Vag.