- i : , ,: r - r r" i vim^ VOL. VII. No. ITS. ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 2511897. FOUR PAGES-3 J I C ; . VO.VI o 7.ANABO MCIA,,EDY A 2,19.Fu AE- 3 Reeeived a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, SCIGARS TO BURN . S and good ones too. Wo carry all the leading popu- lar brando and can snit your taste. Cigaretteo and 0 Tobaccos, too. 0 PALPMR' S PHARMACY.0 0 45 S. STATE ST. 0 College Men! College Girls!T While cultivating your head don't forget your feet. Here's an axioin. The correct College Shoes, Mons' and Girls' sell for $ 3.50, $450 and $5.00. TALI, GREEN a-ad BLACK. 13 WAS1HINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. Noicycle i s Complete Without a 0 IMPORTANT MATCHES. The Tennis Contests Schedluled for Today. The only match p1a1ed inth tiltu101c tootrnoament: yesterday was in the tpte- limein gtnrountd in tdoubles, Wright antl Maotch met tCutre attdI1,Obtytrnnd.IT he tatter tteomiwon a rather uninterest- tug cotest 6-t, 0-3. Ttis leaves Gore I11n1 tttlyllttnd its the semti-tfinals. A Now Specimens in the Museum. Prof. Worcester, cinator of the iruento ant iMr. Wood, Ihe taxider- mnist, are att present ettgaget in est- te tittg specimenus of the different or- tters of thesottgsand game birtis. Sev- eral itte stetitnens htavte already beent secred and mountedl. They iktotrate ptreventtiv-e eoloration, sttooo-ing tta, Nvinter aond sutinter plumage. Thte slteeeatls ositt be ptlaet on the see- ont floor intthie 111(v owall ecases. The Work on the Botanical Gardens. Ttte newy botatoteal gardens are be- ginning non- Is loose thteir hare a- peatrance, as ntore plants are sft out tantd ttte seeds ectme up. 'There ore still a great many seeds wttietthav-e not splrotedtontd matty perhaps will not, ctomeneement tte gardens owitt he site of ttte attraetions of tte eatupus. Thtere tare alreody set oat os-er :30 ftattilies of dsos-erittg plants, whlile latrger ersooc-thlttn otstatl switnessed tte tdift-rettmttodes of tiestitng are also (thtero is rootm for ototaot twsice as se 51111oun7lhietis autitng tell toltrestutect. Mr. Wood i also many, whieti is netarly- pr eto color tothte seene. trorting su a twiter-tscene grtuti of Itte fdowsering ftamilies of tte globe. fa~os-o--em iltloriitt itathe 1 ltss-5tsts, rltr-ettlhgt t tThs3met--ottittg istmadte to shon- as v, ill tw platyetd. In ttte sew:tintal ittl tir wointetr plumallge and lit trers tt-arty ttstiossible tite reltioshtiptbt-- ton oft s sinegies Danfottrttas tltr-i -,Nova Sctotia. Whtent ttatltotatot ts-ecttftttnili-s. Ttte ttost hiighly not- rteh tand Riley-3cottcs Nvth tHatrs-ey. atnt ettssife thtte t-otlectiott o-itt repre- tvatetd are trrtatnged arotud theto on- 1 ytn te-ottcom-te of the- formter settt 40tdiftertett orders. Seserol litte sihe ofthIe garidens. This is so thta nttttthetttsprinu lotlttionht isiontt- tpet't-tts of tobnormaltolesoratio.nt ttIthey- sill serts- hteir orntamentatl lmr- ccdct t to rest; be--tta-s- of tttis fact the ttllttittolt itthae itet secuetrdtalong os11e0best. ttttty twf i o lwthetixvitiitt eso-tiJin-th.m-It hilsttit e.Thte gatrdetnso faritave c-ost sery ti st. Itt totles torce atdttallty- Lais t-ttridaytsswot-tell reserv-edi al..tlittle, all tie plat tsuitdseedsto laig iotttt soitt conttest soit ttaxter attt trts chitls tsert-eece itvedt attdtartettnttedonated. Thte IMictigatn Agricuttural 31 -1St Ihit fole aplaee intthie linlts. lntsof11 itetax~tidtermistt. Thte~shlihhsIolege ttts giv-entabott1330 iperennhal =.f1e in' tenby Lie-ttetatt Itttesty -ott- Iitints atnd seetd s itile tte oriettI- Ploy Illinois Wednesday. tTe llilte"Sit13 of Itlittotsso-vill11 itill t.1 ic t t5It to.ti. A Commendable Action. Eite foitositgresttlttitos ere p.t- (Ick"lled the Illinois lean ol? tine ecl at the recent meeting of the orator- 9 We Itave Cataeras that are0 specially adapted for bicyc-r lers at $3.00 to $2,5.00. 08.00 a a oill get a good otto. Askq a for Catalogue,. a a --AT- WAHR'S B OKt STORE. Just receivedl another lot of thttt fine U. of M. Monogram Paper, thu popular shades Blue and Whito; also a Now Stock of the Various High Grade Correspondence Pttper. Visiting Cards Engraved, and Plate Printing. WAHR'S BOOK STORE tUp Tows nowa Tows S. Sate st. Opposite Court Boas Ass Arbor Matnsst.' slitr itto tip w-tinntg 11y a st-tre ttf to 3. Slate tilt- Illttols ts tnet vi- 11 1115117 tthe secotnd tltst1Fridaytito tt t'ilt Io .1110salso beettplayed twsice, - t- resuttbeintg tovictorty intl atde- ttttat forleaetch team. Tite score tboth 11111 5 sos £9 ta 5. Last Sturdaty thle Ittlli20i ioi1. Fron tlit--bttett0 i ;aures iis qitevt-ttidint htte Illinos j111l rt-retlayting 'atttard, fttst gainet tttin tloate ittprooetl sitoce Mictigtan 1.-It Itheti. '[I"t(o gtanie lttmorrowo 1ttl'nt hietttt exeletttttcontest. Tennis Courts Almost Ready. Sijlt. IRetves sttid y-estertday Iltl it i it hat-tt tlbeett toerttesoet owealter OT late, I t ese-tentis comts wootlidnoWo 1ic fianistiedt. As it is it opotes to con- I31t tht o-sktitta toupoitle of tdoys. 1'1Tdo-wire fentce is ttetrly cottpletedl tantd tll thtlretttainsis to spta th ie clay tand roll it, btat this ctatnot be tdtntt as lontg is it is in its preset sot cotilitiono. This stutmer Mr. Reeves Ixlttels to lfiishte soroth01 Itegyt- ntsitttn itproiter of tae o ma~nasmnew hbuildintg, httt it is a . tter of ucer- ttinty as to ovhenth le rest of 'te fin- isingetan bhocdone. As to oter builid- tags a fete toinor repairs wvill he matte, htut notitg of anoyinsole. ItaniDoozer, tte Northwvestern foot- b aill-player, has acceptod tte position Iof assistant postut~ster at gEnanohon. Inattsmucht~ as thte Atltic Asocia- tiolt antldtte fieontd Btanjo tCluts of Ite tniv-erst-it t e tottdered itind 1and elletoent sees-ice to te Grtto"icttlAs.- eitilt illtthteret-ecit Northtern l.t-tatttl- co tlest antOillnprevious cotlests. thetre- es-cry specie;thattt grosss. Lotrolo-til fore be it tanisersities httve long recogiziedthlb IResolvted, Thiat this bord exptiessoadvtYatges derivedi from a gardten of is grtiitttde to ttteOtaidl organiztioonts ttis sort antl nows-theyiea-utrtly tll etre andO be it futh~er thtorottgiily eqauippled swithlht h itoes IRtsolved, 'ihat it to the sette of and toll thto nicestory lttrtslhtoittlilt. this hottesthlia; e0e1ryttembtietof 1t1t2 Prof. Spauldintg 111)110 to thtve some- Oraatotical Association shoutld at-tttay a gotd collectio~n of wsoodetdplats temtpt to retarn te fttaosttyrdoinga Itul hts tatecdthis spring by- settinag ievterytlting in is poster for thle stuc-out 30 or 40 slhr-tbs 0111 trees intthlei tcsof the corntig (lice anid Ititjo spoace bark of 1Tppaon Hatll. Tlt. 00in (tubs coatcert. tiate toill formt a vtalu able atddition to Some Interesting Statistics,. logtreo Theo repotrt of the examaiaatioando- Annual Surveying Trip. tiatantt11£ tae-Nos YToirk Statc Theeosrveyintgcltass, consistintg of ?20 litoad of tRegetats far 15136ssows 1that juntior engineers, swill loose for Catr) dutring lte getar. 300,000, out of -100,. Lake. -near Trttverse City,. next Satr- 0110, atnswoertpapers wsritten, t--re ro- daty mtorniatg. lTahelparty-will tie itt ceioedi at lie deptirtatacaond rated chttrge of trof. J.IB. Otto-s, tssisteit by unaivesity extaminaers. A rettark- by Alessrs. ttllstwortht, tirsons, '07, ittle itacreast itt thae- namber of Lttin andaarilahnchardt, .11. Protf. Davis left ttiti ldepatrtmtenht of the L nitItat hattio ntibutted ihog'el3-. The grlens ia-,) conain mhore ithh 200 odifferent ,stpecies. Sotno of tiles-- act of stiecial ioterest to stoudents of phattrmacy -on tcaouti of tiheir maedicitial Irolperties. nin-g has been mtade, ttat beghniutg is at5good olo aattt it is thitnltention to eto-i l hhav11 loe -rrtangemnths for ohatter platsttasO tvetllt as frna anht Creek Ialtras tubmatteld, os ttsa- tpthent, aad this is all thteaiaore ooloat- ishlantg conasideriangthat tte systemtaof ilaetivo courses is oidly in voghac ithroughotthIe preparatory schtools of Net YTork otate. Does it nmean Itat the systoeos of etectivoes, witth batlahce ct-urses, toads inevitably to a n Its- crease in the poputarity of ctassical studios? last Satutrdtay itsfiv ita en 00to pepare ctahapl. 'The party' soill to end fotar otveeos. Cotelier Golden anti Ci-ter F~ielder Ftitter .tave retired frotha the Norttt- western University toota hobcause of- beintg lable to give tiane to practice. Michigan vs. Illnois, Wed- nesday, Mtay 26, at 4:15,p. m.