THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. T AILOIRFS. Fine Black Suits a specialty. 10 E. W-aslington St. Up Stairs. The Man in the Moon exasy not be thirsty, but if he were, he would . . . . . call at . .. . . arker's Coarner Store, !STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE a *nn e an lee reen s oda or some of .his - ,other Soft Drinks. fAsmanin is fiend ae every Bal Game with Fruit, Drinks and Peanuts. 2 THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER1 '+a turnih yew with a firsf-class Fountali I-eu ien arid R ing repairing a specialty. --PIVTE HIMf A CALL. ICYC~LE LIVENY AND SALESROOM 3S North Fourth Ave. Weo carry a fisl line of np-to-date' Ienycle Sundries and parts to many wblcelo. Also Rtepair Wheels at living prices. Give us a call if i need of anythsinge n xor line.f _Nf one to order Women and Fen's Easy Fittinig Shoes in all the Latest Styles. 43 S. Main St. - Upstairs. O' Gyl.dtf'sViNU PARLORI wed Bai.i-' 'o-. risio. All -ippufisstsscntG first doss. 3.ieted ansd doses Sc! r; Latbodes' rtis- iv dcewil ind lats~n palors, tp .i .i . is 1t 0 oao si s1F S e st o wailing for Columbia and Hartford bccen. No delay and consequent annoy ac.All models arid patterns now ready tsar iasmediate delivery. 1897 STANDARD OF THE WORLDa sae made enclusively of 5 per tent Nikle Sceiwl&Tubing, the entiee pro- ~jllTO ALL th&. of which we controlIU oALIKE. Wairtford Bicycles are at prices within reach of everyone. $60:.$50. $45 :lsiss leeru treem aey Columbia itictm; from us tore es-cet $5O$'E MIFG. CO. Hiartford, Conn. * anmx Bile Fatery a's e w Wueld. Mnr t han Asees of Floor Space. Brnthihonsesordealer iahossisevry cityad You Can -AGUITAR, A IOLIIN, for less money than anywhere in the Unitod States Before Commencemiett. Just the thinig for vacation. " t 1 AND 23 EAST A&n 1)Arbi M ds ;., WASHINGTON ST. 20 Pittsburg ntogies for----.----23 cents t Deg Head Clears for----------25 cents 16 La Princess Stogies for-L-----e ents 0 Frodigy iars for------ 13-----r2 ents ii First Natiosal Stogies for-------5cents t Paradise Cigars for------------2 cents 6Yucatan Stogies for ---------25 costs 0 LaGles Clears for---------25 cents it Alfonso igars for.---------- 25 centsn4d]tfarryGlays for.:-----------20 tents 6 Star Cigars for----------5censa4dOGuiBoquets fr--- LI---------r2 ens RecordBriesahersfor----------25 feats 3Royaii Gannerosfor------- 5cents 3 Brunswich Cigars ot------------------25 cents DEIA N & CO MPAN-Y. 44 South Main Street. Athletic Notes The AnnsiAclior iigii School teams dlefeated the Adrisin 1i.Ini School Sat- urday, 22 to 2. Btecauseo of the alt- sence of the Ihighs School leans from the city itie gamse sclsedlhed wills '99 M, was postotnwed. The next ori--L4 silcolgamse iii the initer-class seriesswili lie platyed nextl S1isrday betwrecn '98 L asid '9tS. ctork on the ness tetnnis coutstie- I sween the gyfiisilsliand tileinedi- cdl buiiiligis prlogressingt rapily. Atboiut all of liefiiniig ini lis Dciii stone aso law the biuiliding of tflitine worelk for the Wire letting used a10 lach Sf0155. 'T'le nelfis(-Iv sili lie sireced entciiireily sarondlsll if the 'f ensxt 'Yasitiy game sNullti-' 1113 ei «'sdcstlsay, owhlen liii stroung Dii- veslt oiff Illinois Dolls soill lie plasy- t to0 t. Poor c --uiordstvrco'ininc fy Nerus 11 -tyro h'iisiciy Saturdasy at lie --roi~l 'Iwarsity meet. Isster wses iii sot isilividissl Ii.'rfornis', ivs inini fito- firsts. In till'('alltsiii it utoy ihuh Si-isol fild meseit Safulrd-aly, adlbrother of tP. ft. Versos', '199, 111onoSvn ist ilacs ,,ni(I got ia 1p1ace in fours others. i-i will enter use IUnIsersily *next year.. feat earlier iii the seasoin wininiilt--b.,i as core of 7 fo f The '98IL teamliwoosidefe-ated at Howell, Stich., Saturdaby, bthl e lt bteam sy stscore of Ill6ft4. Priincetons defesatedl Columila in 0 litldl ineest Saturdsay 71 to 33. TtHR GHICAGD O MODS SOTHIIL- AttSHIlP. Alsplicants for 'fiss chlalrship, iti- sftittedl by the Stdeiits' ChristiciaAs- so-iatioln for the piurpoose of enab'ling ae stttdent of the U'niv-ersity to pusule social aind economsic studies 01t(Chi- caigossCissisons durinig lie Olulrltil.' shoutldsbaiuid lhsir stances at once toa osemiber of ftse comnitise cho~sen to sawsard it. The coisisittee coissi.:ts of t'csf. Atsieiiios adil tul-tors IW. D. Johnsiion andI C. I.Ct.Iooley. losit or lures' lirighlt, activ-e womlen stdtisO for Iproiabll' empiluoym11nt1 Juiiliis vacationi; esperislire uliliiO'- ic y; tool referencos requiredi. Adl- dress X, 'sire Ilf Timesc. 761 A olistos'silk fsilAvsislist a1tliii P'slily Soc-iil 11 in'e -tiiiiosiGylili- siuts it is thoughtl. If 1110PItsots 051'.' foend t c1sit-lldlistc rit 10 Dr. loslicr. tile os-lieosill tie isto r. 11' lt. Don't delay your photo sittings. 511 early-and atvoid the rushli ' fCoil- mensemnent. Senior rsates to sll sees- iors of '97. Ranidall's P1hoto Ssndio, Washington Block. The Inland Press OeWORsK WTH Neatness and Dispatch Give them a call. COR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stoc, $f1,00. Surplus, $15,0t0. Reorem;$,1fi,00,5 Organised under the General Banig Laws of tnis State. Receies deposits, bys ad sells exchangeons the priscipal citis of the United States. rafts cashed uopn proper detiiicatie. aety deposit boxes t rent. OeFICERS: Christia Idc Pres; W G. Harriman, Vice-Pe.;I Chas . lseufi, Cashiers:.BI. .Fits Assistant Cshier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK gnzd16 Cpital, $100000. Surpus ad rfits, $40,t0t Transats ageneral bnkngnbusiness. Foreign echange bought ad sold. Furnish letters of credit. . 1). I{INNS, Fes. 1GARRISGN SUL, Vice ret S. W CLARKSON Cshier. Qgfarnwm &W frrlt uif9ank or. Mlan and nurse Sree Capital 30,000. urpls 130000. Tanact gneral basing husiness. R. fleec, 1'es, C. F. GREsEVie-re. FEs.Q. 11PtLoS, Cashier. F. J. Schleede, 20 S, STATE STREET Sells a Solid Gold Fontis es at $1.0a BoeokisfBound 13 anssd upward. iU. of M. Scenesesd rofessors a1/z lbs. Li- ensPaper for 5rcents. Note ookse 5 cents and upwsrds. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTIITL'S, 48 S. State St. NOTICE!T We can now spply you with a fine FRATERNITY PIN. See one line of sanmples. WM. ARNOLD, LEADING6 JEWELER UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING ltppste Law Buildng 300 until My 1st any two cases ODfice 27 Thompson Street. Just Received a Large and Elegont Lizie of N'ew Pipes i Ute and old Lurches ~t nl hours. Agents fos Hiulers rd Niliams and Werners Co.'s Coolate Pn oss R2. E.JO0LLY & CO. l0OS. State St., Sager Pic. A LARGE LINE: OF Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Et., --AT- Anton Teufel, 57 S. MAIN ST. FULLER & HIXSON A Slash In Prices. Foes short time we will PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 221S. State st. Over Roeys Billird Rom. Sent Free! To ay person interested Is humae mat- ters, or who loves aimass we will sed free. i uon appliatin, a epy oft the "ALL- ANCE." the orgas of thin Soeiety. Is addl- ties t its itesely interestisg reading. it eontaiss of the valuable ad uusua prem- um g ires by the paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, t41-d411tUited Charities Bialdng, New York Sororities ansi fraternities sobs shde- I15fie annualal dilal sletedbetw-cnlsielcto buy -or o rentitlol hodo wellt) isTlo' Cohlge a still Iowasss.iStsate till- see fP. D. CGore for houses fu:lsiici sscnshy, Sisi-slsy, Iis. isf tile Ckscllrorufturniseds. Ofice Sa-iligo Basil iins iletioni 050 sllilt st 1)4-5 Svci'C B5 loch. Oii 110 yairds idash. LOS'T-LDianuond ring at Austin's Chcgdeeie ecsaVie-talecing school. Finder pheo retnrn City b'o-dy 4to 2, eraasnl llni foci, 8)9 chuirchi street and receive reso-acd. revenge on Wiscosnsiii for thiritdes- Subseribe for toe Daily. ,-5 s-~ ' ;/7/ "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned." SOFT SHIRTS in warm weather. Where the best styles are to be found will interest you. Our lie of Negligee Shirts leads for style and Price. SUMBMER UNDERWEAR. Splen- did values in French Balbrigans arid Jersey Ribbed for 50c. These garments are beautifully finished and are durable. W A GN E R & CO. tURIEt