THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Cast Lie to MACKNA - TAK",HIKE- P MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perfection yet attained in Boat Cnstrctio-Luxurious Eqipment, Artistic Famnishing, Decoration and Effi- et Service,inurig the highest deree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FPOR TeePSPERsWEEK BETEEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SO0," MARQUETTE AND DULTH. LOW RATE to Pictresque Mackiacand Retain, including deals and Berths. From Cleveland, $8; from Toledo, $5; from Detrot, $13.50. DAY AND NIGHT SERVIE. Between Detroit and Cleveland Conecting ot Cleeld -with IUarlist Train for all poits East Soth ad South- west aod at Detroit for all points North and Northwst. Snday Tips las, July, Augst and SeptOirg- EVERYDAY tETWEEN Cleveland,Put=inBayfToledo end for Illstrted Pmphlet. Address A. A. SCHANT, s5 . e..DO TOIT Ott. Te ieroit & CleeaR 3tlew Nay. Co THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY!1 S W. Burchfield,' HURON ST, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. E~Ladies Tailoring Annex. "lf>Ln-do yu pay?" get aas Woohtr No Home s Realy Complete Wthot a nw 197' Model Wasb urn Bnoo ihr Pics hove eeo sld downs as a reslt of the Wshibus enoros os rity so tht toyn cas hoy a geuine Wotlh r of the very latest desig From $ssoo Upwasrd. The ser Washhsen Monoli is rdialtdeperotre freesfoermer styles. Ittis teea ntet, dietiettsd lightest lManedli imginable,and tsitoe apporeohes very near to thatofaelufe old Ceemoao hln. XWth- hoensore sold at fied ad onifor pricey aoilfrt- casmicdelers eerywshere. TVooshbeeo res flie ekorhosredged stondrd of the wortl. Theyarsneexsdivelyytheeadoeing Artists, Techerro sd Glee Cieeh. Oreew see V-i setrereeeereceipteef eprlicatioen. If yoeeelocaldelee cano sppyyu eeewilsend eettnseieers C .D. withipreieeoexminaeeetin,tiectrometeeftleotr. AtWashusr imprves wih age admakes a Gift that increses is vltse ao the years ge y. !tireaty worth many tiessit coet. L YON & IEAjLY,- ,O.W',V 0.h AVE. S& ADAMS ST.. CHICAGO RANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER Washington Block, Ann Arbor. Largest in tho World, The lenses for floe Terkes telescope at Williatns Bay, take Geneva, 11i1s., arrived thtere Wednesday motening soid were itottediately lalced. in posi- lion. Althouigithte otbservaitory ill whifcel the telescope is to be used is situatedl in Wl5sc'nsit, it belongs to the U'niversity of tChicagoe, coining as a gift from ChasrlssT. YAtrkes, of ('iii- cao. tie gilve the order f-or the lenuses ibooti ten -earts ago ro A. Clarko & Soins, of Bostone atd their comtpletitotstion formts ati'iclile -e- tsr~i etwithiosuit a irIecidenI. =ifste-fe- scopue itt tiili they will lie' used tee' largest illtthit' torlil. Titt'p-ins-i teal leoss is it- ti-b i-ls itsllai nt ie otd treigis 21)5lpounttis. The e spsse stutface wchent itlilacs',trill bt" hi i~ ciles in ldi eiier, atntitoh altdl htalflleleog ttkeiit ue by lthescasinig'. U is dlouble cotnvex, lt's l~niiolthree eighttsicies thick atIthe ceter tied thtree-foulrths of alltitocht tt tic edge. 'fTeitosroenkis of litt ttlass, colt- ctave formo, otte andeloe-eighth little-i hics at te cenite'r and two iictte's itt the' case. It wveigihs 311)houitdsl. 'Thte foctus is l(t) feet. Tiie glass osti of which tliese' leteses tr-ere fortieid wasotcast it sovlid ties 'tk at the greatt fneliry it Memt 111. i- ali ce. It seaslmadtle itt UsO1, bti titiisteil ' torlo twas nourbi-un oiltt ui ilitwoiiiyears litetr. leer fite yealrs the' te eso of forml- itititiand tistineg title' ti-ti etassb-is 011gsi. flesh e wrk los besens coie Uvasitl-tl fistc'etf (tusl, hut it tnt iie'iiieest) u-(are. 'Thi'deit iltlo lk's'tlieof a strandteofut.1tspiiili'is a itb Wtu11eAl le'featal t h us pss ft1 ike >.th.'le trystal is-adI iost isti's'eL liii titd to se't'f it wasihm l\'. andi, isfter itis, it tvenst to tie'"-cinir, rocem. tFir tt-s ye'aro ssdin tie 4iee till eiieiy were used. Te tiilt'lines. tc-sAc'les' ro riee atd tees-\\'-it 'orean- etther year'ort'mte. All tiss tiisi" lesits were wadle ti e iteiscitolyiii' qusalities. Dtirietg tOte' lat tstaict i lesos tt-ere'set in a li0 fiooittbe'.aiti the object glatss atnd its ulte fouonsi ts lie terfeit. The first official list in its tiew P risisdeisttIariter, of liii'CfieagosItti t-et'tll'eProt. Balei, director of the' ti- sers tory, tProf. Alt'ttin Clar,, oteaker li th tl'letises, andtI Prof. tiiseel look at Jsipit'r. Is is claisimd thtt the itostruetoents ciollecis 25 pitr set nllore light ltesn lossitseflaiouts, ticko. Thtis tmeains a grealt tdeasl sinee it flee'- wiits at lpenestratioln of onet-foustrisfar- thtcr into spaice'. Tihe lenses alonte are Vailus'd at $65,000O. u ,SUPPLIES S1VaiusLeargueBll, iitis, 'Masis, e Manaesirs solid setnitfor samso and00 sp1eiutlraesr. Erery reuisitetofooonis, Goif, triciet. 'frutyli osslid, Gymnas' titlesFquipnts ndso tfte-. Comoprte tCataogue if Orioelend Sumomoer Sports free. "'ti mtorthe GualraniteeO A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Newonkl, ChtircgoP1tlselrtpsi' CAtLENDAtR. Irgiae Ti e'nniis, Meetat Cilicagoe. Satltrdye, ttey 29='Tennis itserna- iiei'ttillSeccindilclass sinleis osls. ciegolit IDetroeii. CSiiudy, Siay'21)-Dical traicksmet tewit ('lit-of sat Detuel': 'Xi'liesibal-, Iota' ,-licligallitvs. I'ise' e i. ir; t Aln Arbue'. rietudlst', IJulie')-NV'. I. A. A.. , tailstieet, at Chticlti'ii iSaturdayy. itisi'-Wa'sacity- tles- CIt-f Tiiesday, Jutie'8S ltclhi ;ans's. clit- cagee, at : itn Arbor. Stu irday, Junie' 12-i- -ltcigao ts. Cotr- necll, at Attn Arboir. t1lS'T'-Iit'tvseis S. Divisioss st. iand the Athiletic Ftield tir on the groust,~o apirh'of golel Itass'ritiless glasscs. F-inder' still leaseti'retrtn stite to 4ii,' S. Ditisiostn. tLOST-Souitht of lie city, a ladiies' Ms~ls-Altic"lBratndl. pailmlreatder and phtreneologist, 2:, Ei. Cathserineest. At- ti-reloan ldevetnin.Fee 25c. 'TO RENT-_A nuisber of boats at U. of MI. bat hose by hosir or day. r Odpore Zcve ONE NIGHIT ONLY TUESDAY, MAY 25, ~T Darkest America B~y srank DuS~montE, tanegesoesca Al. G. Field. iS Glenuine Vootteero Snarses, Camp-tetly Sheouoirs, ,Steehie Bockandrsin-soleanen~-. tresiseSteaoties, IHoodoo Charms Worhns-, HlendrsoSitmith's-flraest oluliern d linacrtir opraottcittotoscory. arraedfI SO staed by Win. McLainc, iotrodeletci~ Mon Corderllia, PrimaltDioaSirs. SamineN-ce, -1"13- tralto; Lowetynce clesosste. 'Tesor;12r.> tlickersone, Baritonr; Ocar Pooll itscso a Chorus sf150 Voicrs. Priceso.........5c, 35c and 1Z!ct. Time TableRvisenod) Feb.?7. Cl)?. EAST. W PBS P.oM. A 3 'dotil sod ENo-it 3d47 N. Y. Specil----a f NA.V.terlw i..--- 4 f8 ln -_ -,, 'osteec Ex------l10at N.CS. tLmitersir-.__ x Stiotle EX .-.i 5:i Pacietf x__Fr-__ia -. .N.FExpress---- 5 50 WprRN P....... tn; i. R, Eprres.--11 0 ,Chi. Nt.Ex --O1 G. R.Ex----..5 55 ). W, Iottoo, li. W. MAYOR tG. 1. & T. Aol., aeerte- RAILROAD. Timse Tahle, Sunsday, Maly I9, 11;U. NORTH. SOUTH. n:0 o. . 57:30ta. m Iltet.5a. so. 11:2:ta.em 4:li p.see 8:35 P. sM. 155 als. trm ct8I. n *o Run eeen Ass Arbor oted :'plt~osly. 'Runs, beteneToledo atnd Roerl. Thhaz traiesunsday sonly. Ah oter Urltos s;a'oy except Sutsday. E. S. GILMlOt, Agenst W. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. THE. Ki 'BERCARTEN B'LLIARO BILL RAILROAD TICKET BRO EA Wholesale Cigars, 'Tobaccos and Cigarettes. CIor. MAin and Liberty Sts;. Bicycle Repairing! o oi albahrs oneatly;Sid l peiryotty defesos lPrtees reaonabsle. Sunes at 15res ok so.n pries. Win . J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR.. .....thER YOUR ICE CREAM AND FRUI~T ICES AT...... WH'ITE'S ConetoryStore, 1D-ISouth Main Street. Telephone lee. Lownoy's and "Allegretti's Famous Chocolate Creanas. Soda Water, Phoophates and Venor's Ginger Ale. T The Michi~gat-ensian PRICE $1. 300 Blue and Gold Cover, pirofusely Illus'JrsteI with Organizations, Cut3 of Buildings, Etc.