THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sncays excepted) during the Cleg ear, at THE UNIVERSITY F MICHIGAN OreioE: Times biding 7 S. Main St be- tween Liberty and Wiiam St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TOMAS, 97. AS'T MANAGING EDITOR E. L. Geissin, '8 L. ATHLETIC EDITOR H1. B. SsceeoMAa, '95t,.. BiUSINES M5ANAGEI . H. HANS, '98 -- EDITORS F. S. SIMoS, '95 1. A. CASienL, 'I. F. A. PoeK, '55 E. A. Csrsmo, '5. G. ID. HUowoa, 't. T. R. WOODOW, '9.0 fULeUnAMB, '0. -G D. Jtawiws '99 M The subscription price of te Daily Is $250 for the college year, with a regular delivery before soon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended lee public- ion mut behaded is at the Dily offce be- foe 8 p.i., or mailed to the editor before 3 p .; n.fu the day prevous to that os which th ey are epected to apear. Subscriptions may bs left at The Daily Offie, Meyer's or Stoet's Nwtnd, or. with Busines Manager. Sberiers will con- fee a favor by reporting promptly at this ouffice ass failure of carriers to deliver pper. Mccii of the ethuiasmi displayed at the track mcc, Sauday o L t.e college spirit ill evilcos'e when Ite traim lft for Ithaca, Friay niglt, was due to Ite pci'oi'lil of lie Uii- Velsily blnd. Stia ani 'rgiia.iov Irlnbg beetsdecod'dere endt cl mi tba a good one has coeiii' t sboldlht lo^ eicouagcd to stiet. Tile 1001 toato its sevices to ilic vcious organiziicn10s for which it ply,an1 itsi disiintecestedness is iaotherc c- sooifar giing i liber'al sopport. i'ni- focms act' badly needed'i just issy ad iii" only sway the nooss , aolitib ran be scured is tinunit c lvclary cirle ios-. Sbs:-ipil 'ilist am binig cicculatedl by tic.'plavos''and11a liii: al resollnse sold i s theic f- furlts. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Results and Scores of Saturday's Matches The iqualiy f tenis oin thIlicnf tg caamiis~onolip gailoo r is ictr :a the tounanmnent nas is clos. The sily matschiin siigi liplayed wsaai the inscing etwen Danfori. and tunub, ini which te forisecswowhiti ease. Lamib plsayei too rcrefuliiaid easy a gamle, using lithle stccgh; while Denforthi was swifter aid more dashing in his -style. The' first match ini duhles'- 505ii. the''preliminary rund, Harvey aiis Elerrick against ,Dantforth and Lamb. Int the first set Harvey cd tIle;i'sk had the scoe 5-3 fin their favor. Ae this point Dnforths and Lanmb braceo] up, winning four sright gaies and therehby the set. The'scood set oten ed poorly foe the former, chapions; Danforh and Achb bad the' set 'well in haind from the start and won by this final sre of 6-3. Tils gave them the match. The only other contet of the day was. in the seifinals of the doubles; Ruissel and Ripley were matched againlst the winners of the mrnin's contest, Danforhi and Lamb. Russel and Ripley won the first -set swithout, llucis effort. The SecodtlSst'also ripened well for Russel and Riply; the score was soon 4-3 in Ithr laor. Hsere Danforh and Lanb realied thit it woo nosy or never, antI swoi the next three gaines and set. After a few momnts rest te play recoinmenced."From the first i wasl evident that Danforth aid Ltmnib were deermnied to in; with thi score 5-3 against thieim Russel ad Ripley omade a last stand and on ocs' game. This was all they cold do. cud their' oponents corrleci te nst gamesoand wih it set, isatch andl a place in the finals. The dates of the W(Vstrii Inteyrcol- legiate Tennis Claipioisip ad also the duaia iiec wihi Chicago lae again been changed. Te dul nieei will take place in Ann Arbor net t~riday, Mlay 28. The Wesen Iite- colegiate is to ho hold oii the Chicago University grounds Jcne 3,O 4 oid a. As Chicago Unvrsity defeted Norh- w'esternilat Saturday by wininlg only ix out ofestll events, our chasces of defeatig lilcagoare s-rypod. Smitnaiy of sairday's iiatchis fo- loss: Siigles-First romidtt, Dnotihiat Lanib f-a. 63. D~oubles-Prelimtinary round, Da- forthi all:)Lamb bat larvy mini tei- rubk 7-5,t-3;'semitifinal riund:, Di- fortii -antdlLmtb bat ittscsld Rp- ii'y 2-t, 1-4, 6-4.- MN~ttoiiooscheledicifortiday at: Sitigle, smitiinal olitis. I'ipioy . ttai'vey, Daiforii v1.5 tl'-rick. Doublses, (lore antI Iaymtodtivs. Wright andtI chaol. Play wil lsegi it 3 p. m. Dtnfothiiil:iys tHerick atc :311 i. i. tlenlhs wil be ilacd oate tigrounds for theiccnivnieinc of slietators. To BentI!!! The ;Lrges Line at Bicycles, Sun- dries end Supplies nt M, STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Teephone No. . Ge door East of Ameri- can Hose. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU FOR Caps. Gowns ani Hoods. COTRELL & LEONARD Albany, N. Y. E l, V. Munore.r, Manger. 44dE. WNitsSt ANN IARBOR. :MIOC. -SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNVERSITT OF VIRGINIA. flyl Ist Af. 31, 197. Corse Inldes Ii lectures by Sf. -jsiesalan, ef U S. SupemeConet. Foe nilogee.address a C MINR. Orresey Chrottesile, V. ®, M. MARTIN, Funeral liretor, Cloh '-.and Metallic Casets and Fle Grade Collins. Embaimiaf a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fourth ave. and = For whseeling and outing no other suit as conmfortal-Extrs Pants. One Special Lot-Mlne and Gray Bi- AglaFtersftirreSJccycle Paios-$2.GG per pair, Imported pattern. lin t evey Coloirng-thc nosy 00 andcl$1-00. -H~i Noble's Star Clothing ose, The ,BETTER THAN EVER" Te1897 BEN-IlUl BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvements= in construction thsn any other bicycles now before the public. Never before have such excellent values been offered for the money. Our noe line, consisting of eight superb models at $60, $75 end $125 for single machines, and $150 for tandemis, wilh the various options offered, is such that the moat exacting purchser can be entirely suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO?., 72 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, 1IND. OUR FIRE POSTER CATALOGUE MAILED FOR TWO 2-CONSTASene. Students and Teachers can secure pleasant ant) proftable o'rk introducing our Public Libraries ....... ie townis and country and formin~g Reading Clubs. Jest thee work for Students, Teachers and Ministers. Managers ................. . We also want a few eniergetic field masnagers. State'age antd experience iin hook, work. Address, Dept. "5S" RAND, 19C NALLY & co.5 .chicosg0. wnuiiisendoneeipt t ~ ~ e 0 e tm. a sampleios anasress. Pri c.-I sow 100. 15SFultoa Street*oewdork