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May 24, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-24

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Received a full line of Novel- Fin dSho ig dMeeintrac
ties for Spring Suits an FidMet
and Trouserings The breaking of four Michigan ree-
tIrit, the equaling 'of one, and inei-
1 7 ideneaiiy the equaling of one western
intor-coliegiate recordi, together with
NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. th.e presonce of tihe largest audiene
that ihas attended a Mtehiga i mtltt
in yl~ t easscoai.binedi to make tihe Nar
$ GARSTO -.i_ ,0 isty tcke antd field tmeet Sattdtya
and good ones too. We J o,,idol success. With tile exception
carry all the leading popu-
lar brands and can sttit! of tobisik wind that blew at inter-
your taste. Cigarettes and valts aeros tine track te day was an
Tobaccos, too. idecal one for tt- giamtes.
--X--In tite mttter of brakinantitieqlual-
PAL MER'S PHARMACY. tag teeotds tihe tlasses if '98 attd '00t
46 S. STATE ST. hadniia mnoy.t 'thotets, 'itS, start-
edi it ithe 1011 tords dash, whicefit
[ didiitn lit1-5aseeiittts, the oldtirecord.
C l ie ei hi u * Ite itas itard titusiediby tHeaid. wito
itstonstlt a foot behiindl at tie finish.
College Girls"! libel Nsas third. Tue first record to

- -

first, second and thtird places respec-
lively the total points for the different
classes are: 'hit, 31; '98, 29; 'i99, 17,
'97, 12; '00itIi, 11; '99 L, S; '9:) D, 5;
98b 0, 3.
T'he officials cotme in for inucli
prise, all of the events being riaoad
swithi a ptromrptness tat was indeed
Tite summtarv:
1(00 yardis dasht-Thomas, 198, first;
tHcald, '98, secontd; Iibel, 'hit, third.
Tiite, 1it1-5 see.
Miue salk-Trson, '99i, first; Wood-
roil, 'hit, seeond; irila, '97t, titird.
Titme, S ititt. 42-5 see.
121 torus itrrdles-Mckean, '0it,
firist; Webster, 'bit',N, secotid; Ares,
'09. t Iithirime 16t-5see.


Onr Old Enemy Wins the First
Again hias Itliehigan been defeated,
thtis time the strong Cornell ntoe be-
ing the victors, The defeat was al-
tmost overwhelming. uhe final score
standing 14 to 2. T1he gotne way sfall
of good and bad plays, Miclrigatt hav-
ing the long end of the latter, Bole.
CornelFs pitecter, was in gteaIt formn
anti held Mieltigan dosvn to five hits,
wvhile Miiler Wal spoutnded for as total
of 13. Up to the sixth ining Inc
contest wvas late antd exeitiolg the
score at tthat stage standing threce to
toe in Cornell's favot', bat in both the



440 tards tlasii-tliid, '98,first:

Whsile cultivating your head
don't forgot your foot. I-ere's an
The correct College Shoes, Mono'
and Girls' soil for $3.59, $4.5it and
No Bicycle
is C1ompete
o We have Cameras that are
s specially adapted for bicyc-e
0 lers at $5.00 to $25.it0. $8.99 0
o will get a good one. Ask
for Catalogue.

tie =.tltittieti s o:n1 the S1it tards
il:t i1tiriles. llct~eatt, 'it0,swintning in
iii 2-)t see. litis e-iiit,s te -osterrt
it~ei'-io-Hatti e rior. Wibster camte
ecinnI. As swas 'cieirttllt-expetedi
it swoiuld bei, ltii'tld recorid of 4 miin.
tid 51ttssc. for the tiile rutn isas btidly
sttrert-ti, Wiood, 1;0, dointg 4 ttd
cotilttgin a''east ssitttter ill4-Itt11.
44 2-5 so'. Imigtitti, bt a gooid
sptrint, catmetsecontdtttd wssoOalso run-
ter te old titte. 'iThela st track re-
01:1 brokeni was tint 5of te 222tyards
huridtes, Webster, 'Wit B, winninbignm
26 3- is ocirds. NMct~ear, hit. whoi
ltoitd a sinn~er intthtis event, stuni-
bltidoil thte last hiurdle ar~d foil.
taI rtefie'td ievents, te onlyrecordt
tiat wtastietteredl sias thlat illtile
huamer tbrass. Benett, '98, ibriss'
it l0-t ft. aitn. Thtis, hlowev-er. doro
rot etqtal tile istanee mtade in the-
idtal meiet ivithl Chiicago last
tear whretn th-eltilidt106ff. 61/>iit.

('ebb, 'hit, second;,ilailerman. '00t,
thlird. Timle, sit see.
oe ile run-Wood, 'hit, lot;<
t(Hodgmtanl, '00i., second; Whitfeontb, 'hiti
third. Titne, 4 tmint. 44 2-5 see.
220 yards (i111Tilomttts, '98, fr.;;
Ithut, 'hit, second; Thlomtpsonr, If
tiid. Titme, 22:3-5 see.
880 yards run-.King, '99 D, first:
Atiti'siit, 't9IL. secondt; Whit'oo ,
'it,, thtird. Tittte, 2 niim. 9 2-5 ose.
22t0sytrdis lireltes-Wcbtiser, '110) AT,
first; 'hubbs, '97, seconld; AItiet-ar, '0t),
tiritd. Timte, 26ii3-5 se'.
Htigh jntatp-Yerrior, '97, first; Ftors-
ntat, '00t)It, tseiondt Land, '00t, thirut.
-Heighut, 5 ft. 5i, ttil.
Shtot put-Otlivetr, 'tt)1L. first; Li-ti,
'it D, oecontt; Joyce, '99, titird. Di,;-
ttlnee, 3itf t. 5 in..
Broaid jumpl--Wilkinsonl, '98, fist;
Vernor, '97, second: MeLeant, '00, thitrd.
Disttance, 20t ft. 11 in.
itathiler trowai--Bennlett, 'fitirst;
hritlner, '0), seonde; Harvey, '9S, tiic:
Distance, 104 ft. 5 in.,
T'oleovaut-Tryon, '99, first; Adamus,
'it), seontd. Heighlt, 9 ft. it in.
'Thte officials of tile tmeetivere as
Starter, Dr. Fitzgeraldul tdges at
finish, Prof. WVenlet, J. A. LeRoy:
timet(rs, Dr. Naneee Dr. ttahottge
-anld I. L. lHill; lfielid judges, F. tHen-
srlirler, L. Verdier rund IF. Ste'vens;:
clerk of course, H. L Winsritein;:
seorer.,Sirlolo. lhrri-sortanITreoll,


ixth -and seveneth Cornell lmade the
cireuit of the bases founr timles lald in
the nlinth 'addeethtrtew utor.n rant,
Micehigan, scored ill only thte set(-ond
ad sixthl innitigs, bothl timtes an glar-
ing tmislaylts of thteir appionents. All
it Cornell's seats-s did not e0(11 as
the result afthtieir batting, bat most-
ly bteause of errors, On~ly thtree of
their sc:,ores swere earned.
tnaasmuchi as fte reports received
here fronthrie gamne Ire at rarttl~tee
it mtay be thrat the follsivingsu~u-
miary is rnot correct, The tee In re-
ttute after midtnh-iht last ligilt and
it was inmpossible to geltilhe score as
kept by ttteoffilciael scorer. All1tneces-
salry correction s-will be matde in to-
lt,ol'rti's issue. Tile athlertic board
an(e. others mlet the blat-ct- at Yptsi-
linti tandl 'lconiltatltet ithe Lltae.
Tilt ttlttllttyt
AB R H 0 A E
Affietd s. . ..... 0 1 1 0
Mr-iaughla...... 1 9 0 5
Yioni, .. ..e ...5 0 1 7 5 5
Srttratt ,rf.....5 1 1 0 5 5
Millr, i it. 2 21 1 0
Hlaskellt 2b, ........5 3 3 2 405
Brownt, 3b........4 1 1 a2 a1 a
An RH OitA E
Wolf, s. s -.......4 0 0 1a it 2 4
Cononar,lh-.......5 0 0 0 1 5
tiear,-O 1tt .......- 4 0 0 0 40 2i 1
Botter, r - --....... a. 1 a 1 0s
Sutia ,3)......3it - - 0 0 a a a
Stlee .......- ...4 0 2 0 5 a
Lunni,e - --.........4 0 5 05 2a 1a 0
Mlter, p - --.......2 0 0 7 a50
Ludlow,1 .........3 1 0 5 s a
Tori- - -a......a..a32 at527to
rnnuses......- a a a 4 a 6 7 09
Corinell...-5....01 5 5 2 4 4 0 a-14
Moichliga ...-....0a 0 1t o0 0s-a2
Earned ruins-Cornell I3. Two-hair Hits--
Musrtaugii, lHaskei. Hame rurl- Heacham.
Stoieni bites--Strattonl 2, Siller 3, neaeiham,
Hole 2, IHasbell a, Miiller 1. First base eoa
balls-By Hole 3, by Miller 2. Struck ant-by
Hole 0, by Siller a. Passed tall - Lunn.
Wilid pitch -- Mutler. Time- 130. Umpire -
Saturday's college gatmies resulted as
follos- Princeton 1.8, Georgetown 2;
Oak Park 8, towva 3; Beloit l16, North-
western 1; Depaauw 13, Purdue J:
Dartmouth 13, Amherst 8. Harvard 6,
Pennsylvania 2; Illinois 26, Eugle-
wood H. S. 1.


0 lTillnii-l the mlile' wilk easily aninornncer, trot. . ru'bluout.
, UA!M v Y N itlil Wooduiff secanid. at
NItileidhtin tgs till tileownrwasot'in
0. 0 ie 44i0 yards dash. Cluabbivas see- Sunuday's Chicago 'im'ies-h'eraldt eon-
STOR e. Toisto h 2 ad as tamed a full-page artiele on tile
~fll ~ in 2223-5 ice, defeatitngElbel by about ,Gradnuating Class of -Michigan tUni-
~E~iU U VI ~ ,os is d Te Sit ardsran sias ersily." Cuts and biographies wvere
Just received another lot of n-on by inlg with Anderson second. gieflrrilntnllbr fm
tha fne . f M Mnogam In tin field events, 'Vernor a-on theo class. A short hiotory of '97 and
Paper, the popular shades iigii jumpi, with a leap of 3 ft. 8y5 in. ithtc hy' aedaewa aso ,eld
Blue nd Whte; aso a'ew lTe shot pat went to Oliver with a Tho U. of 11. Band practiced niareb-
Stock of the Various High parut o f f.3 in. In an exhibitionin atheAheiFel Slrly
Grae Crreponenc Paer. trial he made 37 ft. 2 in, Wilkinson afternoon before the nuech. Several
Visiing ardsEngrvedand defeated Vernor In the broad jump fancy evolutions were practiced pre
Plate Printing. s-.th a jumrp of 20 ft. 11 in. Tryenpro r ocmayng IeGas,
lQook the pole vault with Adamsos000' f) Detroit next Saturday. Their play-'
WAHR'S BOOK,® 'P STORE ond. iHeight 9 ft. t in, In the relayindungteaeronwsnej
A RSrace 'Thomas, Cobb nnd Thompson do-igdungteaerouwsn -
Op Town Down Town tse ladBttruqadLbL jeyatble feature and applause was
S. Sale st. Opposite CourtHRouse eaeHalBtria ad Jb.
Ann Arbor Main ah. ( On a basis of :5, 3 aud 1 points for frequent.

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