THE UIVERSITY OF MIC -1GAN DAILY. r'JOS, ., KOLLAUF &-CO, -Fine Black Suits a specialty. 10 E. Washi~cgton St. Up Stairs. _PHOTOGRAPH3S --Special rates te Seaters at _B°erryman' s E. Huron Street Bicycle Enameling! Plains or Marhelized. Any color or style. All work guaranteed. A. CANITLON4. With Tacker & Co., 18 N. Fourth ave A NG ST ERFER'S te ICE CREAM SODA 1 G I . S. S' Strawberries 'C S an d Ice Cream T A SFruit Ices. Ir R [Or, [91.11' and WASHINGTON ST13 S 'S T. ON TilE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, It isgealycoc'scded that a stsinged n etraaccaets almotaasi~~lateseceassty. Ta sce ra the createdt enjoymect fremtshue parcliase. et tec test year masey will afford. td and domsatic cigars. Ladies' artis- , ar dresasin- and bathing partars, up s. J0. R. Tralanovski 305S. State at. WHiY DON'T YOU T*R-Y I The Intland Press A box of tihat delicious Peanut Brittle at StDOES WORD WITHI BRO jWN'S DRUG SO Neatness and Dispatch Half pounds and tpounds, 10 and 20.cents. A few boxei of Givethsem ' all. Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pound 10 cents. COR. HURON ST, AND FOURTH AVE. RANGE of colors and patterns never soon before in n this city , gu f i TAITjORS. Makers of Correct Wearing Apparel for Men--- 20 Pttatarg 'stagiesafar----- 1----5 teats t DogatSed Cs rasfar----------25 casts 16 La Prsncess Stagieas far----------5casts t Pradigy Csgarsfor.-----------25aeats' 1d First Natasal Stagies far-------2cents 6 Paradiaa Cigars far---t---- 5caes 6 YucatanS tagies tar ---------25 casts 5 La ioasa Cigars far---I-----5casts 11 AfanssoCigarsafor--s -------- 25 centas04iBarryClays tar-----------25 casts 6 Star Cigarsafor---------25 casts d Owl Boquets far-------------25 casts 6Becard Breakers tar--------25 casts 3 Roayal Banners tar------------25 casts 3Bruswick Cigars far--------------25 teats IDEAN &COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES., Adeiphi Meeting Tonight. P~rof. Stasiley anielAir. Zt ito swilllbe STe tlltlug ain is teAselttlil Society unasble to take pairt in te facttlty call- lceccaes for ltnighti: Mse, Techict s-rt next Tttstrsslsy-. a-steas aslloulcdtGlesaClusb;ireeitations, V. A. C. itt'- its Wednesday's Daily. The eticire sli; esensts at tise asact, IR. B. Vssils'; tasogt'asssswill ha' given lay Mr.Rets- nItsiae, 'T echnic IC tee Clttts; debatee stick onthie Columiatn orgsat. j "ttesal se, ''hiat lucre' Shousldlbe' a In placec of Protfeeaar Kelsey, wise ntilialtboatrdlof sarbitrstioan fostmit- still he outt ef the city aistusatble lts gsalis it adcesesianuncatlaesdfateint tomsaorcstw isaisig at Newsberry tis1it, Dr. Weuley still spesak at :15 on "The' (Con1ributioof ast -ttalaiuasld Cihistli in- ity to Mtrality" Coy. Pingree's Second Prize. Gov. Pissgre'a'hasemasdse tatotsar paice affrth'i titldst.'it iS tosectireavitwse oit ourt lrese'nt socistal n ililail cats- (illioss. 'lhe tfollowaitng a is t'eoffer: To thlisa'stiuden t ay cllega' in i AIgi Bra reparinsg asitsisatasricail papetr ltila lst'issmotstaccuratse iparalll, - iet:i asrtmosdern istory, s-ilw isht'e trac- ts1i social asset politiaac eisconitiosn t alhs United'taSsses, sitid givinsg -ls rattss5of thieslparallel cetiditioti, I iaers'iy toffer a iprize at $25 cash:tslo tt' se-andi beesatae'r,1 arize sot$155catch. "Inds toltelthirsd best tapte'r'$101tacith. P'apears mistel reprsarAi saltditaklda ia" tihe'a'xecustise' office t'.L atsting nStt aite' 6111 Sept. 11. , 18W). Judesswill bett' s5Llalta d lacier. 112. . 1itlG11lb. tovettsasr. Dealt 'lsty youtr Ihtosittings. Sit 'arly-aud avoidthlisarutehi -f Cots- ssscetse-ul. Settle r'ates to 511sBeti lore of 'li7. Randall's Phsoto Studio, 'is'aiiigtan Black. Sororitie's andafraterntiies swio ale- site to buty or -o rentC asill al esall tat sat L. D. Cart for houses tu-ornisest etr unfurnished. Oficre Sattiaga Batik Block. t'soatdisptsle betweeemp ttiloyers and2 emptiloyessocCintet'ate'rztilrests, alsal thsat tlisebosared seoldts havaetcttmpul- est'r- powaers," affhrsatsiv-e.22. J. lo- Creatry, A. I'. Cox, .1. F. ElemanistIega- usve, lFninkl Itross-t, S. .Ci. ('ea. S ILtte; v'tastl ole, Stislsitra', tils; eritic's reptar. . Q tAdlms. Afta'liar t ssthe l's'aat() ro. 'llsstsa asill speak' ttittus theites't of dslt 551.5 sisl oaititsr sinte I'liis-s rilt. ItP asill tat' folltowedl ia .Messrs. Atte:t. THlE CItCAGO C 'OtMtNS SaiOTi. AIISlIIP. Appiatsiafastise olatetrship, tat-' sttltealbyithelsa'Sitlslts' Chtristisa t see-isalisassfas thle'puariposaeof emA'stilstg at stutaenitosathe ls tisarsily ts lase- sociial aued econossas tudlie'sat ('itt ("Itgao ('ttlttlasa(tsiscli-tesa' mmersss". sisaselet latd theiir stt at's at onessat-os - msasiemberof use eassttlltt' aisasrasinass a-al Th mi. t a ttee coSsaits saf Prosf. Asistiss andai IaeistrcosAtW. 1D. .:Johnetsitad C. it. Cooley'3. 'las or tilr-eisright, :ttiiat 5wometn ssisIl as' i s raofial lo'aaaymtas tttitt-g 5'vta'tttilslt; ees'lia'lte sass st's- s su ;esti reft'elrnces ra'attisa'a. Adt- stress N, earef T'imeiss. T70 A asiitastile fatnwasclost at lilt Pl'aSo- aciastl is hea'sta'rsssass (iy21stl- siitt iis isthghtl. ICfs'hlstes as-las foundastit asilldealive-r it t r. tAtlset'. lt oweasr asill ise mstolgratcful. Thse Daily will iSe deliverad at your roomite rest of the college year for One Dollar. THE ANN ARDOR SAINGS ANK Capital Stck, $50,000-$10,00. Resurces $t,100,000. Organzedtiunder the General Banking Laws of this Sate. Reeires deposits, hys and sals exchsangen te prinipal citis at the Cated States. Draft asted aon prper isetifiatia. Sfety dpait baes t rent. 011escanot thritian Mack Pes; W. D5. Hareeiman, Vice-Press Caa E. Iiscat, Cashiers 51i. J. Fritz Assistnts Cashier. FIRST NATINAL ANKegrzx16 Capital, $00,0.00. Srpius and Preots, 610000 Transacts a genal banking bsinss. Frign echage bought and sad. Farnish etters of cedt. E. ). KINNE Pres. IIARRLISON SOL. Vice Pes S. S. CLARESON. Cahe. T , Trmr , &rhttnira#bnk tCor.Masna nsanuruEstree Capital $50000. Srelusna:0,000. Transact geera tankingsineisss. R. KEMPF. rtes. C. E Oneawe, icsPes FREDa, i. BassE, Cahie. F. J. Sclileedeg 20 S. STATE STREET Sls a Salid Gold Funtain tn at $5-00 Booats Butn-d 2res and upward. SU. of A. Sces aadalPofecsoes 3_ is. Lin- en Pacer ot- 0cets. Nte Boos 5 ttents ad pwad. Lowney's Chocolates. Hrot Lunches. TIUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. NOTICE IT We can now supply you with a ite FRATERNITY PIN. See our line of sa'mnples. WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER, UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposte-awLsBilig 130until May 1ta aytCocasssraGic, 27 Thompson Street. Jsct SReceied as Large and Elegan Line of New Pipes! Stlt and Cold Lnces at all hsurs. Agnts fos' iulesyansed Wiliams ad ararr C's Ctocoate Bn Son. RZ. E.JOLLY & CO?. 0 S. State St.. Sager Biock. A LABRELINE OF Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress Suit Caes, Trunks, Etc., Etc., Anton UTeufel, 51 S. MAIN ST. FULLER & HIXSON A Slash In Prices. Fr asisrt time we wiii PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. StateaSt.. Ovr Raey's Billiard Rom. Sent Free! Tc any person interested Is humane mat- tes, or whc Invs aimas, we will send free, noon appicatio, a copy of tes "ALLI- ANCE." the nrga of this Scety. Is addi- tion to its itensey interesting reading, It contains of the valuable adunusue premi- us's gives by Ie paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 4t0-d11 United Charities Building, New Yok WAGNER &COIJ AGENT S, 21 5. MAIN ST. ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY dAWEDD .w~wSUITE~D" Is what may be properly said of men whio wear Milward's cuts. 'Well Suited" in 'price and quality of work. Call and see the spring stock of latest designs. MIL WARD, TUE TAILORU, TATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH.