s.tiKOLAF & CO Merchant u7 Tilors, 10 E. Washington St - Up Stairs. The Man in the Moon rMay not be thirsty, ut if he weree, he would ......call at...... Parker's Corner Store, STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE ndget aa Ic Cream Soda r ame of hi other Soft Grnas. t'AtIisti is froatiaar every Ball Game ith Fri, Drisks and Peauts. EYES.r THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Cnfurih yea with a Serst-class Fontaln tPoa, Pen and Rin repairing a specialty. --GIVE HIMD A CALL. BICYCLE LI VERY AND SALESROOM 18 North Fourth Ave. We carry c fulli line of p-to-date "Ficycle Sundriea and prts to many wheels. Also Repair Wheels oh living prices. G&ivous ocall if in need of nything A our line. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, Ft is cc realy cceded tiat a striaged it- oatmet ialmot aabslute necesity To secure te greatest cnjoymet ram the 1)teliase ct the est yer moniey will afod. vapert julctgit prnotcss the "Sy 'tale", iatro-eats the iet in te wotld Aa ecellentaimstramet is the BAY STATE $10.00 BANJO. ie hIintoabetcheuer banjoa haa tiic Lafrasuaet itl,sit stte astreniment, at a tic price, as utter instrument manufactured 'tn eteli.omare with it. _Seed fee illustrated atlogue, JdOUN C. RAVINES & CO., - 53-4033 W issgtn Street, Bostn. SOF IiiSAVING PAL11 at it atfi- . rom. All acelinttm sts frt ralti tsn,pitrted ad domestic cigs. Ladies' aei- tootleairdrcalg ad bahliacpariirs, p xciu,.,lRI.. iiian sl 30S. State st. s.o waiing for Clumbia and Harford bicycles. No delay and consequent annoy- ance. All models and patena now ready fr immediate delivery. 1897 ? STANDARD OF THE WORLD i eare made eclusvely of 5 per cent Nicel StelTubing, the entire pro lff TO ALL duct o which we control. ILW0 ALIKE. Irrtford Bicycles are at price within reach of everyone. $60 $50,$5 Ctaolge tree from ay Clubia deae ; fronus for oe a -t POP1 E OFG. CO Hartford, Con. Greatnst Biyle Fatry I F / inte World. Mre thus 'r,Ares of Floo Spae. Branch hous radelrr inalmost eeryacity ad AGE& cO.llABWIS 21 S. MAIN ST. 'rHE UlIVE k T'1Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY. You.Cn AMAN*DOLI NT The Inland Press A GiIJ'IT AR, DOES WORDKIT .A B1ANJO,_ Neatness and Dispatch -A,-V11 11**T'Give them a call. A "\7IO.,JIN, OR, HURON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. for less honey then anywhere in the United States TEAN ARO YI AK Befor Com ence entCapital Stash $,00.Sit ueplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,100,000. Josh the thing for vaeation. Organized under the Geneeal Banking Laws of thin State. Receives deposits, bays asd A')I AND 03RAST sells exchange ou the principal eities ef the nn~x rbor M usic i ..o., AOSHINGTON ST. United States. Drafts cashed upset proper identificatiuu. Safety deposit hoses to rest. ___________________________________________________ OeeICERSt ChristianSlMach Fees.;t W. D. s wRarriman, Vice-Fees. Chas E. Bistogh, DO 'Y C)I .~ Cashiert M.J. Fritz Assieeant Cashier. 20 Pittsburg stogies foe.--------23 cents 0 Gee Head Clears foe.---------25 cents ofNAIAL O Ann Arbor 23 cnts IRS NATONA BANK~raniord isi3 Ii is Princess Stories for------25 cents 6 Prodigy Cigars for.----------- 2 e t apital, $1i.000,Surpluand Prestos, $40,000 If) Fiest National Stogies for.------25 cents 0 Parodie Cigars for-...il----- 5cenesTrnatagerlbnkgbuis. Fo Yuatan Stegies for- --________25 cents 5 La Gloss Cigars for---t---- 5ccata Foreign exchange bought asd said. Furnish 11 Alfosoe Clars for.------- 25 cents 5 Harry Clays for.-------------25 cents letters of credit. 6 Star Clears far.---------25 cents d Owl Boquets for.---.----..-.------.. --.25 censa E. 10. INE, Fees. HARRISON SOCLE, 6Record Breahers for.=-------- 25 cents 3 Royal Banners fez'-.---...----.--.. ---.25 cents Vice Fees 3 BrunswckhCigars for. ............... 5 ent-______________________________ 44 South Mfain Street. DE N & Olv AN . rm % haifrn I UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'heli1'. of 1I. hand cwiii escort tolea liii st'lall ltam to the (Etietit tiignt. Everyb'odty jin ii insthetroe'ssionl andt giv-ethit tealsi a royal scrd ot.f p'i2 .Italilcal :assoitioniis pe tuip fr a fi'eshmat~n titlitiigcesta tt he held next fall. Its objectcis t5 Ittitig otnetildo'baters. tProf'. Actamsl nd ati fouly saill for ilusrole J une fO. They cwilsendttithe Mrt e. atder 0111 wife go Is Euiroe tflesiustamer. They cwiltr mainislaldoa fir 2tw0 years of study. Iraf. Brtadley MSI oltsipsot ilciigoi to I.Letso. Elandlilt, ini Auguse; is studythe l wo srkings of lie ourts.l 'heliewiial'tiernattorfor this ele"'tical 2ltl~c .1ol5 tarridyest'iltiy Ift;ilolt lPtif. Crrir. 'Tue newc iicile sal oi. _ is rturnilitfor lthe tite formly }13ii arc. to wchil it is ftr sueiorti. ' Dr. t'. N. Etoinie, '88,. of Nilits, 'Mirtz., hldlter of this Warsity ea od ratit0s siecl. for lt'e 1011)ytardstitsh, is hlere 5 isitim, Niellllinll huh ittisand515111 ai$1,- utliepra fre iii htilrredtliallis i.c'pttocs ill thesithisastheliii'Alilis Reiewo. it is furtIher i'tlitrteil flint :"0.0i00 lol avlisac elii's ditattul iy, hiesei' aiicle, heil that they hiava'tudi' 'onl'yisslight iiprt'esiontlongi ils- t ritiltaol scholarly lintis ill lie Seslli. TO blENT--Aftinimber o o eotaci U. of 1I. heat house bty hour or dcy. AT THR GRAND OPRRA HIOUSR. 'Pi tsltractisn at the Grand opera housacetan Tuesday evening, .!lay 25, wilii he Al G. Fieldt's hig cosipaity, "Darkest America," whi-hlt is the senl- sattlon if the tuns. In a big dancing dlciveileot arr'ainged expressly for "Dlarkest Amileicti," all the dancers aiipear in a tdancing conlest. Some fsrly simtutle-foaled, active-bttdie't dlantcerastikephithini this scenae. Ev'ery style of dancing peculiar to the Sontli is itfrotduceid. T'he contest at thscall- cilusitons isotis of endandce and skill andtiexcites sin auience to unboustnded' ei lhuisltlt, as all the pseoipcleite ictitist strice etirnettly Isoccitt, aiii liii danintgi-ontest is tiecidleti upont its tierits. 'ililS is silly one if thei iiautity fituiresiof itie -se tctrtlin- TH:II1'AtGfSCOQM2(NS 5t'IJhl. .titiliu'aiita foi 'this srltolutr iinl- st itutedl by the Stdenits' Chlrisi n A.- satu-tltita for thispuosse eof u'tcsltitg tL studentl ofte Univ-crsity lto Itirilte stital anid ecettotite stutdies is (lhi- smemberi tatft tie ctnittsal oteIs awsard if. The comittet'ettisi:is itf list. .Xdn s anti Intruclltors IV. ID. Johntiasn andt C. H. Coolety. Dton't delay your photo sittings. Sit t'orly--and svold tteciushi uf Cost- lecesienf. Senior rates to till cii.. let's of '97. Rlandall's Photo Siudlo, Wtashiington Block. Sorsrities antd rateuntie, acita tc- sit's to buy or -s renst cviii its ccli Io sec L. D. Cait for huses fitrishedct io untfutrnished'c. Office Sacitngs Batik Block. Cor. Stain andOtBursts Stree Capital $5OBO0. -Surpias h$30,t00. Transact general bankinig business. tR. Reti, re.s. C. . RFsaEN, Vice Fres FuE. it.BOsosut.Cashier. F. J. Schiede, 20 S. STATE STREET Sells a Solid Gld Fountain Fe at 51.B Beolts Boud 2.5 censanasSupward. 11. of M. Sceesantd Frofeasorasi% lbs. Lin' en tacer for 5eccints. Note Beats 5crests atnd upwards. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTL'S, 48 S. State St. NO TICE T We can now supply yin with a fine FRATERNITY PIN. See orlhne of samples. WMn. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. Uf 88UNIESIYSCOL OF DANCING Oppsiate Law Boildin. 5300 until Maty 1t ay twaclasses. Offie, 27 Thompson Street. Just Rteceived a large and Elegant Line of Gvw Pipes! Hoet atid Cold Lunches at all tears. Agens fur lilyle's atidcWilliams and Weeners Co.'s Citocolate o Bn es. V & 0 m 20 S. State St., Sager Block. A LARhGE LINE OF Valises, Traveling Bogs, Dress Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Etc., --AT- An trton "Teufel, 57 5. MAINT ST. FULLER &HISO A Slash in Prices. For a short time ace wetl PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22S. State se. Over Rosey'a Billiard Room. Sen1-lt Free!. To any person interested Ia hunsane mat- ters. or who loves animalas, we will send free, uono application, a copy uf tse'ALLI- ANCE." the organ of this Society. Is addi- tion to its intensely interesting readinf, It euntains of the valuable and unusuai premi- us's given hy the paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-d11 United Charities Building, New York I Underwear - l ,- j i / i a ' ' = - =_ - - - .. , _ II . - . . -.FORI H1ot Weather!I We hove She Derby Ribbed Under- wear Ithis finished with a Silk Front, has doiihle wristhands and is thorough- ly made. Our French Balhrigan Under- wear made with patent seams will please the moat fastidious. To appreci- ate the coolness of these garmsents you mnust wear them. THEY SELL FOR 50C EACH. Wagner & Co.., FURNISHERS, 21 S. Main St.