THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Coast Line to MACKINAC -TAKE THEt-' _MACKINAC T 3 DETROIT PETOSKEY The Greatest Perfection yet attained in Boat Construction-Luxurious Equipment. Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Effic- lent Scrvice, tnsuring the highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FOUR TRIPS PER WEEK RBEWEEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE S00," MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and Return, including Reals and Berths. From Cleveland, $KS; from Toledo, $st; irom Detroit, $13.55. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Erliest Trains for all poiots Est. Soth snd Soth- west aod at Detroit for all pots North sod Northwest. Sashayirips Jaoe, July, Agust sod Sop. Oly- EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland ,PUt=in.Bay Toledo Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. SCHANTZ, .. n. u-, DETROIT uIOH. T48 Detlolt & Cevelaaa Steanli Kay. C. THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY! S . Burchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, V1-Ladies Tailoring Annex. "Oly whlen.I a "N-hy'-o tyon play?" et. e Ifsern." Noe Homa is Realty Complete Without a new 1091 Model Washburn Bnoo ihr Prices av bete scaloed downe asearesult of the Washbtot's enrousot popootrity sot thto yona buyaenuoie Washburn ofthe very ltt odesign From $.s.oo Upward. The oneo Wshbbern Mandolin is ratdical dparture frnn forer tylir. It ise eatet,datintiest and lightest Manddoliin iaginabie, and its toe aproces very nerbto teat o idod CremonaytVioin. Wash-t burseroetoldat fixeddeand uniform pricesoby ell firt- clats music delers rverywhetre. Witthbttros atte the acknowtledgrd standard of toe world. Thery ae eotd roluyityly by the leding Artists, Techers ted Glee Cubs. Our newt Was"! here catalogegon toiieieypeyiyittof overy100Artists and tull iefoyeto, p ices,edorsemtst,yetc., wilbe trot freoreeyiptoftapplication. Ifytyty locldeaer cannot supply you we til trod Wl'lhbyot C. O. D. with privilgeoeination, direcyt frmthe ftory. A Washhurs improves witis age aod makesa Gilt th~at increases in value as tise years go by. !t is really worth many times its cst. LYON & IIEALY, coR. WA BASH AVE. & ADAMS ST.. CHICAGO RANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER. R Washington Block, Anti Arbor. ColegesStatistics:."®®®""®®®"""®"""""""""O" Att exchlange has mtade np atlo f * BENT POINT COLLARS WEAR BEST" tht nueoer of studentto etttlett ited : WHIEN MADE "FLEXIBLE FOLD" oft" raytctcteta YOU CAN GET FLEXIBLE FOLD' instituitionesof the world. Titylist *BENT POINT ONLY gives the numnber of sttudents, attted " 0/i ingy tlhe istitutions during 1825 9U, "i Sij/ and is interesting0 as giveng the relat- 7~ tive size of the great univerities of 0 tlee world. Parid .............17,6®i f XIL FL0 Cairo (95) 8,7em............ 4572 * Vieneta. .........7129-6 SS ONH~ ~ ~7 ~ es. . ..4 S AGUARANTEE Budapesth..............5 -07 " A nIta v . . . . . . 3 it3 ) A A & Y P SI . S T . I A IL W A Y . C r n p o~ Ahens ..............,tX25 TIMIE TABLE. OTEESDAY ONL Oxford. . . .32:e3t Taking Effect Mlay 17, 189. I MAY 25 197 Lsailtig..... ..:;117 Leaves Cngress etreet, Ypsilanti at S. Ptetersbtnrg... .2101)2001),710,8:2095:40, 10a. i. and~ ak s S140:0.:90340 O.1)0:30:30, :0, 110 Illl~ 1 hieegti.Evaesstoll........210) otond 10:2) ). inIBy rank D~mont ~e~.aMnagemenat Al.. li. (1tmibridge. . . . .,t1 Leaves =court house at Ann Arbor at G5 Genuieo Sol bero Ngros, Caep Metig Shooes Mobilie codndWigDe :ter, Fltasvoa. .. . 2924 1335, 7:45, 9:00, 1:20, 1:50 0a. it..eind creoe eatisue,Hoodoo Charms Wores ntA~o .......... tli121 :H,420 :0 :0 :0 :0Hadh prtclie~oe rn es dItlscl. . . 251andtl11:00 ) i.n. Staigedtsy WinMNcLain, itrouing itthm. Ildlila h ... .. ........ SUordeilt, rim o a oo; rs. Sa Luci5honts- SUNDAY IMSE. trlbo: Lwenrce hroslte. Teor, i. Jo. Lensylvania ..........2181 ftvsYsilttD(900a 02 ick eso. Baritone Ocr PuliBanoand I ragtec......2... 707 a.ii., and 12:10, 1, 310, 420, 55)) Prices ....... e 0, 35c and 25c 51Mineapolis . ...... 246- 7:11, 8:2,)0till 1:5 p. n. Yalu. . .. 215 ~Le i0tlaves AtttidAli03 tt 19lSad5111 IJILA (ENR L I ril. . . .(10 i. i 25,21,::50, 5nd10, G:t7{ U .3 _ __A ('orne .. 'T nn Tie R evisd', Fb. 7, IOtt \ (ts'York .......... S :11 :0 td 1). il. EASTWET Chlicatgo......... ... .. ... 17:32 1 tt8-I etweei S. Dvsiontlst. 1and Sla irad Fo... 1Mdi.N. Y. Spca-- . the _Aileic eField of(onithe g~iou s, Y specil .. 4,,8) Mileit ----5.__84 Toronto .... . 1.150 ,atrsEs------ 05 N. S. Limitd 9 25 a1 pait i f obS low rinless 7fill. .s. P.. Delaware ........ 1271 tlottit E--. 7 1 52 Pelc Es------ 21 Findelr will please returtn smlie to 41. . I bpres .5 5 Wtestern Es - llooton .... ....... 12701 IlvI- R.51.1x0ets 11 10 fi, Nt. Es 5__ 910 Hleideberg ....... 17: Sll. 1 W lRuoo so, . w. HAY LOS - -oat o 11 tai y a lare'' 1 . & .Ag., Obcoto. At. A-ti Abor Prtincetoni............11188 00,Icl iht I ntie an case. Libeat1 AN NOl(t) ISINT. Ivril. 1I 1hSeder, b3 S. flars IIl oldter i 1 t veaslirge aocowd ic5fl c Ealt.1:111"eil ii lossittle at the \-1rsiiy 111(1k llmeet thlenllogi t , E. Cillrile sM. A l' Srtlirivthle boerd ofldireto1rs iatlritoi ln eit9 nle2c ileided topt 01the llthllltonlttt t 1iti)t;. 25 cents.The 'Varsty troth w.d b~N-Abcyceietfew tliys o ALOD l~a bsuittioitiigtlrltol5 urig Ststanintg in it puoblic bicycle rc k atd seaonevidettly forgoftenl by t I twtec, Un- Ti e Tbl, Sndy, My:I, 189t. itnts o e t olli e ,, at 001 . Sag70aor 10 tIa o et xaoa eto cAt tl T e7 et1sis y~ :0a . in. 11011a. om 241, Flits will tbe the onily rli- I ~c i ~edi.ilThid Pitiig Pmayheolillad ' 11:2 I. ,- 12 a m 5).tttility to intdge he raiti fore ti a:mp. . that nteet and every loyal sttidenti paymg for lhislynlltie.Furtlher i- "Res betoresAss Arior an od ito oly. f0111115111t5iiiiy e hatSOil this 1 0 or 'ts betweern Toedo sdIHowetl This sitonldlte ifatand to give the ieu ite trinSunsdy oly. Al other trisodaily itrite eleosraglr lit Ti 91551byh addressing Y, care SU. of 5. Dill1,; except Sndy. proper en5. 5. 011.31009TheArint will begin at 2 1. 1in. Ladies wl h. CtyN. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. atinitled free. he htantd toill be tte LOST-After the Calve coneri m THE KINDERARTEN BILLIARD HALL 1ha1n1. lletorle Ity inl lg Itf te amita the old chiapel rotmi, a lair of tmukeit withi Corniell at I~tha sa will b :1i1- littil tlpititgllsses iii a blackcae ___________isoncseadslo ng ae RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS LOS-Dimon rng t Asth~sott lass's. Smider will receic s-I Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and daning schitol. Fisser please Tetuanlilwardt' by returning theiiitt Daily etice. Cigarettes. to 39 iltohnrh ttec tasitSreceive rewvard. Sibcribe for the Daly. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. .......RDRYORICE CREAKI AND FRUIST ICES AT.... Bicycle Repairing!+ W H ITE'S Confectionery Store, in albknhsnal adpop oe tO-touth Main Street. Telephone t66. prics Lowney's ard Alegretti's Famons Chocolate Creans. Wm- l. . Wenger, Soda Water, Phoaphates and Vernr's Ginger Ae. 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. The Michiganet-sian NOW Ont Sale! PRICE $1. 300 Pages Blue and Gold Cover, profusely Illustrated with Organizations, Cuts of Buildings, Etc.