THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f dll~ Communication f EioU.of -M. Daily: KIN( ( -It appers highly probable that the $ 6,)* . 0~ Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during toube in the frshman law class oxe-cchL the botunieglegyear Msars iddle THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. t n etirt ota ned Orion1: Times building, 71 S Main St be tween Liberty and Wiiiam Sts fhe cli-ssneetin at xhichi the ro- an-d MANAGING EDITOR lotion peviously yien in te Daiy a J. F. THOMAS, 97. were adosed, while one of the largest C/a' x~~ AS'T MANAGING EDITOR (Vi E E E. L. Oinsmun,'98 L. in attenlance f (le -lile year, was $ 10 .J* J . 11. . SiLLuA, '55 . class president, -Mr. Stevens. This weas - IUSINESS MSANAGER cue to a very general feeling that ' - For wheeling and oting no other sit 0 ll. HANS, O c tveswsirenie n a-r> as comfortable-Extra Pants. F.S ios'8EDITORS a n pca o-leadCa i F, 5 Sosas -9 1,A. CAPEne,'00 of tile gentleiniioIsbe censured anda OnSpclLo- ne ndG yBi F A,uccix,'55 E A. CAurnELe,, is. consequent suspicion that le wuld Sqm- rcF" gQ cycle Pants-$2.0O per pair G. D Ocioras,'0. T. R. WOsOOW, '98. nt lC aifcina radP flUT"eLAM,'00. . . Jtxxsoos 'at9 notgiv stsfctoba peid n.teeis nowvia rumor afloat tha a G lf C a s The subsripion price of the Daily is $.5 "packed" bt regular moeting ill be h Imported pattern- Mot_ for the colege year, with a egular deliv-cy shortly sprouc pon the lss fr tie every Coloing-the noy before nosa each day. Notices, 00omounica-HavrShp tlons, and ther matter ltended foe publica- l~Oose of rephdi sting theaui'iOU OfHaixrd shap lion mst be handed is at the Daily sfice e- H I fote 8 pi., or mailed to the editor before 3 thec mass ies-ting Oii the groundofo ir- 500an $1.00.1W p i., of the day previous to that o whichr,_ they are expec ted to apear,reuaiyanthsvtalyacio Subsriptions may e left at The Dailyrgiloyadlmoitalysnin Office, Meers o toffets Notnd, or tis action o Is.s ll svat with Busin ess otinager 5 teier i-s ess ~itsxrs__~Y fee a favor Opyeporting promptly at this W \etnire and at the same tnist o l ' t r i u t o s office ans failuee of carriers to deris-e pape. at vindicate Mr. Steens pbvr ty pintt 31 South Again Street This Daily Board soll net tonglit itg hIrk sill into effec. 'those otheto- at S ocloockshotori, at the Daily ot~ce. chlseshosere promnoct illiitue pas--____ Imtorttant business will age Of the resolutions are stislaorinig consideration. to asvetise the proposd regular tohicr The Daily is Slow is believe fistoailog lest, s they sy, to hoe, sto tricksedon lce gain by -Metrs. Midlesoi-- coterie Of uch shrewd poi th sc s aoiorsentcd by Mlessr. Mddleos-attetit"coolfrstooO,;,5- sosarts and Wetmore wuolsd he foo~sh time ito santioning thei-r fs'o i-er eousghi to consider for a mometi any tiicy i)tW sich i ionscsicalloahi as the sone out- The Daily sil e deliseredh at yur liieciin he ommnictio putedinroom the rest of the college year for 4 itnsl iithecooensiiicttn trilciinOne Dollar, another column. How a case ,meet -___________________ tug cootld repusdiate the itou of A N mass nceing soes ut aplo',tnot s i AN EM clear what difference the ation iof oha 17li ers t- otfliial" iieetiiig would titake in the The Largst Line of Bicycles, Sun-- relsnietO.cnep htei", disadsple tfor the action of the gentieoteti ltove M. STABLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, montioned If these Some tome Idoe elephone No. . One Sees Fot of Ameni- can iHouse gats and their dark-laittern othhposterh knowv when they aseesl ofthety xwiii keep still and trust to time to SoutotO 0 over existinig irejull'aithso ioull U break oten partly heated wis eob'ly engaging in aiiy "yord hislshe SUPPLIES 9. BETTER THAN EV R shiemes f or bettering theisr pu ost The 1817 BENHUl BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvement A little reflection ought to cons-bce the Spldieg League falal, Mit, l'Mass, etc in construction than any other bicycles now before the public Never bolerohe- genieiienofthee fcts Maagers shold send for samples-and sucho excellent sales been offered for the money Our newe line, conssing o eigti gnlmnothsfat.special rates. its-rep requisite for Tennis,$6,$oad$2fosigemcnoadldfrtncossot G_________osf, Cicet Tach and Field, Opine- superbsiodes at $0 7 n 15frsnl ahns n 10frtnes ih sum Equipments and outt. Complete hic various options offered, is such that the mot exacting purchaser can bc etrey Atlantic Monthly Announcement. Calalogue of Spring and Summe Sports Sited. - ~~~~free."The Name the Guarantee" ETA Y L F.C. Anitnportant feature. of all early A. G. SPALDING & BROS., GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS. ND- Isue of tile Atlantic -Monthly is New York, Chieago Fhiiadlphla.OUFIEPSRCALGEMIEDORTO-ENSAPS promised in an aticle on "Timhe Grest INTERCOLLEGIATE Std tsa dT ch r Probeim of the Government Speivis-Stdnsa d ea er ion of itairoads. Other fortheotuihig BUREAU FOR caia secure pleasant and proitable work introducing our article. by leading educators are a Capss. Gowns and ubi Lbraries ......... cotmparison of '"Two Wars, The ('os COTRELL &ENRiii towns and country aid forming eading Clubs. Jst ponnosianl and the Anerican War -of & LEOnyNARD, the sork for Students, Toachers and Msinisters. Secession, I861,-65," by Profssor BL.V mr45g.': vlim StMa ges. .......... Gildersleeve of Johns Hopkins 1.ui1- We also want a few energetic field managers. State ago .Su MER LAw LECTURES and experieince in book work. versity. and "Some New Fracts about UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Juy] t Ag.11. Cusemiciudesi ecteseib, Address Dept. "5S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. AMunicipal OwxerShiip" (of Street Itail- asr justice Hara, of CI . supreme court, Foe %taiogue, addessm RItC. MINOR. Aeeruy witys and tile ike), by Professor Chariotsillea. 6s. o rswwsxar cwo-ooa - Arthur P Hadley, of 'ale. RENT-,HLEE. f10 te. a is o - OiO u-&F_______.,.__ iin e $ sitt ,. - A w h it o s ilk f a n w a s lo s t a t ie w4 J ' O O uJot el o Panny Socal Ind(le Waterman Gyna- ANN ARBOR. MICH. sRtlu.~1 uo Siunm it Is thought. Ifte prrana who fiMA nl RTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth I fsund it will delivr it to D. Mosher. . and Metallc Casets and Fine Grade C~ offns, Embalming a Specialty.: No. 17 S. t l (leoneh lbe n is te'hlfnl Fourth as-. mo--s