-daL tt lu t AIL. MW VOL. VII. No. 175. ANN ARBOR, M[CHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1897. Four. PAGES-3 CENTS. Receivedi a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1 89,-&7 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN. CIGARS TO BUN...# anid' good ones too. We $carry all the leading popu- lar brands and can suit your taste. Cigarettes and 0 Tobaccos, too. 0 j PALMER'S PHARMACY. 465S. STATE ST. College Meni! College Girls! While cltivatinz yoor bead don't forget your teet. Here's an axiom. The correct College Shoes, Mens' and Girls' sell for $3.50, $450 and $5.00. TAN, GREEN and BLACK. 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. No Bicycle 0 ® 0 is Comlete oWithout a 0 0 0 0o 00 00 0 We have Cameras that are0 0 specially adapted for bicy c-0 S lers at $.00 to $20.00. $8.000 will get a good one. Ask0 0 for Catalogue. 0 0 0 0 CALKINS'-:-PHARMACY, WAHR'S BOOK STORE, Just received another lot of that fine U. of M. Monogram Paper, the popular shades Blue and White; also a New Stock of the Various High Grade Correspondence Paper. Visiting Cards Engraved, antI Plate Printing. TO WORK 1N HARMONY. Plans for IUnited Action of S. C. A. and University Y. M. C. A. Thie commnittee representintg the tde'nts' ('hristian Associatien and ttte University Young 'Be's Chiristian Associattoit has dirawn uip tihe follow- tug-- repert: tnorsiter to htarnenize te'neck tind ttrgtt nizotiot e trChrtstian Associa- titn wviithteiok andti srgaiizatiett of (c) All :relations with te state atnd itnternational Y. M. C. A. anidY..AV. C. A. contentions aitd workers. 5tis.-Memnbers of the S. C. A. shtall lie active or associate ittetubers of te Y. M. ('. A., or of tihe Y.-W. C. A., acrcorditig to thte basis mntioned in provision 3d above. 6til. A cormmittee consisting of the Presidents and the General Vice tree- idets of the S. C. A. and the Univer- sity Y. Of. C. A.. together with a msemn- ltcr of te lBoard of 'Truistees of cacti o iizimtinsitill draw utita ettnstit- oier l dat thet'samte tsStimet eeStot ans. by-lawvs'for the 'S. C.-A. andt scoot4wistly te lotcat condtitionsettle the attiliatedl soscitis,ecryig out thlosris-i ipropseti: te trovisiossabove mtetntioned in do,- t Ot.'T110 8. I'. "A. sittiti thttstt(e its; tld, e111 Itis ttgl'c1etet sthall becttite presest urtatiintiiott t tntworst stny1iiig Wisetn stutch onttltiotssal sito far asitado :necesiry itby t he e iectsadopited bty the Clhristisa chtattgtes folloswing. , sseicitiotis ticntionted. I shalt ht ctiettcsclso atoto reai, "The Yttittt "ion's iChristitaniAssociaition, thte isttitg Ooiset's Citrist4istitAssocisa. ticnthts Voltunteer B.-it1, its., are uecsogn-izedcst ietffiliated socictit's, etc." :3d. The Y. itt. C. A. ottd Y. W. C. A. stistit iteorotgantizedt ttntlt'r prosvisiosi liite thotuse'in oilier colege associtiotns, is('. to mt ie. sex, bsasis of tmemtber- sip, sbuit tie-ic conistituitiont shall tire- vtie tiit, (ta) Te Prs'siden'tts sif thetsecrntt- il titns shtall, subiject to rititifiration Sty the S8. C. A., hi' the twvo Getneraltitec tresidtitts of t'e S. C. A. aitd their T're'asutrershattll Ste Assistanit Tresas- tsrt'ro of tie S. C. A. lit) 'rit ansdinig commiittees of t'es,' ors-anizationis shiall be mtembers-c of teestnditig cotittees of te S. ii. ..'.Tey ohall ibo atptointed bsy the rPresiident of te S. C. A. with tie ail- siretintd apptroval of te Presittetits of te respective associations, and She mint lines of work carried on bsy the setarate coitoittees shall first be agreedl si in She joint mteeting of the coni; itttees as commtittees of te S. 'C. A. (i') Work in te separate depart- metistoof te Snirersity shall ito in chsarge of She S. C. A.. and the officers of te affilitated societies shall he elect- cit -by and shall carry on She work of te tmen and women of te University as a whole, atid not of te departmsents as such. 4tht.The affiliated societies shtall have charge of (a) Such separate meetings for men aitd women as the .s. C. A. shall by' vote provide for, and these shiall not be less than two each month of the college year. (b) Any work that the S. C. A. shall Michigan Dehating League. The _liciiigtn DebtittugSeagi crout- mtittee iteldt atbusinies itietitig last eveining ini Detti litlettiis' officie. of t lie iiieet~iitid . . K Sepner see- re'tariy. J. S. Lathters wass iccitid presidesnt of the Cntra-l Ssbattig iLsagits, antd Prot.'Trueblotod was chtioenithSie facutlty mieitber of tiie exe- cuttive comitteili". T'eirwo emersc itt the gradateai'coutitil at Chicago are It. Mtic~lnnty atid E. C. Siiiiec. Tiie iecameil has silecet Stneutiis oiteni j'tdges andtiwSioettljecis for tltbai', bitS these have not yet beeniaiae pub Adelphi and Alpha No Will Meet. 'rite Asistiuti aitit Alpha Nit Societies will metietlogether nttx Saturday even- ing ini Aideliti Htall. It adiions to t'e entetiniing progritmtiwhich te .Adel- phi has prairedt,te 'vlttly deiat- lng Scoat will be tiresentaousp eicitsn the rtlbatiiiitleass-of te Utiher- ally. Prof. Trureblood has also con- sitnted to he tpresentiaitispickion li.' 'Varsity Men to Ithaca. The 'V'arsity baseball Scam will leave for Ithtaca, where Cortnell will be plttyed stoorow, at 10:05t tonight over te Michigan Central, arriving there at 12:13 p. in. ltorcocv. Be- sides Maitager Atkinson and Coach Watkins te followitig playei's will be takent: Lunni, McGee, htiller, Sawyer, tendonSHeatrd, Xolff, Sullivant, Lud- tows, Shteean tand Butler. Tie unmpire for bot Cornell gaines till be appoinitedt by Pre'sitdent Vonit, oft te Natiottal Lhague. Prof. Russell's Intended Tour. Prof. Rutssell wiii leave in July for thie Ctascade Mocntilsts o tike up istIl work on tePUnied Staites Geological Survey.lHe still cindy te cott iistnts of te Catscade regioti. He spout She vctioneitlast 3ear ii i'aeiitg ero te glttelers of OMount Rasnier sits]in studyingg use artesittit wells of eatercn Washintigon: Professor Rstttecilhas speint three sttissttcs ini Alaska, goitig tar upt te Yukont and Porcupiine rh'ers toil leetratinig coutriy tat scientific iteitlhad nte cid ietore. Street Numbecs. 'Tto cotmmiotscottitil of AnnitAior rentity passsedl Ottortdinantce providhing for ite nttcc sysletit of nunibu-ring houses. The usethod is Shot callesI. tii P'hsittdelphsia or Htudred ltn wihere- by ecrt block is ghven a hutndred nun- biecrs. All streets ruinig north ad south cwill startS to numssbrr routlS-t.1 ruts of. atid those cast and cvest at Medal to Princeton Professor. The thoyal Academty of Sciececss and Letters-,of Genittark lias awGardi'tl a goltSdimedal for te bestwtrk onta griucusl question in sociatl ethics to J. Msui'rk Baldwin, tsrnfsssor of tssyitol- oscy hut Prinicetotn University. The tsetuoi's siubmuited cc'ere nine in uuit- utihirsocs o eausit-strt. . iiber and. crileitte1 four ltti-uasges. attendaince of -both societies is expeoci- Possa'Btdcitoecyctsse ed and an enjoyable evenuing is gusar- uuuyo iec-akette Sca tubd t al wo rute ' autd Ethical Interpretaions of (liea P. D. Eain-ami of Detroit, trill tire. side A cmplte pogrm wil a Prhucitdca of Mental Developncui," side A onupoleproram ril OPaunounced for early liuhiLiatioii. sear in tomuorrow's ?Daily. Liwrence A. tchottih, A. B., '87, High School Oratorioal Association. a rsn rfso fGr!ai The second meeting of She Ann A-r- Lauguauges and Litersatures in Ness bor High School Oratorical associationVouk University, has rcr'ntly secured was held at 3 p. oai. Wednesday. A $100000 to, be spent at euice. for books c'ote of thanks was tendered Profs. for te German departtaont library. Trueblood and Pattengill, who have Non- Vork University 'ecently laid the done so naucla to make the. organiza- corner stone of its nice library builil- then a success, and the following of- ing, whtich is to cost$730,000. firers were elected: Guy Bates, presi- Tune 4 and 5, toter-High School meet di-mt; Miss Lillian Hillman,- vice-prs-a a tbr eident;. Mr. Knapp, secretary; Allen Track Xeet Saturday, 3 p. Broontball, treasurer. inm., at Athletic Field. W AHR'S BOOK STORE iP Tows Down Tows S. Sate it. Opposite Cts se' Ass Arbor Solo st. I doom -most wisely Iwomen separately. done for men and Ax