THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year at THE !UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrriCE: Tines building, 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and Wiliam St. MSANAGING OEDITOR J. F. TBsOAS, 97. ASS'T MSANAtNG EDITOR E. L. GcsMus, '8 L. ATHLETIC EDITOR H1. B. SILMA, '98 t. BUINESS MANAGER . H. lANS, '8 EDITORS F. A. Fui, '08 E. A. CAMrnELL, '9. G. D. Buexec, '0. T. R. Wooontow, '98. BUTLER LA, '00,) G. D. JecimaS '5199. . A. CMuccoLL, '.0 The sbcriptioc price o1 the Daily is W2.0 fee the collee year, with a relr delivery befoet noos each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter iteded for pblica- tio mst be handed in at he Dily olte be- foe b p. i., or aled to the editor before 9 p. in. of the day previous to that on swhich they are epected to apear. ubscriptions may e left at The Daily office, Ideyra or Stoilets Newtand, or with Bsess Mianger. Sahriers will co- fer a favor by reporting promtly at this office acx failure of carriers to deliver paper. The orgaizelors of the Central Debat- in~g Legoe lhive wiely 1110(1" il- rangemlents in111e oistittio or (ile seecioni of iquestions, ooingiilifof judges and ite daes for iodl~g te debate, These .matterco, eseilly tihi chossing of judge, loave beeniti' 011010 of1m11c11divcusionl, 111111have given rlie to 001110biler fceig ,ii our foner iter-olleie 0de1batls ldi oaorical contess, andthle foetiha rs of this Dew lague have will1 to poli by' these foiimer ixperienris. 1t i;dt fitlt to s500holIe, 011Buelispute all011 ever arise 11inder 1110 Oil-uIl 1.1of the iew league, The iiirreaied late'tion li ibt is he- 111g' 111011to tninis this a gr is it it shiould be For soiie 0011000 901100 has nor fomlerly occpied aiproinentlio~ 1p151t100 in 0110 0911701 c; bu111tuis year. the 'building of the 11055'cour1ts, 7a- rangig g ialoles wih oiler euniesi- ties sail the offering of t10 tnins troophy c01111elire07100 10 lolnkihter11- estandma11e1(0tennis playing imalol 111000polahr.-Notoiler ahleti 011001 affods better exrcise for genrleo- veomiient,0011 111000than Dtisleit is 1a ganme that tie sucdent body aso a wholle ran paticipae i.Itwilsol w'houllt doubt add also to the inerest in1 1t1- iles and to tie strength of (le tl- letic asociallton, tinasmullchas the sil- denlt twill have to joiin the asociatioll to ejoy 1110 pivilege of tusig the Iowa Defeatasfinneota The forthi;annual joit debate e. tween 1110 sate universities of Ioa and Minnesota was hield at-iowa City Monday 'night Thie'qestion wo, "Shiold tile United Sates senators her eleted by direct vote of the peopie anod was affimed by A W Hoann. E. G. Moon and F. W. eeiian Oilt the part of Iow a, antd dnied by Bert Rtussel, i. IV. NesoninddNV. D. Lan , of M inuoota, The bturdens of the argmen~ft for teO affirmiative was that the right to voob for osenatooo should not be delegated'. to the legslatures ecatse telopl011 are as rowtpeteit 'to select their, oic- ! toos as their legislator; thaft it ls om011- paratively easy to cottol a legisativ (-llcts and thus defat the wiii of Thfie negtive rferred to the suces of the pr0e'sent systewn for -over , (nov yto 'teo gob C:jeteold elet110 cases0 in the 110o1s0. ad to te 00001111 11011 i tile 00ieltiontlsysemi. The deision s unanlioulllis for thec alHirwtiil00 ANN 011 , C}311NT. Ini 0ordetr to av sle 0100crowd t1- Ptosible 11t te 'Varsiy 11r1c1k 101e0 Saturday (le oard Of directors isle deocided to pt the amlissiont down tt 2i cenis Tie' 'Vrsity trak iti,0o hbhiei traoiig tatistly during the seasoninlDoider to ireseta tr010111 'tll to mlet Cicargo at Dtioi, May -' h, This will bethetn ly reatl 011 portunlity to Judg thliite11m111 fore 1tha1, 11101 111111v'ry loyal stdet shlouldl be alt:1ha1d(1oI;;ire0 1110 '1101the 11011100 i'iootoagoii 011. Te galue0~ will betginl1a1 3 p.11. L alies will1w t admiitted fol. 1Ttt' bnd till iDt oni Itlt tCoriell oil Ithoacasill Ite 1a1- L.081'Southti of t.e it'. t Indi,,' ]vtohlNvith HalliotilOncse. t rv-i xt ld. 1. L. M011111'0.32d S. 'Tayer 0. Iils Aira10111. ipalm 0r11ade 11111 TANDEM" To Rent!!! 1'0'e [Larges Line of icircrir, sun- dries and Supilies at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORUM, Telephone No. . De dor Mist of Aor- Lya.; BUREAU FOR Cps. Gowns and Rood. COTEELL & LECFARD Albany, N, Y ' .t4=_- V. Mioitoit,,0IManage'r. 40 . Ii1lamiSt SUPPLIES Spaldirg League Ball. Ri~, '.tasks, etc lacagers sho'old send for smples ad special este. Every reuisie for Tenis, Golf, Cice, Tach and IField, Gymna- sum Equipments and outt-. Complete Catalogue of Spring and Summer Sports free. "The Name the Garatee." A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chiago, Philadelphia. + }REN TIgs2HLER,E ANN ARBOR. MICH. OR . MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth and Metallic Casets and Fine rade Coffins. Embalming a Specialty, No. 17 S. Fourth ae. SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. flyf bsLAug 5, i 7. Corse inludes 10 leiureshy St. Jutice marin, of C.5s.speme Cour. Fr caaicgue, address R C. MINOR:, Secreay. C~araieayine, Va C and i = =For whetltng aiod online io other suit as comfotob-Extra Pants. Ill One Spectal Lt-Bluie attd Gray Ii- Sylualexecyle Pallls-$2.00ioor pair, Imported patterns. Moot _ oeiy Cooinig-the Dew 50c and $1=CO ce Noble's Star Clothing House 31 SouthbNain Otraet. Te ,BETTER THAN EVER" 2h 897 BE-HU.R ILCYCLES embody moore new and genunimoproveento in construction thus any other bicycles now before the public. Never before Il-Ire stucs excellettt values been offeredh for the money. Our nest list, consisting of tiglit superb modeio at $88, $75 and $125 for single machints, and $950 foe tantdems, with the vartons options offered, is such that the most exacting pnrchooer cant ho entirely suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., ?2 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, 10(0G Students and Teachers can secure pleasanit and profitahle work inotrodcinoutr Public Libraries........ in towns and country and forming Rending Clubs. Just the work for Studeiots, Teachers and Ministers. Managers................... We also want a fews energetic field noanagers. State age nd experience iin hook work. Address Dept. "8S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Swe'wilsend n receipt "EtO nt. a "pet any adbess. r esmum Ipaapund,u$ t.30;quar- r isidUG,15 u sItn Sltree, Nw0Yrk ntpmnm th Only odzn. z -r'