AL AL VOL. VII. NO. 173. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. WILD MICHIGAN 13; D.A. C.9. Receveda ful lne o Noel''Varsity Wins the Same by Heavy ties for Spring Suits BtiG and T'rouserings TINAt n ht's for a totl of 1juiltya o -o-. tellsthe story of yesterday: vic 18 '96 7 CorytGCtr l11itr ooit A11ttIit(1111). Toatt li IIIill streak li tt h1100 beto NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, 1 tottiiel or so log-"ctoe oratloot o!d ca1e with elt I ero Eve. oire-- "r"ittT Cttt t~l oni etl softly ssit the Low'tey'sa 'ndlPlow's' Ch- 'intitt ilOw l a10Indil ititi(g 0"' S colates eitheci in bulk or .11loi' ',eySreiep" piounid andrlhalf lpouind Itll i ~' or so"iit~~ Packages, strictly fresh, 60 Itllii' wvi1 altioi Oltilit t tis Iit ill Cento a poundt .4,3tt Iott- .I tt. l llowisledt t it 1 ; PA6THE' PHARMACY. 0tilIOlit' 110 'ii 'tat1-w itltlIaI itt>',?~ 465S. STATE ST. two i' tttt. Wtolff ;11ti1ittec,t i t lotl(, I itt iii it I I so- <,,11rdo t oot i1,,(, olititcr i t. Hittliiim tIkt cot "SHOES FOR THE UNSHO001st tee1lit,, eio'ot'etbeillillI.-i hi( ........... 2 0 1 ot il hr. te aniotiicesdl thtr nto all (otil..: ... . .. ..-....1 9 27 3 -tof a let, woultdbe ihe'st-mktrenider- " 1il:htr~u ot -itby ) ttc NIL clitheDnetito esItivl.itr--t t ..... 32 I t.) 0 2 - 9 Iiititi Ca-tile that it isas his lesiro on im~ lac liga 7t1).A. ., 1it" t isthiatiiite Cslltitis esblist ite lieedeit I tk Is o h le. 1 ill Ittithiit il, " t ols tar wait titeir 011000 05 othersc, it - ttiii i' - 1- --i iltts i t i ti i.llttttr liz~ l ita- t it---- ' - hot oat colored eshocs 5we think % - 1 0 -?.!1r l)e tlel'I' 1 ii i o'l Ii",Cnon t itito. lilt C t ttliiDuchta ir-at e ey t y shcoold talkc pains to 1it,1o ftis fir. ti[tital ttfI- 4Iacss w . ki.ToImset-toB iii tis --- ttltltttlttt r:u), t ' Ic 'iial ettitera to i itii hav-c them right, iparticolarly iI tilt I iteiC. , ieo : , rr>.t'titt cobo' as theo slightest defect is tsltllI iug n tilt1sk ies 'o a ctrt )litt-Ka i>>r1..ul iiratndaticeihadiicaklethie eLititolng 0for tilt magnified-We' tre moretehansis llcitoft-color. Imtit thatrwith rterii1'o farnigfo uhIbn careful wienochoosingor col- wot:kat observatory. 115 i ritcii u tctatn oreilshites to tav-c theom as necar I i i i i itt1 ' ci tl I i t l tIk lt' of'r-ti t It was tdecitdetd is- ole oit titi pemfoction as inoinoy,care coil tilt' mtiot itittr'itol1I; 11 E ililO li 't Ii itt lI Proti r. ll lthasfotireiii1' lst 1 ioths idimntiantakethitel o 10 ito oldl suctrlt ti it-i t oilot jidinit tl ae liii'e~gtii il til -et I tg1 dIniiitll'tttrtaIlI1'ac the vtr 7 it- -ly 1ien ti li , teit7 WoJlAtheL L, pith t1'1111 u~ls-erslnil« ia 5 ilut0''It'i ttlidayal t li 1Mseven 3 ti Itcst..lfe-,tit. 13 WASHINGTON ST, ANN'ARBOR. slt 1 il iot rd nie ilt-ll 11 h', 11 orfIls'e eaitth fruinmite awesIit ori' . lls last in tip for tD. A. (tC. iiw 0droisivei ' 1~'.V Cortiss-tl wseri' tppsln' c iiatoa touta- omamaa~wwanasw~saxw'dmawm amra ((.1titlil'antl I lihlthtnt'folloisoi 'l s s tileit a ndi Iis bintg ssworked0 on all u tcitte ti rritoge firll- r-esilit'ut.. p No icyc e e hreobnse Digall s-oring. Al er- 'vr tess-orldl. Prof. hatll lira ntal AtleinBada-tig ronlie itmlta 1111a 111 iiagg ' tiiitll'tt'tlhis swork, and11essti-ate's li' Atltchore~beig d va0rol'atitl iti ttr' I~ll in~~ i at abtott20 feet. 'Itt lossi t110iela f i tiil'11-t ot otie in lihe secrtitil L cl I ' c~, isasistantt has lieen ssorkini" last aight Cmr. Dickinsonia tphatart-tI for- ti o , ~ r" oot: for soietal se-irs a. rell'-' itta a mV -0-J --r -- s t-itiobag te tild Site'tan's htliL. . i itISii 1 l'9 the iatter itf t:u tiess ec.s 00 '0 "-Ir. ;tritI ipitot1e in 1 1 ) ii 01of iii'ortaitof the asirolil, Pss-ei Lips of tlho 'It- fooltailteam. The soella.llm'csl(lt dteidledlto clitata ceso- We havte Camacras that ame 0 It ut sini tilet' hirdth at SIlehig t tim-e--mt then' arc buit tewss'tim-itto olltugo ~'ioen itit specially tadaptted for bicyc- 0 i s 1 ills+ihol 's oftle sisitors. lihlil -t'tlicmgta-srtnota aAhniitmd Istmttiimger to collier wliithihe'9S a lers at $3.00 to $2500. $8.00 0 -ill stitn hits iser I'ittite. Wotlff gitt'- h r-t-team. M'IaitrmAtkiutoon uinoinceel stwill get tt gooniea. Ask 0I11tsi.of tihem. i WttIdias lil tIhie bl ll iiIIotigmcra hii sok fthat hlit sisalmot:l e-ytt gisv' out 0 forC(titalooc~u. 0 ' tlrIatito liefctler for sihat soouml a Ilstiall iatiare.rite- mse thie sutin-eli'class tiui nsicihee.Thet crits' ° 1a~e Den hul rn ea I nt ('~sotmaimsit ipriniilland00111- Isill slte11a1vfo 0itii lten i -iti rm- icl itxoti-llss' ridtle' muchi tI :) s 0 PlVsI- nunav 0 sitk a pio biottttlta aak. s tu tise, latiudie andsl oml'tiule. 0 0. t s-tl lie ntitbi' uniredbac. As l 1s- ery' eseimitere art'someucof the,,, umigrltuge isIi als h; l hc-e eiucaloit bi orkimig at ihte obselcrioa'muder the altras-i tdi silh vben ost i Iui g hi eld of the innuintg shuowsesddirestion of Air. 'l'osawley- abommt the riddile of Jutne. Thle Colt- un AT111 nceaeof six rinos. lore rtmns Osinitue oilier depaartmienatsaoit Ilu e 5'tt utnay'o oe afli idfrI 'S BO K T RE wr tahin hibe fourth, sesenrtl aaUnivtsersita', motec-old bte useid to Chit-gogameu, T'iamakogis- i Sly. WAHReigth puposeher. Anou th mot mee Club Comicert. Just recemildanother lot of gs~oodp,,ctOlce Otamgteuus 4 teotthescodinntintg, lte D0A. lotsasima maeis are toeoiltooc. -----anthtfn U f itt '.shhcoe nth hr, svnh xd sbiteirootgrpiotftbth Iedteo h Ge lb ocr 'Papor, tho populat shades uihlutl, muatsly-troughla ieiigcells er- of s-il itebe odvr daa has becn changed fromi Jtme 4 to Jaue Blue and White; also a Now tr. ,togeommly t trlraatrnat.As, The clubs are Itarti at nok rec Stock of the Various High Miller ,for Mueltiga,Iitflteul a fair litacltrto r t edo c lr aarsimgfor ttis comiec tand ithey still Grade Correspondence Paper. gttcaa oi italleullcdid supptlort liobeymaetonofhees Vmsitng Cads Enraved and buy Metdee. The latter caught tllree Observatory hill is otte of the ltret-tttobtdynaeithtofhees 'late Printing. ~I~exeatiomttily hard fol btall t i anIs thtys!lsots a boamt Att n Arbor, and asbyrgininnnrbrb teLie- Plt s- ily musical clubs. Thet soloists on tinmul oudtly alplatab3ei. Wtatkutts'throwt to sfficiemtly interesting to be well wvorthlhilt acigarneapetyateGe Cu hsya r .E w TAHR'S BO KST R stop of a So-itt grounder itt the eightils Pease, '98SD. and S. 1. Motter, '00 L. ]O K y anth his steal from third to haomae vere ,Theo -Cornell ce-edo are trying to ar-. 'ickets !for thte comnert can nass be Up Town Down Town feattures. range, a plate for a heat race with secured tfromo any nmenuber of the ,S Sate at. Opposite Court Hose ' :Ann Arbor Main st. Fi or thle D. A. C' s Dingw-all played W'elleoles crew. clubs or of the Athletic Assoociation. t t 1'..