THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) duin the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFrEe: Times building, 79 S. Main St, be tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. ASS'T MANAGING EDITOR E. L. GEisMEa, '98 L. ATHLETIC EDITOR H. B.SKILLMAN, '98 L. BUSINESS SIANAGERI O. H. HANs, '98 EDITORS F. A. FuoiK, '9 E. A. CAMrBELL,'99. G. D. HUDNUTT,'00. T. R. Woocoow, '98 BUTLEa LAMB, '00. G. D. JENNINGs '99 . A. CAMPBELL, '0. The subscription price of the Daily Is $2.5 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica tions, and other matter intended for publica tion must be handed in at the Daily office be fore 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before p. m., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to deliver paper Every student who possibly can sould attend the baseball game this afternoon. Now, if ever, is the time for a liberal display of college spirit. It is true that the team has not up to the present made a record of which Michigan can be proud, but that this is true is due entirely to inexperience and to the worst of luck. Every play- er has worked hard and faithfully, do- ing .his utmost to bring Michigan out on top and the team is determined to do all in its power to retrieve its reli- tation. The best part of the schedule is yet unplayed and we yet hae an excellent chance to look back on a good record when the season ends. Alt that is necessary is hearty studenti backing to aid the team. The most important part is good attendance and plenty of enthusiasm at the games. Let everybody come this afternoon pre- pared to "root" until the last ball is pitched. New Dormitory. Harvard will soon have a new do- mitory to cost $150,000. It will be a triklt structure arranged on three sides of a hollow square. The large court yard in the centre will be 125 feet wide and 90 feet deep. There will be 50 suites, each containing a study, bath room and, as a rule, two beil rooms. Every suite will have a stret and court frontage, and in every study there will be a large window, eigt feet wide with a stationary window seat. On the ground floor, there wit! be a reading room, a gymnasium and a bicycle room. In the basement hand- ball courts will be provided. The in- side furnishings will be in antique oak. Sororities and fraternities who de- sire to buy or -o rent will do well to see L. D. Care for houses furnished or unfurnished. Office Savings Bank 'lock. DETAILS ALL FIXED. (Continued from First Page.) n the president to preside at all meetings of the league. In his absence the vice president shall preside. Section 2. The secretary shalt per- form the duties incident to that olhce. Section 3. The treasurer shall keep the financial accounts of the league, shall pay all bills audited and allowed by the executive committee and shall within five days after tny "final" con- test, deposit in some savings bank of Chicago, to be approved by the cxc- cutive committee, any surplus funds that.may be in his bonit after pying the expenses of the "final." Section 4. The executive committee shall audit the treasurer's accounts, - shall make all necessary arrangements - for the "final" contest, and levy any necessary assessments on the college Y associattons represented. Section 5. Each debating board shall have general supervision of local debating matters, shall pass upon the eligibility of debaters, shall name the university's student member of the executive committee and its alumni of the graduate council, and shall assist the graduate council in selecting ques- tions and judges as provided for 'n Articles V. and VI. respectively. Section C. The graduate council shall make the nal selection and dis- tribution of questions and the assign- inent of judges, and shall decide all matters of appeal. ARTIOLE V. - SELECTION o QUESTIONS. Section 1. Each debating boad shall submit to the graduate council anuually, not later than April 15, two questions properly stated for debate. From this list thus submitted the graduate council shall select three questions, one for each of the "semi-, fdals" :and one for the "final," ant shall assign them to the four univer-5 sities between the dates of May 1 and May 10 of the calendar year pre-c ceding that in which the debates oc-t cur. Section 2. No question shall be usedi more than once during any three sue- cessive years.1 Section 3. The choice of sides in tlae "semi-final" debates shall be accorded to the visiting debaters in every case. E In the "final" debate the sides shall bea determined by lot between representa-i tives from the two universities coit- cerned within five days after the "sem-finals." The remainder of the constitution and by-laws will be printed in Wdnes- day's issue. This year's debating board is made up of the following faculty and stu- y dent members: Dean Hutchins, Profs. Mechem, Hinsdale, Scott and True- blood; Adelphi 'Society, J. L. French; Alpha Nu, F. Englehard; Webster, G. 4 5 BETTER THAN EVER"' The 1897 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvements in construction than any other bicycles now before the public. Never before have such excellent values been offered for the money. Our new line, consisting of eight, superb models at $60, $75 and $125 for single machines, and $150 for tandems, with the various options offered, is such that the most exacting purchaser can be entirey suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., T2 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, IND- OUR FINE POSTER nATALOGUE MAILED FOR TWO 2-CENT STAMPs. Students and Teachers can secure pleasant and profitable work introducing our Public Libraries ...... in towns and country and forming Reading Clubs. Just the work for Students, Teachers and Ministers. Managers ...................... We also want a few energetic field managers. State age and experience in book work. Address Dept. "S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Wewillsendonreept nf 1netROEa sret aneadlress. Prie: " porno, 1.3():; quC. - nur aound, so esa L. Sutter, and Jeffersonian, I. V. Kep- ner. The board meets Wednesoday at 7:45 . ii. iii Desin Hutchin's Ofee directly after the mieeting of the Ora- torical Board. The abject of this meet- tig is to select two questionsa nd the SUPPLIES names olf the ten judsges for next png LeagosBalt, Bits, :flasks, etc year's debate to be subiitted for ap- Alanaers should send for samples and special rates. Every requisite for Tennis, prova~l to the graduate council at Cii- Golf, Cricket, Track and Field, Gymna- r t g t a sium Equipments and outfit.. Complete Catalogue of Spring and Summer Sports cage. free The Name theGuarantee." Don't delay your photo sittings. Sit A. G. SPALDING & BROS. early-and avoid the rush ef Con- New York, Chicago, Philadelphia. mencement. Senior rates to all sen N iiR(CLLE6lA1E iors of '97. Randall's Photo Studio,_ Washington Block. BUREAU FOR TO RENT--A number of boats at Caps, Gowns and U. of M. boat house by hour or day. o L EA _ ~C OIELC & LEONARD, RENTh..jHLER, Albany.,N. Y. V. MURREL., M'nager. 44E. iihlam St. ANN ARBOR. MICH.TA NDE,. 0M. MARTIN, Funeral Direitor, Cloth "e and Metallic Caskets and Fink Grade fnurthvEabalmig a Specialty. o. 17 6. r - ! , The Largest Line of Bicycles, Sun- SUMMER .A 'LECTURES dries and Supplies at UNIVERsITY OF VIRGINIA. E ful 1tug.31,1r87.. Cr sncudes ecturiresb . VSt (LE S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Me, Jsstice Esas, ofU C peome T.GFseonN..sFor Ulaingde, addfo R. It. EINOR, SecrnS n Tslephone No. 8. One door Eant of Amnech.- _.. . chslltevhie,.V.[can House.