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May 17, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-17

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Merchant A B3ANJO,. Neatness and Dispatch
Gie hm all.
10 E. Washinton St - Up Stairs. for less money than anywhere in the United States IEANABRSVNSBN
The Man in the Be oroC meoce en .Capital stockl .S;Surplus, $15,00.
may not be tisy but if ho weree, he wold Just the thing for vacation. Organized undedrte Geeral anking Lsw
........cal at....... _of this State. Receives depsts, bys ad
(^I 21 AND 23 EAST ells echage esthepaia iise h
PakrsCornerStore Ann ~r or M usic C., ASHINGxTON ST. Pnted Staes. tDrafta cashed u0000ope
f - idetiicaion. Safety deposit bes to reel.
and get as ice Ceeam Soda or some of his YO U /0__ e___ __ Harriman, Vice-Prs. Chat E. Ricck,
ether Soft SoksL iYq U _fll()K .. Cashier: Il. V.Frit Asistant Cashier.
PARKERt is fouend at every al ame with iY - ' E
Feut, Hissasd Peanuts 2 Pitsburg elgies fo.-.......25 cens 6tDogead Ciar. for.-----_--25 cots FIRST NATIONAL BAK of Ass A-her
-"' 16 La Princess Stogies for_-_-._._._ ~Caital$15,00. usadPgnzdrft,_25et0PrdgCiasfr--_-------25ctsapal(1,00..Srplus and PetctL, 440,000
K a y a 16 ~~~ ISFlet National Stoges foe-----__5 conts S Paradise Cigars for.---Ii------- 5cns Tasacts a geeral basking busess.
vYucata Stgie oe - - _-21cots I La thaos Cigs for. --- __----21 cents Forigns eschnge bught and sld. Furnish
11 Alfonso Cigars foe.---I----- cots* d arry Clays for.-----_-------20 coos letters of credit.
THE OPERA HORSE 1EW'ELER, 6tlae Cigars fee._---- H ---------2cots dnlnoseelfr.-.-_- 10 __2cots E. D. INNE, Po. IARRISON OL,
6Rcord IBeakes foree.------ e cents 3 Royal Banner for. -___-.-5 cents S. W. CLARSON. Csie Peo
Can furnih you with a Scrs-class Fountain I 3tBunswick Cigars fee...........----------20cents __________________
Pen. Pen and sing repairing a specialty.
--GDIVE HIMl A CALL. 44 Soth M~ain Street. _____________________
'T ucker & Co, UNIVERSITY NOTES. Itc-d sto tefct thlttbicycle ridig Cor.Mainan Hurn teTasc
BICYCLE LIVERY /AND SLSOM Idl e nt atdMiss Doy, of D-o h ic~leisoslay. iy general baning busiess.
15 NrthFonrli ve. roi, are visiing at Prof. and is. ordisooscc,.and that cinter's- inctic' . tuu FRE. I, B .SERCash, ier Pro
We carry a ftll liine of np-to-date sP cls iiti tenforc2e, the ordnoncaenl t-
iccoSundries tiid parts to many Fle Notilwestrn for last wel. con- iil egre.Wl"lsnar s- J. cie U e
wheels. t id told S. Ailes riton5on. setaoig to secure the rigit .o ci.e 20 S. STATE STREET
Also Repair Wheels at living prices. TCaseac'"tprinted n0 full. on the Siewalk iiceeltas pas f the cell a BodGold Futain Pen at $100
-itobti thy lst-e110 ~ sBooks Bound 20 cents nd upward.
cit bt teyhav nt he rig-loge 17. of M. Scenes and Profestrs 3y bs. Lin-
Give as a call if in need of anything The tGranid Trunk Ralrd has ode- en Paper for 505 cents.
in or line. iic At~ls)ithrce sbgaeyet. Mte Reks 5cents and upwrds.
® TE oyoltste in thoe United Sts. THE CHICIAGO) COMMAONS StUIOL Lowney's Chocolates.
inI sd receintly it em the ainual de- A1,81111
hil bt sithi ile Uivlersity of Californioa Aiplicat for tsis sholrshlip i- Hot Lunches.
Maken to order Women and Xen's making toe score nsw stand tsre ts stitutottd by the Students'-Ciriesti ,-
EayFitting Shoes in all the tt in Stanford's favor. soisttiii for the pulrpose of esoabli TUTT gLE'S e 48 1,. State Sft.
Latest Styles. woa sttdrt of the Universit- to ipanei
Tielaons dning the pist weeks havxe scil and econoitic studilos at(Clot NO'TI CE T
a ~Bet Pluces h etitii ttilettesill toes 5011e1t1Of -git tommaons dringths ler
for iiLi Llil1t(elil :0 en.Istoldiihl-od teier nisesatooto, We cn now supply xts with
Reparin W1<r ipluiIto-tsI. oo. oi H t.r Atl ~iits ~ aeyi eATERNITY P.
it-epi-aii'loringsite See or liie of smples
islMs.t: isnPri iiI o'tf Iii - and Ioriuctes IS.D WMARNOD LEADINGB JEWELER.
or irpe t-tr theyc -still rgl i- lisli r d C. I. Coley. ,~ZE IL
tC tii-ebrua~ry-of nexst a ic._________________________
B it iyf oo,wso-iisoi- 'Il rjl-t F- \I-A. oyccflet f ais 2> UIVE SIY CH O
st-tndto-in apubic beycerkan iJ yS lgq CH O
ii....,bredil liri- osill ill MI.lusisoiispae i ic-~yfrttr yth we. 'l J A CN
it the Scholtfti l Misti lorig lis a - .. s e-sill :d fir son, c o,1 il po05te 1aw Roldng P3005 unti layIstS
Bencte. -s ris i h t so itsi rile0:1 Sd bany toteclses.rOff0ccc
~ eriiO.niht11. f~ghocid 05115 ir~leid ilI 7Thoml2pson Street.
43 li~ .ManSt. - UStaiL $ Sietsi yelterfices for te c -sail' o- thse Ilille. 1 oti iiie iTf' nIloNokbhaoltisI i ~ utRcie ag n lgn
V.OM.SHAVING PARLOtR and iloh - i"hogalof yea,- as follosrc; H. i.Afr
V rom. Al spiopoifosntt Cst ilt s. ho iddeSSl~g Y, cre . o 51JI. toyLine of Now Pipes?
limp oiird d oes: leanIcinno in saror . Nt slol0 X iiie- t~Ciy Do nd Celd Luonches -t all hocrs. Aents
n-irs .1.RitTruaot:: s 30-s li t st -t ;t-;h::our;l F. .. Atlbss, trestsirer .For iuyles andsilli notand Wrern Co.'s
1. leiliii iitrlrisn0).II L-l~osoMOST--After the Cloncstert, tn Chocolate lon Bon.
the old ciapel ~rosss i iir (of 5:siiled R . B J L . O
registi-o. it-ri opersot lsses it1bis-l 25O 0. State St., Sger Bck.
The ioiaoisgets of the fateHtl:ftarinsits is oi case, useSis als n-~si
N.watngfr oumi adHator nd lot-itill bass-hall nines ate olsses. PFinelr toill resee c- A LARGE LINEGOF
Nn4,aiyls otn elaying don seqe t anHnlord - ndtopt l coiinsfr upic ad )ly rotrning tleiootoo Haslyoi:,. Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress
ane. All modls and patterns now ready inIil -iisiohhis ail nil ts Oietlaii 001 SOlrai Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Etc.,
sudnis of the Itresient of tooe N,";Ciil !p ~henologist, 23 E. Catherinse i.1A- - -AT-
League- e Swtill 1 iailfolti-coo-sn ansd eening. Fee e.a nton Teile fl,
liii leagcue staff, andi their iesnity wilLST--Diamoond rig at Auto i's El S. MAIN ST.
bo.'nknoiosii1:1 they -eoe 50ion lit, il.danocing school. inderple1sereturn
Flols 'e 'Da lyssealsthc attentionofis to :S9 chrhi steet endtreceie rewaerd.n FULL.ER & HIXSO
STANDARD OF THE WORLD A Slaseh In Prces. Foes short
aenode eclusiely oh 5 per cent Nickel tm o nl
dueel ohuich, e ont rol. RJJ AIKr -Fle - PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
loioR hc ecnrl ' T LX.AL _ artford Bcycles are at prices s - - 1_sf t W ayerLEANING AND REPAIRING
tord reach of everyone. i - 22;T the .IS. State at. Over louys Bllird Rem
$60,$50,$55 2 We have the Derby Ribbed Under-
- (wear It is finished withl a ilk Front, g
Catloureo rom as n Columbia - - houblie wristands and isthorough- S e tF tee
;pO'PE MFc CO. -war made with patent seams will
please the most fastidious. To apprech. Ts any pern interestd In hman mat
Hartford, Con. - ate the coolness of these garments you tes, r wiho os animal, we wil send free
Geetest Bicycle Facorey must~ wear them-noes application a rpy of Ie "ALL-
iohe World Mhrenthn TEYSEL-OR5-G AGI. ANCE" theergn of this Societyn Mdi-
-^ ties t Its Intensly ineresting reding it
-. ( contaoos of the vsluaobe and unsul pee-
- t~- ~ I puma given by the paper Address
ia.wamagflery ity nd "THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE,
- -n - FURNISHERS, 21 S. Main St. 410411 United Charities Buhdiu, New Yrk

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