THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Coast Line to MACKINAC it'-TAKE THE--' TO MACKINAC DETROIT 1? PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest perfection yet attained to Boat' Construction-Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Effic- ient Service, tosurtng the highsest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FOUo TRIPS PER WEEt BETWEEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "sTHE SO0," MARQUETTE AND DULtTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and Return, including teals and Berths. Prom Cleveloand, $18; from Toledo, $15; from Detroit, $i3.3o. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting t Ceeland oith Earliest Traios for oll poinsoFBot. South cod Soth- west and ot Detroit for att points North and Northwrest. SundayiTrips Jone, July, August and Sept. Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland,Put=in-Bay,"Toledo trod for Ittustrated Poasphtet. Address A. A. SCHANTZ, Q. P. A., DETROIT. nICe. The etroit & Clevearil Steaum Kav. Go. THE FINEST TAILORN OF THE. CITY!' S. W.TBurchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. IQLadies Tailoring Annex. To Atd Greece. A msovemnent is ons fost to interest ali the Greek letter societies of the *lf- fErent colleges in tise country to the (l9-iu to raise 'a fund to assist the modetn native Greeks in America. An address has been tssed to the officers anti tsembers of Delta Kappa Epoilon suggesting that a nmovemenit be iii- angof'ated anmong the college fraterni- ties to raise tis funtd. It is proposed that none of the 1money subocribed b- used to purchec arms or ammutnitiotn for the tGreeks. It ccitt be used realehy to >lay tranolortatian exp~enses. It to oteggwested that each fraternity bring thte matter to the attenition of chapters, tioth active and alutmtni. Beta Theta Pt haso already appointed a commnittee fir this object.-Cornell Son. CALENDAR. BASE BALL This space is reserved Toesday, May 18-Mlichigan cc 55Wit. tenberg, at Ann Arbor. SUPPLIES forteGrnOpa Thunrsday, Mti~y 20-Annnal opring h rn pr tentnis toturitament otpens in first class Spaldiss League Poll, Blits, Bas1s, etc Massages sbssesediforsasples asd singles and donbles. special rates. Eveyrequisite toe Tenets, House. Stetedoy May22 Varsty tack olif, Cricket. Teack sod Fildt, lyissa- Satrda, lay22-Vasit trck stim Fquipenets atnd outfti..Complete meatAthletic field. Catalogue of Sping asd Ssmmcet Snorts meet atflees. 'The Noaem~eternstee." Thursday, May 22- Michtiati vs. A. G. SP.ALDING & BROS., Cornell, at Ittitca. Ner York. Chsicago, Phlalto phia. ____________________ ridy-My2-DaTensTu- qnanient owitti Chicago. N TERCOLLEG lATE IIGHTGAN TENT A meat in second class siiigles oticilS. BUREAU FOR Time Table (Revited teb. lost97 ECaps. Gowns and EAST. WEST Saturday, Stay 2t-tichigllll cs. Ch:- . RIoodo. ai Pco.y 14M. YSpcA cigs, attDetroit. ' COTRELL.L LEONARD,'4Y. pec~ial1 _4 s Staill - _84 tulirday, 'Slav 20-Dual track 111 t 0 NS i ee cciiCiaolttltel ____ v. Siratrac, a, O. tiantic CEt- Os55 PacfEl ----H in Wedtnsday, Junie 2-3icirtn cv4k.s. R. iO ? IEpess ---11 at oesh.-t.oFe.----9 t 555i~fs, i Ai rts.SUMMER LAW LECTURES f . W. niUGG, s 1. i. sA sat Saturday, June S W. I. A. A. A. UNIVEnSITY OF VIRGINIA. 0 . P. & T. Agt,, Chicago. Agt. Ann Arborst tra ckli ect, at (lhica to. Jly ointAacSt1,t897. Cousenoludri eets sb _______36________________ On .JusticeealanofeU 0. supeeCsourt. FanI Tni'sduiy Jiiie 8tSllgili I'%4. ' iatalogan, oddreto R.C:MIOR Scrtay cairoat .0 iii cir. Sateday,. tune 12-ctlliclhi -an vs. tol. A, A, & YPSL. ST. RAILW AT.helatAnrb.TIE AB . -Lteaves C-ntrees street, Ypsilantiat Don't delay your photo sittings. Sit t l,820 :0 nd1:0a n. n enarly-and avoid the rush _ f Co-ti- 12:11, 2:20, 3:40, 5:0t0,6:30, 7:50, '1:10, RAILROAD. neenceinent. Seitior rutes to alt cen Tm alSid tees of '97. Randall's Photo Studio, ad1:0p n ieTbe teoMy9 Sy Washington Black. Lae court house at Ann Arbor at 7:30 . i 7:t0 a. 7:40, 9:00, 10:20 and 18:40 a. m., and 011:2a. is. 11:25 a. to. Sorositties and traternities wooit- 1:20, 3:00, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10, 8:30, 1:50 't"915 . m01'811 . m sire to buy or -o retit will do cwell is and 12:00 p. ni. *Rtn between Ann Aeboe and 'coleas slyir SeL. D aefrtoissfrlsi'l UDYTSE Ruscbetween Toledo atnd iHowell. Thlo sec rfr ossfrnse UNA IE rneSunday only. All etie tralisdaily or infurniosed. Office Savings Batik Leaves Ypsilanti at 9:20 and 80:40 ex alit Sanday. E. S. OiLSIORF,. Agens Block. a. is., and 12:10, 1:50, 3:10, 4:20, 5:50, N. Ht nENNETT G3. P. A. Toledo 0. __- 7:10, 8:30 and 9:50 p. in. TIO RENT - A nunmber of boats ai LavsAntro at 10:00 and 11:20 THE KIKOERGARIEN BILLIARD HIL U'. f S. boit ouseicyhouror ay. . m., and 12:30, 2:30, 3:50, 5:10, 6:30, Ty 27, 28, 29--Weolern iuier-eolt. 7:50, 9:10 and 10:30 p,1. at.( teghate Tennits leet at Chiicago. tLOST-A Beta Theta Pt fratt:rnity flAILflURUTICKELT BROKERS. The Daily cwill he delivered at yonr pin. Fitider please leave atSBeta I'lloti Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos atn4 roain the rest of the college year for Pt house or at Daily office acid receive Cigarettes. One Dollar, reward. Cr anadThals t "Onwen Ican 'Wlai-da ooplayt" pt a lWashburn." No Home to Realty Complte Without a0n0w 1091 Stodel Washburn Bnoo ihr Pricese obnehno tested dewn asanreslt ef the Watshburni'senoros,s enaseito tha one yaoueaan hay a genain Waohbrnosfthe v.eriatest design > From $Pipos Upward. The new Washburne Mandoin saradieal depaturee from forestyleo. It isthniteatest, daintiesti and ightest Mandoli,, imaginable, end ist,,e approaaiits very nea tsitiatsf abfina ldCemoina Violin. cvisb- burns aesld at fied and uifioprices by all fSent- nins msiedealersevneerwhieee. Wvashbutrnssre the aeknowledged statidard of the worlid. Theytreiised exelusieyyrhleiading Artists, Teaceesa nidflies Clabs. Oar oewcvaslh- busnamtaogupe eeniniingperits ofserenasArtisii and tall infaion, erieeis, dsemenst,ei., will be sn ent o reeeipi of aplicaion,. It yuraelosal dsalee cantsuppelyryouwe willSendiWshi-,nq COD. wiiihprivilege ofexamisnoaioni, dieet foie fac1.tioisr. A Washhorn impreves with age anod makes a Gift that inreases in cvalue noshe yearo go hy. lIt really worth maey times itscost. LYON & IWALY, COlt. W.A BASH- AVE. &c ADAM-S ST.. CHICAGO. R ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHE R Wasbtngton Block, Ann Arbor. ......ORDER YOUR ICE CREAM~ AND FRUIT ICES AT...... W1HITE'S Confectionery Store, 10 [South Main Street. Telephone 166. Lowney's and Allegretti's Famous Chocolate Creamo. Soda Water, Phosphates and Vernor's Ginger Ale. Bicycle Repairing! To all brarnties neatly and peomptyston -. Prices reasonable. Sundries at rock Sottosic prices. Win. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN .ARBOR. The Michilgaunensian Nlow On Sale! PRICE $1. 30*0 Pages-, Blue and Gold C over, profusely Illustrated witha Organizations, Cuts of Buildings, EZtc.