THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 21 f- sentatives were bested by Maywood, f o Albion, in very close and exciting contests, Danforth gettinsg econd Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during place. In doubles Danforth and Lamb the College year. at NEGLIGEE SHIRTS! 1I, - Vl V m , - THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN. OFFICE: Times bulding, 79 S. Man St. be- tween Liberty and Wiliaen Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. ToMAs, 97. Ass'T MANAGING EDITOR E. L. GEnSsE, '98 L. ATHLETIC EDITOR H. B. SILLMAN,'98 L. BUSINESS MANAGER O. H. HANS, '95 EDITORS F. A. FUIKl, '9 E. A. CAMPBELL, '99. G. D. HUDNUTT,'00. T. H. WOODOW, '98. BUTLR LAMB,'00. G. D. JENNINGS '99 M. . A. CAMPBELL, '). The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and otherematter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office te- toe 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before p. m., of the day previous to that on which then are expected to apear. ubscritions may e left at The Daily Office, eyer's or Stfets Newstand, or with Business Mianager. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to deliver paper Yale is the undoubted champion of the East in track athletics, having de- feated Harvard badly. Harvard woen out from Peiisylvaiiia recently and the latter won from Cornell Saturday. This places Yale easily in first place. a fact that speaks very well for their trainer, Keene Fitzpatrick, formerly trainer of Michigan's teams. The Central Debating League, with tMichigan, Chicago, Nortwesern and WiSconsin as memibers, is now assured and all details have been arrangd. 'This organization will give a great stimilus to debating here and loubt- less we shall see next year evenims'-, entries than in the preliminaries heldi this year for the Chicago-Michigan contest. The debating societies of the University can help Michigan's chances to win the first series by lay- ing plans now for increasing efficiency in debating. An inter-society schedule for next fall should be arranged at 'once so that there will be no delay then in getting into form. The Daily ill soon print the constitution of tie league. Tennis at Albion Last 'Saturday the tennis enthusiasts of Albion College held their annual open tournament. Coldwater, Kala- niazoo, Hillsdale, Albion and Anr, Ar lor were all represented; those from the University of Michigan were Robt. Dadforth and Butler 'Lamb. It had been planned to play the tournament off Friday and Saturday, but as it rained all day Friday, the entire tour- nament with 13 entries in singles and five in doubles, was held on Saturday. For this reason some of the semi-final and final matches were more a test of endurance than of tennis ability, Dan- forth and Lamb each playing ix matches during the course of the day. In singles both of Mlicigan's repre-j won, defeating Maywood land Perine, of Albion, in finals. The final matches in both singles and doubles were two out of three sets. A synopsis of the natches in which the Michigan repre- sentatives took part is as follows: Singles-Danforth beat Fall 6-4,6-3; Barlow 6-4, 6-4; Perine 6-3, 5-7, 6-1; was beaten by Maywood 6-3, 4-6, S-6. Lamb beat Bradley 6-1, 6-2; Corcin 6-1, 6-3; Perine (exhibition match) 6-4, was beaten by Maywood 3-6, 6-2, 6-. Dobles-Danforth and Lamb defeat- ed Avann and Smith 6-1, 6-1; May- w ood and Perine 2-6, 6-3, 6-0. The local spring tournament wl start Thursday, May 20, entries close Tuesday, May 18, with W. D. Ht-rik, Tennis Manager, Psi Upsiloi house. Upon the results of this tournament will be picked the Michigan rpreset- atives for the Western Inter-collegiate mneet, and for the dual meet with Chi- engo. The University will send two representatives in singles and o.e team in doubles for the former event. As the -inter-collegiate date has been changed to May 27, 28 and 2), the dsal meet has been lisstponed to the first week in Tune. The silver cup presented by Smith, Sturgeonn & Co., of Detroit, will be ni exhi'bition at Siheein's Thursday. to- gether with the other prizes. The cup is 18 'inches high and will be kept in the trophy room and suitably engras- ed with the name of the winners of the semi-annual college tournaments. The uther prizes are as follows: Three tennis rackets, three Sweaters, one hair brush, one dozen photos. Tie donors are A. G. Spalding & Co., Sheehan & Co., C. I. Michell, of De- troit, Wadliams, Ryan & teule, Can- kins and Randall, the photograpier, School of Music Calendar. The School of Music has just issued its 1896-97 calendar which shows that during 'the next year 'Miss Alice -. Bailey 'will be added to the vocal de- Pnrtient. Miss Emma White will be succeeded in the pianoforte depart- went by Miss Eminia Fisher. Mr. Gardner S. Lamson has been granted leave Oif absence and will remain in Europe until the second semester or next year. There has been a men- bership of 170 during the past year. TANDEM S - Trol]ent!! ! 3 The Largest Line of Bicycles, Sun- dries and Supplies at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameri- can House. RENTh.,JHLE;R, ANN ARBOR. MICH. . M MARTIN,' Funeral Director, Cloth ...and Melnic Cases and Fine Grade uotus. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 8. Foerih ave. Every style-most every coloring-Attatched and Detached Collars and Cuffs. It's the only cool and comfortable Shirt for summer wear. The real swell Shirt has White Wrist and Collar Bands to be worn with White Collar and Cuffs, In Madras, Percales and Cheviots at 1$CO u and $1.5O. BRTS. HGSIEHY. NIGH T SHIR TS1 In Reds, Browns Special Value. Good long ones, and Greens, at Plain White- 25C, 50C AND $1,00. Black and Brown, Lisle Thread in- FayEmrd Our belts have handy cluded. ered. attachments to keep them from slipping 2 , A down. 2CPRPI, 50 5 N I 4 Te BETTER THAN EVER" The 1897 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvements 'in construction than any other bicycles now before the public. Never before have such excellent values been offered for the money. Our new line, consisting of eight superb models at $60, $75 and $125 for single machines, and $150 for tandems, with the various options offered, is such that the most exacting purchaser can be entireiy suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.. 72 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, IND 0UR FINE POSTEN CATALOGUE MAILED oR TWO I-CUNT sTamPs Students and Teachers can secure pleasant and profitable work introducing our Public Libraries....... . in towns and country and forming Reading Clubs. Just the work for Students, Teachers and Ministers. Managers.................. We also want a few energetic field managers. State age and experience in book work. Address wept. "S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. welseuinrece it aCudesdsi. Pi',ts,,n steeondn1.30r., Stene, wYork