AM /q= im . 1 . VOL. VII. No. 171. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 11711897. SFOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VO. -I NC A G - . T WILD Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. f Lowney's and Plows' Cho- colates either in bulk or pound and half pound Packages, strictly fresh, 60 Ccnts a pound. --X--- PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. Tasty Tan Ties ! Newest arrived-Ten more cases of those popular ties which were made to sell at $3.50, but which we got at a price of our own making. All styles and sizes in this lot, to go at $2.48 a pair. W. J. APRILL, 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. No Bicycle 0 s complete 0 % !I Without a e d /d We have Cameras that are0 g specially adapted for bicyc- lers at $5.00 to $25.00. $8.00 will get a good one. Ask a for Catalogue. d a CALKINS'-,- PHARMAUY. I e'ssawmassswas ass nanvsnaswsa -T- WAH RS BOOK STORE. Just receivedl another lot of that fine U. of M. Monogram Paper, the popular shades Blue and White; also a New Stock of the Various High Grade Correspondence Paper. Visiting Cards Engraved, and PlatePrinting. MAY FESTIVAL CLOSES. The High Standard of the Series Maintained. The fourth and fifth concerts of the series brought the fourth annual May Festival to a close Saturday. The Uni- versity Musical Society heightened its fame for musical ability by the series and the Festival has been most sue- cessful fiancially. The first concert for Saturday's pro- gram was an orchestral matinee given by the Boston Festival Orchestra, un- der the direction of Herr Mollenhaner, and soloists as follows: Miss Jennie Mae Spencer, contralto; Mr. IH inrich Meyn, baritone; and Mr. Hermsas Zeitz, violinist. Mr. Meyn smlade much the bst ap- learance That he has made during the Festival and was particularly sw1 re- ceived. Ie rendered the Valeutlsu soung from "Faust" in an able manner and was given a hearly encore. Miss Spencer was also in excellent voice, her rich contralto appearing to ece- lent advantage in Gluck's aria, "Che Faro." Mr. Herman Zeitz, however, was the most enthusiastically received His reudition of the second violin co- certo from Wieniakski proved him niaster of the greatest of all musical instrumel.nts The greatest part of the msatinee.- however, was taken up by the arches-1 tra, which played with great precision and finish and is de a distinct impres- sion. The orehestra first played "The Praeludium," choral and fugue, by Unch Abert. Then the string orches- tra alone rendered two movements from Tschaikowski's serenade, opus 4S. The "Elegie" and "Russian Theme" were both produced in a mas- terfl manner. The orchestra's great- est power, however, was shown in the rendition of five parts from Mendel- ssohn's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," which was the closing numn- ter. The entire production was well produced, but in "Scherzo," the "Nor- turne," and the "Wedding March," in particular the playing was extremely delicate and ihighly finished. The grand finale of the series occur- red at the fifth concert Saturday night, when 'Max Bruch's "Arminius was presented under the direction of Mr. A. A. Stanley as conductor. Mrs. Katherine Bloodgood took the part of the Priestess, Mr. Barron Berthaldap- peared as Siegmund. and Mr. Gardner S. Lamson as Arminius. The soloists were aided by a chorus of 300 tiained voices from the University Chral Union, and the great Freize Memorial organ, played by Mr. L. L. Renwick. This was the first presentation of the ontorio in Michigan and its anounce- stent created great interest among nu- sical critics. The presentation more thn met exp"etations. Athletic Notes The All-flreshmen were defeated Sat- msday morning in a practice game by '9S L, by a score of 10 to 9. Wheeler and Mack did the battery work for '9 I, aind Greenwald and Granger for the All-Freshmen. At a meeting of the All-Froshmen ball teanm Saturday G. D. Wheeler re- signed the captaincy. . C. Muilroney isas elected to fill the vacancy. Stichigane's next gaLe will be played tosrorrow afternoon at the Athletic Field. The opponents will be the Wit- tenberg team, from Columbus. Ohio. who defeated the 'Varsity on the spring trip by a score of 17 to 7. Yale and Harsard met for their sixth annual dual track games Saturday, and Ya-le had a walk over by a score of Si to 24 The best individual per- formers were Perkins, of Yale, 3dt Hollister, of Harvard, each of whom made 10 pIints. In the dual track meet between Pennsylvania and Cornell Saturday, the fosomer won first place in every event, winning the meet by a score of 97 to 20. 'he University of Wiseonsin crew will leave today for the East, where Yale will 'be owed. The crew was given its final practice Saturday even- ing and in a race with the freshman erew over a mile course made fast time. Cornell's second 'varsity crew won it two-mile race frois the Naval Cadets at Annapolis, Saturday, by two lengths. The tie wasn sisi. 1 see. Saturday's college games resulted a:s follows: Chicago 10, Notre Damet 2; Dartmouth 10, Williams 2; Nebraska 1-, Iowa 7; Depauw 7, Rose P'olys 3; Yale 6, Brown 5; Beloit 9, Dixon ft; Oak Park 0, Illinois 3; Priuccon 6, Harvard 3; Bunkers' A. C. 9, North- setern 5. A movement has been started by the Michigan Alumnus to almagamite sill the alumni societies of the University. A meeting of the officers of the differ- ent societies will be held in June, when .plans. will be discussed. 'VARSITY DEFEATS '99. Poor Playing Characterized the Practice. In a practice game characterized by slow and ragged playing the 'Varsity team defeated '99 Saturday afternoon by a score of 12 to 4. The 'Varsity at times played briliant ball, but on the whole the work was poor. Sawyer and Hammond started in as the bat- tery for '99 and made a good showing. For the sake of practice Sheean and Lunn, of the 'Varsity team, replaced them in the fifth. Lunn's throwing to second was swift and accurate and shows that lie is fast getting into form. While running to second in the sixth Heard collided with Cooley and sprained his wrist. Coach Watkins then went in and played at second. Every 'Varsity man but Siller got a hit, Sullivan leading with three, one a two-bagger. For the '99's Cooley got two of the four tits made. In the fifth Wolff made a fine stop of a hard hit grounder over second that was loudly applaaded. The line up and a brief summary follows: MIcHIGa. POSITION. NINETY-NINE. Mc -ee ..---.---. c- lHammond L--c----- - unn M iller ...- ......- ....-.-- . . Sawy er p ille-.----- Sheehan Condon------------.-15.......---........Joyce nearo I Hearkis 7 b-10--.. ........---.Cooley w olfe---------- ..- - ss.--..............Bauon "uivan---------0--- SBishop Ludlow---------1.-----J.-.ones Cartwriht----- -cf--- Lie 1..Potter Butler.- -rf------ c ay Lie Innings... .... ..1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 Sichtgsn- 5 5 --- 31 1 20 0 30 5-125 Niet-Nt e-- 1 0 0 i0n0 02015- 4 Hits-Michigan, 10; '99. 4. Umpire-Kieth. Errors-Michigan,7;99,11. Changes at Normal. The Normal course of study for col- lege graduates has been such that arf student -who has graduated from a college could come to the Norual Ind secure a life diploma in 20 weeks. By act of the council Saturday night the time was extended so that graduates from 'the University and other institu- tions are required to take a whol year of professional work before a life diploma will be granted. Another change in the course of study will be miade next year, which makes alt the work of the freshman year prescribed work, and provides for more elective work farther along, in the junior and senior years. By the action of the council, also, the time of recitation period will be changed from 45 nuu- utes to one hour. Michigan vs. Wittenberg Tuesday, May 18, at Athletic Field. WAHR'S B( Up Town 8. Sate st. Ann Arbor )OK STORE Down Town Oppostie Uurt House Main st. 1