The Coast Line to MACKINAC '-TAKETHE-' MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perection yet atttined in Boat Costrction-Luxurious Eqipment, Artistic Furnihing, Decoration and Eiic- ent Serice, isurig the highest degee ot COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FsOURTS PERo WEtsKOBETE Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SO," MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATS to Pictreqe Mckincand Retrn, inclding 11am and Berths. Front Ceveand, $8, fronm Toledo, $5; frmm Detroit, $3.5. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Between Detroit and Cleveland Concetig ct Cleelnd swith Erliest Trais fr allpsints East. Ssth sd Ssst- westondat Detrit for alpints North cd Nrthwest. Snday Trips lne, July, Agsand Sp.Oly. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland,Putin-Bay$Toledo tend for Illstated Pamphlet. Addess A. A. SCHANTZ, . v. .. DETOIT. MIe. Te Detot & GleelaO teani Nay. Go. THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY! S. W. Burchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ELadies Tailoring Annex "Oly WeTeoaso 'O0h!-0 oueaplayl" - etstWastburn," Nt o. oe to Realy Compet Without a new 189' Model WashburnGuitar, Mandolin, Pies hes beescosed don'ss aoeeslt o the Washur's eomos opoority so tatnow totyoocas huy a geuie Wslibses othe very latest desig From $1.00 Upard. Thte new.Washarn Mndoli iso eadialderotret from fomer styles. t is te netest, ditist and lightest SMsdolinimatogiable ad ittoe appoles veynearto that ofia fieold CemonaViolin. Wotlt- bttensoesoldttlxedsitdooniom pietby ac irst- clssonsic desiers eerywhere. *Vshoeos se te koobiedged stndadofsOthe wold. 'Theyoaesusedrexclusieyby thieleading Artists, Techess and Glee Clb. or nse Wsi- hoes catlogt rotiiog portaits otae 1.00Artist aod lull iortiont,spries, edoseoirts,et, wille setifee onieceiptt ofppliatio.. Iior loal dale ano'tosupply yo weswilsentd N-slhburs C. . D. with piilege ofitoulioo diret rontheifatorsy. A WshhurnImoprov'es with age adsake a Elift that Increases in sale as the years go by. it is redlly worth mnty times iscorst. LYON E HIIALY, CO, W,&BASH AVE. & ADAMS S.. CICAGOt RANI3ALL THE PHOTORAPHER R Waohington Block, Ann Arbor. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. Alumni Committee Meeting. , ~e a Duritsg Conhlmenceetlot week of 'noo year an alumsni commliittee conOssti of Regent L. L. Barbour, J. E. Beal sod Pt'of. George HenmpI, wOasja pointeid for the purpose of devisiin. anlmiothiler thinigs somne suitabile plan tor 0lmalgamin~g tireoteiera1 l a~inlt societes of the University. This coo' " istel' had a tileetilg Tittsit^,.- whsiichtaltie meteilrs SwereO presenit and also Regenit A1. J. ('ocher, IL. 5. J ocelyin,ipresidtentut dsaepry r' sloe-Iively of the 1_ . of M.1. society of thi Atulio, illS.A 51 ' t aSt .A 'a t fte ihIiganliAlutImnius. Atferla 0its i I discussiioniofsfieiii' loli irsin izin iit s 1105 deitidsed to callstatieieting of lead.- iE alumniii, l'i'presenititng altl te in-15 ' ~S XURSI C SON OF THSE SEA- O ersilyr soviet vs, for Jotie 2, i's theI SON 'T' TOLEDO. fai'oly roomtio01University' ball. ISis is Stundiay, fMay lttil, the Ano Arbor tRailroad wilt otien te season with thuopei.tht thIits oleetoitg lIdicite oill an excursioo to Toledo. Special train a pllan wthicth witl be-satisfactiiry t102111wsill leave Ann Arbotr aS 10:23 a. rm. coiteer'set. fare for tthe rotund triti onty SO ceets. Children unoder twelve yeas of age, CALENDAR. half Shis rale. Lalke Erie Park andl tie Casino, which has0 afforded sucth lThlursday, Friday auit Saturday, etijoymient to our piatronso durtug hs WMay 13, 14 and 1 itity tFestiva':tl two oeasons, will tbe opeolede on tht Untiversity Stall, late on a seate of mlagnificenee never 'TusaMyI-1iiigoov. j'tbefore cettalled toy snytilae of atsu.-e- teliberg, 111duAlii bior. lrent in tlils country. Tthousands of Tthursdlay, Maiy 210--Atnual stprinlgdillars ttave been extpended sitire last tenns tu~r~anlnt pen in irs cl sI'aoon on imprhovemettst and addittons. siligles andldiloulbles. n~otaleloiSnotg whicsh are Ttiotutooon's trty,31y2 'ariy re 'uatolts Scenie railwvay, World's Fair nheel ;2t AtltifielOd. Seenic Thteater, MIarodeno IlMystie 'lThursltiy, flay 22-ichriganl vs. Kaze, and other attractions to uuer- Corlt t I Ithala. outs to mlentilon. The Thleatrical En- Friday, y. 11'25-Dual Tettnis'four- terlaintuent arrattged for the openling 111111ent witti Chicago. lay will be strictly- first class. Don't Saturday, Mny 2J-Teis tourtItmii100 it. i 111'tt itS seeottd elasosingl17es 5111115. Saturd'ays' Mary 9h-Mllgi;an vs. ('tI Saturdtay, 3103' 21--Dual trailk lmeeti AX l'lttie day1, fJitni2--'lctilgaIllvs. W'sroonsitn,at.Ann.0.1rbr. Saturday, Julne 3-oW. I. A. A. A. tack tmeit, aY Cicea-go. fttes'liy. Julie S-Miiigai r4CO e aglt Auln Arbor. Saturday-, liute 12--Mieb1igan c,;. C'ir- tnell, at AtiiiAibot'. LS-'Beta. Theta I5i fraitertity pitn. Finoder please leave ait Beta s Isti Pi house or at Daily office an~d reeeive rewvard., The Daily has made ar- rangements to receive a full telegraphic account of. e och game and will publish it the morning following the game. tREDUCE-Dll ItitOAt) RATES. Tue Ann At-bor railroadt will sell tickets at reduceed rates for the fol- lowing oecasions: Baptist Youn~g Ptople's Union ofI Amoeriea., Chattanooga, Teatn., July 11 Is 18. Eppworth League Inter-national Con- vention, Toronto, Cauada, July 13 to 18. General Assenbir Presbyterian Church United, States, Assemtbly Runo 2d. Island Lake Catup Assoiation tamp meeting at Island Lake, near Bright- ton, Mieb., July 29 to August 31. Ell.wurtb League Training Assemubly, Lstdington, Mlich., July 20 to August 161. Inquire at tieket office for further infornmation. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. Sups,.IReeves is to bera otgrt-ftlahted 011 tile work biing donle onf the eil;1115s. t e f T T P This space is reservedi for the Grand Opera House.. IGHIGAN GN1A Time T able (Revsed) Feb. 7, 18ยง7. EAST. WoS. Aail sod Es--- 347 N. Y. Speial--.__ e7 V. Y. Special---- 4153 Stall --------; wastern Es-.--10 sO N. S. Limited.... ; n: ktleotie Ex--7 Sr) Fonts eEs_-_-_ . 0 .Expreso.s--_D550Western Ro..IE 0. R. Express -.-.11 aa Chi. INE. Ex- -C. 0-RExe---=-55S. ). W. RUGES, o H.W.HAV-E, G. F. & T.AgE ,Chica go 4gt. Ace Ae kln~beSeaysaens. ReAa.m. O tanos, 4-30p. m 8:35p. M... 09:15 a-os'm. I:11P. to. *Rnhetween Ass Arbor and Toledo only, touns between Toledo arid loweM This tin Send-ayoely, All othser trains da ily excepE Send-ay. F.9IVf . t BENNETT Q0.',A. Toledo O0.en THE KINDERGARTEN. BILLARD AL R~AILROAD TICKET SHOKERS Wholeoale Cigars, Tobaccos giat Cigarettes. Cor. Main and Lsiberty5t . ]Bicycle Repairiig~ fn all branches nceti~ined ' poo'*STy efetil Pries reasonahle. Sundris at rockS Slottoas., Win J, Weig~ 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOFP- -.....ORDER YOUR tCE CREAMI AND FRUIT ICES AT...... WHITE'S Confectionery Store, l0,tSouth Main Street, Telephone 160. Lowney's and Allegretti's ramouo Chocolate Creams. Soda Water, Phoophates and Vernor'seCinger Ale. The Michlgauetisian -e--ON SAJ.E-- edsday a 12. PRICE $l 300, Pages'*- Blue and Gfold Cover, profusely- Illustrated with Organizations, Cuts of Buildings, Etc.