rli11m N11VLISITY DOF MiC1(tIGAN DAILY. J0O,11W KOLLAUF &CO, Yo~t Call AM AN1,DOLIN%, The Inland Press BA GUlI ~'AR DOES WORK WITH M/erchant Bu- .A ]BANJO, Neatness and Dispatch Ta o11Jv of N Give them a call. Tailrs. VIO INCOR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE for less money than anywhere in the United States EAN RBRSVGS AK 10B ahntnS pSar.Before Coinm eu ne iie t v Capital Sock,$50,00. Surplus, $15,00. Stop t Stop St gop Just the thiiig for vacaion. Organzed nder the General Banking Laws I I usicCo. AND S EAT ;e this State. Receives depsits, bys ad -AT- A A211AN :23 PAST ils echangeous the prieipal cities af the Parkr's ornefStoe An Arbr MuscJCo , NASaINTO0N ST. Gited States. Drafts cashed pn prper W Idetiicatin. Safety depsit bues t ret PakrsC rnrSoeir Euces: Christians Mch rs;.D STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE p u . __larrimian"Vice-Prec. Chs E. iscck, Frash made Candies csnstantly in stack fj YO UII F Ca~~ ~ shier: M."J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. all once and ysu wi l call again. SM O KEVE 9 W~ytenwdikRleie" 20 Pttsburg stogistfr _____ 21 cents 6Due Ilead Cigars fr II.-------.; rents FIRST NATIONAL BANK ufaned b8r ' 15 La iPrincess Stsgies ifur Ii ---- 5cents 6P c 'gary s fr -------- D- 5cents CptG 10,0.canl ndPo ised0,01)5 15 First National lStoesenfr. . 5 ets 6 Paradise (Clars fr ---- ---capital 2125,550.SurlsadPeis, d, 0 Yua_ _ Stogies for . ..--------2 cents 5 La iDiosu Cgar for _--.5Dcents a Tascs agneral bnlaig buss. Yucatan--Foreign echange bought andsld. Furnih THE OERA HUSE E4 ELR, i1 Alenee Cigars fr. . .13_______2 cens 0 Hrry Cluys fr .....__-.2 cents letters f credit. TH PR OSEJWLR Star Cigar for.. ______..2 cents 4dOwiBoquet for__--..__...2cnt ..KiINNE, Pres. IARRISON SOULE 6 Recr a kers for . ..- -----_ 25 cents IRoa Ba nersfo _.________ 5cents Vi.Le S N. Pes an funich you it at fist-class Fountain 3aBusawic Clars for__----------_-----2cets ______ ._______________Cashier. __ aen. ilec and Iine epaiin a specialty. --GIV HIMA CALDEAN & 0COMPANY. -- I EH~3ACL.44 South Main Street. + mrri. lrhnni1 tian FT ucker & Co. NDuai Meet-illinois and Chicago. '11E (IIttA121 ) CIIMSSOTTOL- ill tand otrets. 'v R"ill1. ail$50. Srlu 3,00. Tranact BICYCLE LIVERY AND SAESROM hCeiriily of (lunago in ihe general bngbusiness BICCLELIVRY ND ALEHOO A.pialtii for llt 51151151 G 1 ll.Li . Rosir,Pes. C. F., GEEN, Vice Pes 18 North Fourth Ave. tri setoil it11 eiyO .-lli~l15ll iucls(iiluiA. Pse .B~cCsie 0010 Tilesil i- uby elitof 77 to I1 ucial ii for telli duom uof ialiiiii We crry a full liue of up-to-date The ieet was yilait {iiuiaiigiionil stuiidnof iihe iiiversity itlro F. J. SClie~ ede, Bicycle Sundriesaiid punts to mnany soiladooic ,md1se1,00111 1 itCi- wheels.ilIia heav1211acklandIslie o thelevent 20 S. STATE STREET Also Repair Wheels at living prices weiti" 111111 il ii 1 Sells a Solido01110 Fouatain Pen it dliii tart hilethe1ain w s 111 11111.1 d 'rind te liiiir 11111a'o , e Is i 1 BIooks oud 2 ets 11011upward. rieu a al i c n ed of anything This recousor114 (li:loi 1)11ricoisd' incu1111 r o Illhe jcimit iiil ,1 111o11 U1of 1. Stns aidlProesor 3111lIs. Lin- Giveus tal ifen Paer or 50 cets. in our line. ialc. Te llel work of te la ly wa s 155a1111 i.1Thecommliiitte1c)11I. oe oos 5 ets and upwards. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A wort the i pole ofPau ii t r , JIoltX I111ad 111. 1oilley.llIIiiLowney's Chocolates. STiUDET'S IIBOOM, anal w ase(nil iui1115.illS le silot. 1-1TGRAIII'S A(ADEMY. Hot Lunches. it tetal ocddthat aatisged sn- iTuhe suniau c: 1110 yar11110 1111(11. "at1 lyii 1 lit arter tl4. ilt' il tnramn tis1 almost asalsalstescncessity. T $ jf 48 'S t 7t scusre the 'retlten jioymetltfrom the -a"go, time s i -J11111 ee220 v ril l 11114.1 lui1 inll tiicOllllealcilta1111(ll ilnic lll' A C7 I 50T ..a..L St 111ii ora set the best your massey will aford. p rt jsdgment rpsonuces the "y Chicago, tre231 , c31114 111"1d1isito 17 'c11lck. SudeInltsOand fillill O T C T State,sistruments the fnest is the world ,tm. v,~.;ooml n Sjump, .Ilinoi is egiht.5 ft )i. 7 . 2011 ,ilt'i 11, rles A,,11 We can 110w spply yots with BAYSTATE i v.uvNo art.110tocon.linn111g15 1roll, ar afie. FRATERNITY PIN. 511111 il llil, s, Cili.llil. imill.1 si r4 .11114.1111 t11001. S i evenly rtO o 1, k> irtslllline of samples. i B AiNIJO. puing 1 nli hot111, IlliloIst rd1slauiiith ll ol-nisra muicsls oi I9,r 1.1 1111i 1 'i we tae in stck cheaper banmo 11s S t.( 111 11 tcIlsiiii 1 111Ju1 - haslth,lu for a ubtantia, eric- Mf M-ANL, EDN JWLR able ie tr masnt, at a low pui,no ll 0 thn 304 -; n i'it I T ri h h efot, fill " tie S te to s inrument manufacturedl e-n ir-g tll 11) .~ Oi-stiil 1 I 11 Is lffr.5 o ii . llI compare Wit tit.Wies 1111, lluk l n, i ; ai.jmo111111.1 i r te ainol 011.11Y CH O Sau fr ilustrated catologa, 1115:1i5154.11 1,11p1t4.0 tu Pel} c.i OH . 1UNIVERCO, '''igboaSIlmCTY S d3~l~_,O , A CI OO 453433 Wshngton ter, mosesr. 211ft. li.2 oe 111.1 Outos in 11s1o oe frtriin 11 -pst ll il ot o isvr 1iiulit. Op1115a Bidig $.0 nilMy s UT OF. SHAVING PARdLIOstand Bath- flaiwt, :14 -: one ialf 1t11ne bicycl,[yi t ~ii 114.lilt 1d11e. All es"listany two cases. Offle, CJ. ros. All ippultmots firt class. - 'Thmpo Hutspsed and domestic cigars. Ldes' artl- (lsltstl ii, u1.1:12o; 2211 yarslilt . 55 iuhsisiide.1m1uit proueilkel2 T ompon Street. ic tale dresisg and bathine prors p Cairn. . E Traa swui l0S. taie t. sdies, (ishIago, 11111el2i8 -5 s1.; 1 0-P Irlii114fr 11on t tlilI1. Oiers 11515 IsoindIs i11514. imosi. lihnslO, 111 Nsrs w i lo, sor fromt ine huualti hul i Just Ricaveda Large and Elegant licen120afl.r-thro,1 Illlinfois de1.si-il I 4l ®i le 1 ilsrl iof ~Pipet"', -- -n-.10ft= a oehll tl it v11b a i tl fored~. Funsiiare itnot and Codlunces atall hcusruAgents A T ICiago ui. ,lrll_. --5;1poleit susl.ll~ u~ayoll lit-I.leWeer ~4.51c. -0Huylr's0andiWilins and Wernern C's cagolheiht 111t. , 111. No waling fr Columbia and Hatford________ Don't ielay your phote sitings. Si. E. JOLsLY & CO. ies No delay and conequnannoy- An e tls sasiillmeting (f the lini- early-and avod the rush ^i f Com- 2M. State St, Sager lck, ac.Almdl n atrsnwraymnein.Sno ae oalsn fer immedite dlivey.1897 estsil'oh Wiscosisto snll ay '.l cneiun.Siu ae t i e ios of '97. hadalo Photo Sudi, A LA~tfE LINE OF * ksltrttnweirdi h Uiv0 lerst idc w 111-W ssiulion Block. Vaies, Traveling Bags, Dress oh i iuss-V~le. lit5lul~llIP I~t- Ma -lic Mr~n~l hil iaulr ati quit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Etc., e4 ry tohrenhooist, 23 E. Caherineust5. A---A - 1GC~L 5.1 15 I 1lstlIustO tl rwternoon san1 sti eing. Fee 25. An.toni IIeujfel, STANARDOF TE WRLD oil theitip will be sabot $1.'00, a1n14.it 'STANARD F TH WOUD 3;. MAIN. ST. a mdexlsvlof5prcsNckl 15misti it 11 edto raselothure: .t lltr innt ILOST--Diamsoned ring.at uPAsthio SteelTubing, teentirpro- #jflflTOALL siP this amolngute lilmlilidllsli- I nigshol iee liaerihn ULE.&HirlNT dutof whith wecontrol ALE . uItI.. 10o19 church sret and reeiv ewaiud. F L -sHartford Bicyces are at prices Alstimea we ill within reacbhof everyone. +U d r U00derwe4ar1 PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CETS *.i~r; romus or ne -cea TT 1.-Y~e~1 1e1 , C LEANING AND REPAIRING. ;sr~lmo.:Hot ?A . state s. Over Boseys Billiard Bee. POPFM E 3. CO. a A We have tie Derby Ribbed Under- Hartford, Conn. /, wear Ii is finished withs a Silk Gets iyl atr Front, /1haus doubule wisbands and isihorough S en t F tee!V IsaetBip1F 5i y maode. Om r F'rech Babr al. ota ~ln Ud-- r7Ar e ofuFSoor.pace/ wear made wih patent Seams wr- please tiemosist fasidi onei. To apprill Ta any pron itersted ha human mat- Branh huseor dale q thelie coolness of these garmiets ci- tra.orw. olves animals, we ill send free. in almust eeyctan ln war thlem, youon application, a epy of the ALLi- to. ', y ANE thorgasof this Society. In adi- ~THEY SELL FOR aQ EAkCH-. tio toits iate sly interesting reading, it - - cota sof te vtabla and unusual prmi- 11rr - + '555 il.n by rhe paper.Adrs WAGNER & 019 ON~ [iW a n r& C . TE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 21 s. MAIN ST. FURNISHERS, 21 K. Main. St. 41-11iUsited Charities Building, Nw York.