THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. This Space is Reserved for DETROIT, MICH. THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY ! S. W.Burchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, ~Ladies Tailoring Annex. Needs of the University. i .fie taDerot oural lat vein IT S NOT FASHION ONLY, B3UT , contain, a loug editorial 0n the nee,'s- QUALITY THAI' COUNTS " oly for allpaprolsr aliou1 for the jI * ®IN COLLARS. AR E v erity. We quote the following froot : YO UR S i41 1Other needsooffite Unilrsily-should *9/ be' aloo carefully aud Wisely tonei- irrd by the legislature, oud we lave reasonu to believe that the ireint leg- * ilature io disposed to so consider thlei,said wiihout prejudice. In lto firt llace it shioilil be agredcciby all f *(' ht the '[iversity of Mihigin loot *6r., 7 lie kept in the tront rank of the bet so in the laud; that it would be petnny * "' wise aind liouind cliso i ilhobi * I KG A A TE. 7- fioim it te means uesess ii, to kccp __________®®®®®@6®_______®®____________®®®®®!®®® ________ it itiere. This does not m'ean keeping CALENDAR. it where it is now for all timle ito____ coime; it mieans ikeepinig it up "wiili Thirsdoiay, Friday and Saturday, thie procession." Our foreitiost ci leges May 13, 14 and 15--May Festival at This space is reserved ail usisersiics are list o,l-slll 11i nlivlersiyIHall. sltios. iTtuy are proressive til ooaetoens iny (1lAnn lsil for the Grand Opera steadily anil onsla'tly titianrihi.niisinglI's ansidobles. iis class flei nivrsity of MIiiign Stutriday, any 22-Voally track House. mst riiiaiuu if te slate would imaike ii~eliat Ailleic field. it yieldiits richest possible ti-'oiliis. Friday, Maic 2-Dual 'teninis Trour- "I'niocrntwivth (tihicso Tis oelss'ot 'cll tin ill ier iall Cturdix, Mip21TiusIria foe exirav-aganciie iu tiliiropiitioais, anentin seciindli-ls singles opess. I is% t doeii'ss IanIts agasir stis)e-tX t taao ie tf f il-Seec i'ro3s~y, ishe A. A,& TUSI. SfT. RAILWAY, 'ojIG N LT.P si.s at liii'Silgot atd loes ati tie TIMIE TABLE Tie-ic 'aste Rvised Felt ,. O Leaves Congress sroet, Ypsilanti, at IeAST. banuitoir, PM.. 7:10, :20, 19:10, otid 11:00 a. i., and hil ansd E-..3T41 N. Y. SpetalaL,.,o- a} I tartie be 'iu'tts'rs d th1t hile 12:0, 220, 3:10, 5:00, 6:30, 7:0, '':10 ' Special,,, 4 58 Sall-- 0ma sters En-l- s S N. S.Lite sa o ster universitis's ?ti-i iril5- cosls-esaindl10:20 1. il. Ii-AicE . . s ocieEs 1 by priat}C le 'qiu-,s, n U\'sit tiivesiv eavcsiiut iouse at Ann Arbor at J.NExpress.--- 50r5 Western Es-[I i'td'ietItpiili gtsioi7:-t0, 9:00, 10:20 oust 11:10 a. ti.,randIti 0pas _]tI . iBN. It-------- 1:20, 3:00, 1:20, 5:0. 7:10, :30, e350 'O 0 WEuco, I. W. affia ,hipof stae pople ?vtalintc11gnt, nd 1:00p. 0.P & T'.Aft.,Chicago. AEt. Aso Artet jt Clis't ttuu prot~ucesiseelot is, toe SUNDAY TIME.r its tit~itte'iui' stid tvlttc'tlti. Letooes Ypsilnti if1:0 atd 1010 ' f-, loisutak1es ilte' optit's ntittl t. ; at. i,,and 12:50, :0, 3:10, 14:30, 3:50') tit5 -~oa- io-i ulufs it 7:10, 8:20 and :50 p.ij 05l i(t "31h rl pe l t IIits'e hat eases AnsntArbor atlt10:10 antI 11:2i0 s' . In., andi 12:50, 2:50, :50, 5:10, 63, .. li theii fuue'asIt his been il it 7:50, 0:10 anti 1:0p.i.R LO D patit. It osill lie' it'w-e, t'people it I -- TheeTable Sedsy, le I)d~ljft. fil'iig-tltt,"oattd by iits svs'(oaitgt to. -NOTICE, sue-ensousp I totitoo'at eetitigfor li' the ari 7l- 0a. M.7'0.=m (JAY FES'T'IVAL lI TY t itts of tliii '11dss btasebaol latt iniii sop.inp8m. -tlidsay -eveitg, lay 11,iSte cillssii *aRupns brlt) lettestAss Aborea'sti oleitre-sl. l esiy cholofDanin wllgiera . 5. -MIAT' ~-viws. 5t\lllgOi +RunsohbetwenI Toledo ad Ioo R -tThi st-rlly8ctoolof ~luttit- oillgis' I ________________ etle-n Snday snly411lliothe trise- dtcLZ pr1ogramtpoto oyis-t occiestra titilie, t08T-A- Beta 'TlietiPi fctteritty except Se-rdsy 'fie dtallilg osill lbegtintttiteiiatuly f,in flutt0.erli kase t't 1Be lTi,,t-io BBE FTuE O, Aeat tur te' eslncert1a51nd011cote until 12 Plutsse or at Daily olfi' tnltS 'i ci" oit'ctk, fT'e usual ladnissinl-sfX001' eo-re THE KINDERGARTEN BLLIAR a couplesi-litlit'caged. The Daily has made ar- Soortis ndfrteniie wo e-rangements to rcieafl RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS silo to buy or -o rot sill do iselt) ee L. D Utarr for houses turnishedl telegraphic account of each blseCiaTockt ud sr unlfurnished. Ofice 1Sttviitgs Balk game and will publish it the Cigarettes Block, morning following the game. Cor. Main and Liberty 's -.....ORDER YOURE ICE CREAM AND FRUIT ICES ATBiccle.epaiin. WHITE'S Confectionery Store, Is all braches nety Aed prorw Peteces resoastle Seedries asm l1lbiouth Main Street. Telephone le. pelesq Lowney's and Allegetti's Famous Choclate Creams. Winf . J. Wenger, Sods Water, Phosphates sod Vernor's Ginger Ale. 18 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ANOMI "lriuy!-dolyou pily" petsa Wshburn." hs He-me Is Really Complete Without a new 1897 Mobdel Washburn Guitar, Mandolin, Priceshaeebe-rootaed dosnes asltfth ie 'Wassttrn'so rmoreus eoosrity sothat1,5noiesyoutca buny se-estie Washburoferyasoe sut deign- Ferm $.a.oUpwardl. Thes se- ll'ohbsoe- landottetis a eadtoal departu-re fom,,foermer stlee-, Itis rmeneratest, dant,,iestland lightreus tMndin imainale-i, and itsoe asoeso verysnrlntot f aie old Cremosna Voltin. Wsh- bunssaresoldnatfixred d nriflompricestby haSllrs-, class resics dealers everrywher,. Wosotoursarethitacnowsledged slte-deed oh tho e-orld.Teatruserdeclusively b he ieardintg Artists, Teachiers oind GleeClubto.,OunewsoWashu- burenrtaogue containie-nptrtrtsiofovne 100Arisrs anedishullinrorain,prices, endrseets,etc,e-illhbe seth froncereceipt ofliati~iion. Ifiyorocanotidenler rcanntsupplyiyoutree-illsend5-shiturri C. OD. withtivtilegeitiexaisatioirne, dircetfrotheu fatry.r A Washburn imroves ,with age ad. makes a G~it Oboear resers in value as the years go by. It is really -at-l many times-ins coot." LYON & HEALY,* -C010. 'V6a 0,rSiAvg.. & ADAMS ST.. CHIlCAGO' RAIIDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER Washington Block, Ann Arbor, TheMichigauensian -- ON SALE-- Wednesday, :May 1 PR2.$1 Blue and Gold Cover, profusely Illustrated with Organizations," Cuts of Buildings, ct. ---