THE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. . fi- 'tf l5Ca t 4 Baseball Team Home Again. ~ '~'~ '~ ~The baseball team returned from te ChicgoWIieonsin trip yesterday Pulished Daily (Sundays excepted) during lorningI[t 755 over the MSieigan the College ear at - THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. C'enral and ws iiet at the delit by OrICE: Times. building, 7 S Male St. be- about 25 otment. Al speak in [le -wenLbeEyadWila tR highest terms of Miller's pitching in MANAGING EDT oth Chicago game and of herd's tJ. F. TOMAS, 7. - ' ANGN EIO lalying on the entire trip. '['lesit- F. S. Smans, '1. I fild comes in foe a great deal of ATHLETIC EDITOR - praise, also, playig a steady gamer H. B. SILLIN,'55 ..- -- throughout. BUI~iNESS MANAGER O. H. HANs,'98 7Te team practiced at the atheic EDITORS field yesterday afternoon focira euple E. L. Onenne, '55 L. 1. A. CAPBELLm. of hours. Lun's 'hand is cliot well F A. FUce, '55 E. A. ArunELL, '5. G. ID. Ilnnuo, 'h. T. . Wosamuw, '9 and le tok art il the ifieli p'a- HUTLERnA Lo, '. . ID. JENNNS 's9i ie. The oork was fast. The tias. trll maagement is endaoring to ___________________ S__ et a game for net Satrday. Cl.. The subscription price oellie Daiy is tc2.5t resocidence lhs eeii opned wihi foe the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communiea- Adeiert, and if a game call be scur-" tines, and other matter intended for publca- tion must be handed in at the Daily nfiheee- cdit ttoiltbe playd at 11 o'clock an te loin p. in., or mailed to the editor before3 p. in., of the day previous to that on which mortng, bi'ase of the F'eoiviol rn they are epected to sppear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily rit Iite afteruo. Oaee, Oeyer'n or StoHet's Newtand, or _________ with uines Manager. Subeibero will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at thin lAthletic oard Committees, offie any failure of carriers to deliver paper.____ I'resident Ricihards hoc apo~ined III the iestoo gamies owiti (hiago the folloig coiiiiiitteeooili aAt- our teoni has ben defeated, but nit ldir iBoard: outplayed. (CoachliWatkins 1011,1eiro'tniis-tHerrick, HalrrisoIiiieth. that sowvthe giliso li-ooeufnidetiri' Siialey, tRic'aris. tihat owe shllin oltle glles tll be Track - Hilli, Pennet, Danforth, played with ChIicago tbfoe htoiie Calmpell. c fCoottll-hil ges, rioml, ted', croowts. The teaiii are eovenly nmatch. Tyn llmn ed 10111 evervinflueiice-beomes a10nl- asball- Atiisoii. IHeiniger, teril ii111. let the sudents in ;i the Stovens, Poiti, Weisteii. reimnig ams obeplye, de- TO RENT-A number of ots at is noblyy the gaugesoowi tCiciag~o di l5,C.of 3.St. holiusby hiurr or day. teir 'tluiasti' support oust give lthi 111111 1liiitel. osible 1advanta1ge' tere is ini-licoilic-;ulles O011heNo0 The-Church and Hocety SUPPLIES teginning Sunday, May l1i, oald)clos-. Ing Wednesday, Sllay it, Rev. J D. Spalding League all, Mit, 5Mas, ecC Mlanagers shold send for snmpls nd 1-oced, nivrsit Rxtnsiui Le- pecal rate. Every reqiite for Tennis, Gof, Cricht, Tach and Field, Gymn- Icier of the University of Chicago, ina Fqipmns and outi,. Complete Caaloge of Spring and Summer Sprs wi11 deliver a Series of leclires inkier free. "The Name [le uarntee the auspices of the Bibe Chairs on1 A. G. SPALDING & BROS., the general subject: "The Church ad NwYr, Ciao hldlha Sociological Study.", The le~tres will INTERCOLLEGIATE be a folowvs: BUREAU FOR tupotouce of the Study of So~iey Caps. Gowns and to the Religions lWorker. S. C. A. Hoods. Lecture, Newberry :hal, auditorina, COTRELL & LEONARD, SnncaySlay16,9:1i N, Y, Sunda, Sla Id,0:15 . m.V.lMUnnEL, M 9anger. The Church as the Moral Standard 44P. William St Bearer of Society. Church of Christ, A ''lb f S Sunmday eveniing, SAlay 16, 7:30 p. nt. T A-DE M The tetcllllu f the Church ta Or- rj0 B t!! ganzedChaity itom , NovberyThe Largest Line f icycles, Sun- ball, Stoiiday, StLay 17, 4:15 p. in." dries and Supplies at The tbcatidi of the ChrAb'to Or- M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, ganized Labor. ('hutch of Crist, Telephne No. . One door East of Ameri- Stlonday, Say 17, 8 p. m. cnHue The lRelation of the Chrchi to Civic RENTOAIHLER, Reform and general 'Soial Anieiora- PHO0TOO1.:PHXER tiO. Church of Christ, Tuesday, Sa ANN ARBOR. MICH. 187 8 p. m'u, SUMMER LAw LECTURES Social Christianity. Church of UIVRSTYylVIGIIA frulnIleeAug. s,7.Cs.Sncuprem6 e court.sFee Christ, Wednesday, May 1, 5 p. mn. inlaogue, address R C. MINOR, Se'iap, Admission to all thene lectures is.CaltesilV free Stuentsand itizns o Anno*M. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth free Stdent an ciizen ofAnn and Metallic Caset and Fine Grade Culins. Embalming a Specialty. N, 17 S. Arbor are cordially invited. , Furth ae, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS! Every style-most every coloring-Attatched and Detached Collars and Cuffs. It's the only cool and comfortable Shirt for summer wear. The real swell Shirt has White Wrist and Collar Bands to he worn with White Collar atid Cuffs, D In Madras, Percales and Cheviots at -1.00 and 15O~ BELTS. HOSIERY, NIGHT SHIRTS. and Greens, at _ Plain White- 25C, 5OC AND $1.00. Black aiid Brown, FacEibod Our belts have handy eludedl. ered. attachments to keep I them fromsuippleng G2b CPER PAIR. I 5O 15U AND $I, s, ETER THAN EVER" Te1807 BEN-HUE BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improverlec 'o in cotruction than any ether bicycles now before this public. Never before 'i!sV ouch eacellenlt valuen been offered for the money. Our new line, consisting of eli ]" siipethl models at $80, $75 and $125 for single machlues, and $150 for tandems, oral tile varioua options offered, is nuch that the most exacting purchaser can he entire!5 suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., '2 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, II-'D Students and Teachers can secure ploascant and prodsitotohotwork introiacinog our Public Libraries.:...... iii tow-us and country and forminog Beading Clubs. Just [hoe work for Studetits, Teachers and Miiiisters. Managers...... ........... . We alno want a fewv energetce field managers. Slate age and experience in hook wvork. Add-ess Dept. "S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. WewilsendenrccApt5 of10 its. a a5inpletoc any ddress. Prics:lt i terpound~. 40 e% Stre, NewYork. i a nl =