VOL VII. No. 169. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. Reteived a full line of Novel ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. SWEETS! # $ Lowney's and Plows Cho- colates either in bulk or pound and half p0u(1 0 Packages, strictly fresh, 6O 1 Cents a pound PALAIER'S PHAR1iKACY. 4S.STATE ST. $ Tasty Tan Ties! Newest arrived-Ten more cass of those popular ties which were made to sel at $3.0, but which we got at a price of our own making. All stylts and szes in this lot, to go at $2.48 a pair. W. J. APRILL,i 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANNARBOR. is Complete Witlhout a S We have Cameras that are Q specially adapted for bicyc- lers at $5.00 to $25.00. $.00 S s will get a go )d one. Ask 5 for Catalogue.0 0 -- CALKINS'-:- PHARMACY.I --AT- WAHR'S BOOKSTORE Just receive another lot of that fine U. of M. Monogram Paper, tho popular shades Blue and White; also at New Stock of the Various High Grade Correspondence Paper. Visitting Cards Enrved and PlatePaintin,.. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Town Down Town S. Sate St. Opposite Court ouse Ann Arbor ain et. I MAY FESTIVAL STARZS. MAY FESTIVAL OPENS. Soloists and Chorus Fully Equal to Previous Years. The futh animal May Festival opened] auspiciously last night with a not'ceihitieotio program. Te hal was fi-ed and the great cthorus presented iii itmposing tppearancee when it oad beenintassed on the stage. 1he soostsof te eenng w r: Sit. 5Fances -Denton Wood, Soprano; Air. J.1. II.Stenley. tenor; Slice en- oje -tae Stener, contralto; Sig. (tliii- eppe C,rtcsnri, henc or; Th Choral Uniont (3O) voicezs); Boton Felival Orchest ra (:U1. Sr. L. L. tRenwicik alttied sorgnit, andi Sir. Lol l Sol- it ittaitcr antI -t. Albert A. Stanley as conducittor,. Tilitrocmilete trogramtifollotws: PROGtRAMt Chorus Triomnphalis-Stanley. Symphonic Poem, "Leo Preludes"- Liszt. Aria, "Lend me your aid" ('Queen of Sheba"), Gounod-Mr. Mc- Kinley. Itecit. e Scena from "Donna Condot," Meradante-Miss Spencer. "'rue Sentinel"-hiiler. Monologue fiom "Falstaff," Verdi- Sig. Campanari. Aria, "Ah, Ptria Mia" ("Aida"), Verdi-Mirs. Wood, (Oboe oli- gato by Mr. Arthur Trepte). Overture, 112"-Tschaikowski. PART 1.' 'Stabat Mater," Rossini - Chorus Soloists and Orchestra. iTiesears soloksi t e tIeiual those of foriier Mtay IFetivals and each oe tolptivateti he audience ii-tun, all of thietmbeiiig compeilledto itrecsind to enicoe. Sig. Canpanari reond~tet iilli thc ftinoiie',rctt-r 'tng frts "tCarien.' 'Te "St-bti alaer~,. hiccileosel the progorttm broitgt out the full posw- es of the soloiststaiiishoiwede tteltil iraiiiig oni the patrt ct the chors. T'odeay' s cnects re to Symphnpiy conrt t 3 p. ii.. anth ie Camve cn- tert ct S p. in. Setts for the later will teplalcied on sle at 3 this miorn. ing. Webster Society Program. Tue Webster Society will present tlit following programs tonight: Reading. L. L. Thomas; essay, current polities of E nglandl, J. T. Lawler; imiproits, Mlessers. Harrison, O'Leary, ~eff; d- bate, "tResolved,:'rht extension of our civil service rules asumaie by tre. Cleveland should be maintained" affirmiative, SMr. infrock and i. Fimeple, 'negative.1S1r. Solecandei r. T. Tlteupsom. The '19 class team defected the Hmgl Sehlols it the air c)u,ls yser. day 9 toir,, J. siS , tO1%m" Ii\ii1.ti. Yesterday's Track Meet. Apprectated by Students. "i,, iinfiirmtal tlea dtilfietd et hei-junior- ltn class through its yet.riday atiratedit a very smtitll tutu- 'ctnlt?-eMessrs. tiltinettort,Spttr once. Thle events is-c' rtu ff ill itiiebalil, Healy-, Iitici, Siereer, F-istc- gooshapieibut 4tli,' irile itieuie rce i-c ato( Ileier, tresented Dean HIll- poor. A sitiitiary foitlows: intue withi tie fillowing resolutions yes- 1h00)yards dttsh-tFirseat i. Tlci,eeriloy: first, EUthel, second, tingtetu'01-5 set'.; l thetiawrltiv of t'-8through their' second0luott,:tHealid. firsi.,liurt,,r. -s-e- ect'cittee do hereby lhearily con- outd, time, 14-5scyi.; fnlc, Thlocmas, "mi iteaetiiiiiof thet'Boairdlof the- UictHIetald, secoicd, lime.,t1) 2-5 sec. :geas i thutit'oseetion tif Prof. Huit- Th'iree-iquatrter gmilerin-Wooid. irst, insto 1tlilttelionorcafio position of ItHodgmiani, straitS; tine. 1::30. Btroatd jnttt--M1ilhinson, first; R~un- ils, second. Distance, 20 ft. 1Oi. fltillier throsw-Bennett, first; lHar- ivey, secoiid. Distance, 97 ft. 1 in. Shot put---Oliver woii. Diolonee, 135 ft. 2 in. 220 yurds hiurdles--'_AcLean, lirst; W'ebsier, second. Time, 30 see. 220 yards dash-Thocutas won. Tiiie. .5see. One-half nuile run-Kingf. firot; An- dersoit, secotid. Tpiie, 2:13. One-quarter mile rutn-He'alil, irs-tI PBattermau, second. Time, 59 2-5 see. 129 °yards I-hnrdles--3MeLean, first; Ayres,..sec-oud. Tinie, 17 see.. Dole vault-Dy rn, fisvt Adams, see- riteS. Height, 9 ft. 2 in. High jumup- -Verner, firs1; Loud. sec- ond> EHeight; . 5ft. 7 in. 'Three-quarter nil~esvalk-Woodruiil, first; PaunI, second. iulie, 0:25. 1),itetitof th"i- ~~z itt-eto _ P Sleii- Wi' take thiis opportunity to express out' high appreciation of your services tinil earnstly hope that youir nesv ditties -vill not etinpel you to sever yousr resent close conneerions with our tepartucemit. W~e further expres tin, firiii etivietion that yonr long ex- pierience antd emnient attilitiesildt am- ply qualify you for your nets'dunties. We' therefore heartily cougratulat" you uipon yonr recreit apspointmient. aznd excpre ss to youj our kindest wishes for thle sorceess of your adnoinistration. Th e tmiversiiy of ;Wisconsin will-.ex- lhtit at te Tennessee .Expooi iosIaa large collection of plietog.aplis illus- tratInig scenes in various Separrhnonlts.