TrHEUIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Jost W, KULLAUF &GO, Merchant Taidlors. 10 z. Wssbiagton St - Up Stairs. .?HOTQGRAPHS --Seilrates to Seniors at B e rr y meca n's B. Huron Street WHY DON'T YOU 'TR7Y The Inland Press A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle at DOES WORK WITH BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Neatness and Dispatch Half pounds and pounds, 10 and 20 cents. A few boxei of Give them a call. Velvet Molasses Gaudy, one-half hound 10 cents. COR, HURON ST, AND FOURTH AVE, THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS BANK a A W G SCapital Stuck, $50,000. Surplus, $1150,000. IResources, $1,100,000. of colors and patterns Orgseized under the General Baskisg Laws of this Slate. Receives deposits, bays ad nover seen before i hsCiy ellecaontedprn pieon h Makers of Correct G D )S P II S Identification. Safely deosail boxes t rest. WerngAoae ~ ~OFFIcES:.Christlia ackPros.; w. D. Wearig ApprelRarriman, Vice-Prs,; Chas E. Riscock, for Men---'TAILORS. Cashier: . 50.3Fritz AssisatCashier. DO OU SMO EFIRST NATIONAL BANK fgnn rbo " Capital, $100,0. Surplus adPirfits, Wd,000 21 Pittsburg stogies for----------2 ceats 6 Dog head (Cors for----------25 cents Trasacts a general baakiag business, 16 L PricessStoges or ----------- 5 r ents6 Prdin y Cgva rs fro_____g___e__ch_2ncentboughtnexcaade o sold.n s Fl. raunih lit a Praces Stgiesfor . 5 cats Proigy igas Ic. . .2 cottlers of credit. 16 First Natioaal Stogies for.-----25 cents 6 Paradise Cigars foe. ..--------- 5cents E. D. iKINNE, Pres. HARRISON eCUIRE, VYcaa Stogies for. .--_____- 5coats "5 La Diooo Cigars for . ..---------25 coats Vice Pros 11 AlfoasoCigars for . ..--------- 5cenis d Harry Clays for . ..-----------23 gentse S.W. GLARKSON. Cashler. Stcar Ciars for . . ..-----------25 ceats 04 O l ocloet for. . ..-------- 5 ceats 6 c R i eakers for . ..--------23 cests 3 Rtoyal Ranoers for.. ..---------23coals Recrd BrunswickiCigaro for.. . . . ..--------------253ceats ly rmrhI .Bicycle Enameling! lVlaiti or Moartelized. Any color or style. All work guaranteed. A. CAN TLON. W1s 1ii's'ucker &it. , 18 N. Fourth ave H ANGSTERFER'S .M ICE CREAM SODA 6 S Strawberries FT' ,and Ice Cream T R Fruit Ices. ,T ~R C~ Offig ad WASHINGTON SIS S .31skes to order Women adlea's Easy Fitting Shoes in all the Latest Styles. Best Place for Repairing /4.3 S. Main St. - Upstairs. UOF X. SHAVI1NO PARtLOtRand Sath- rooms. Alt stppoitments first class. ii;.,) rtd ad domestic cigars. Lsdlms' artis- s.ic hair dressing and bathing pariors, up caics. J.. Troianski 30 S. State st. 44 South Main Street. B. N 1, O A UNIVERSITV NOTES. I Iriformal Field Day. Tfliereliii tie iio oilet'siof tihei.3.1-. Ac jicinoll isA cwliitrawkt1101ccl" liii No this swetk. lo'hcld iatic thathlet is l'dta 1 'iTccc s vill toeia lctcarstl sof tt. . O'clock Itiscaternc~too for Itie li i5 thotil lltiln i'cs ionltIteniic'o, at 04'gt'l tug t lilt; o11thec,111iii;itla. 3 o'clck, 1to1tI"itvt'city l11,1l. Clot rcc ci'110 fioi i ncrisbasit "i1- Alci i'.Iicio,, fit 0'Del cc;, bI ttl;ic11,,114explects ithe' I sloss tug c 'en boto I1, twols4 it t1he lsi I p li 1sili liost GI1~e', sItis sveet. 141 y tl5 sit; sh-ti lss, Cliii.lii Tile Bttsto cclstiAl )rclii'ctcc lily - itu;1, Pus'iiiic, IPoticer, Tiotipcsois. A1ei, edii tuhlii':.iidtliios, lic.igo, list.I'ctt2;isiiu;;. itickii to. Hlad. n!-ih t I a srr l Iiive t iu to hlii;v'ii2' 1112;Milte iiii-iWoct,ILz3ti 'tub. tliin tlits11i0i'ii1i;. Wllitecol, Stin, Dtiocisi~. 'lii1e itus ss aole lreceiIIdlItlri~llIiiiiii;e'' tinissy -Iteos'sl, ilr''. osut of tIswiss andl Proi. llcilliou, ws cassi 1211 y,lnt lsiittllitsvss . ii; ill s1. 1 to; tie hsisslae' ootililc to .It!-'s Webstr, MLea.cii A. ii. Sirclis, lni'ssllilfsil.'-%)N) i". iv5:. li ill .1. 1D. 'ictlloie. Isis'o tli' hilt isg ielegae.W~ tl slldta tl' N.(sncli i ldi1- i ,iuc l Missrs. Xvt~elore aoil iidis'- sol,2~1 IClist sPorter,'l'loil -m), ileer, 1. sills. 151 illisS. flili. Iilp~l ts 'l~illniiitt, Losti, liuols. -111yalI~s riiii Ilcall.Battermalis. Cr. Mais and Rouronstreets. Captal $50,000. Siurpus030,000. Transact general banking bosiness. R. KEMuPr, Pres. C. E, GocEus. Vice Pros; FRED. H. BELSER, Cushier. F. J. Schleecle, 20 S. STATE STREET Sells a Solid Gold Fountain Pes at $100 Rooks Round 25cests and upward. C. of 21. Scenecssod Professors 3'V? ibs. Lin- es Paper for 50cents. Note Roots 5 louts and upwards. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. T UTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. NOTTICE T We run nowsuspply you willh a fine 1RAERFNITY PIN. See our liue of samp les. W .ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANRCING Opposite Low Bulding. $3.00 smtillStay 1st any two classes. Office, 27 Thompson Street. Just Received a Large ad Elegant Line of New Wipes! Hot and CodLunches at all hours. Agents for Hagier's and Williams and Werners Co.'s Chocolate Boa Ross. R. B.. JOLLY S& CO. 155S. State StL, Sager Rlock. A LARGE LINE OF Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Etc., --AT -- Anton 9Teufel, u7 S. MAIN ST. FULLER & HIXSON A Siashs in Prices. Frsa short time we will PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS. CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22S. State st.. Over Bossy's Billiard Room. Sen~rt Free!. To any person Interested isnsumane mat- ters, or who loves atmals, we will send free. Upon spptication, a copy of the "ALLI- ANCE," the orgas of this Society. Is adOi- lion to its intensely interesting rending, it containsofthuikabie ad unusual premi- unws liven by tib paper. Addrees THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 aniled Charities Buildingt, New York. ts;t 1a -:.I1sllilsin 'og s ilt sie Moi tz. 5 I'll. Aor I~-: glmns tkhtive.o h 't .ilesl~ttle, J55'l'El. Il- ("Pilzll th dcison llkouwdye- (11111'[' ile - 'sinitil , Fin-tiy r'ihl ll'IAGO 11 I'(0IN8 Sl'IOLi.-tTauisis, Itilpley. A t1tS'lliP. X211 dsisshuiiridlesChuitbb. tc I e a. A',Iiii'tilis far tis schots l~i'eiii ill- tr' soeitio fo thelmroseof ea~hi o 'oihiiisiou sill tie oihargesi and a etudeist of thie Uniiversity to lirsil e isillel is urged ho attid. i t<1N Colnos drin thy S111nle", Don't defuay your photo sitliugo. Si ealynicOd avoid tile rush cf Con- ;l i'":l itndltheli i l'11s ai ll -c to1' Ilii' ill r t.s '1Fit' ciniiIiitlls'i'I ililillo1.flirss of '117. Illil's Photo Studio, ''sa bliiiigltoinBlock. it. Adn: lgii~ ld Isirletioo s «. 1D. ____________ Jlilohnson andiC.1'.12. Co'oley. Siusctitrfor lie Daiiy. fs u-hat may be properly eaidi of mens who wear Milward's cilts. "Well Suited" in 'price and quality of woik. Gall and see the spring stork of latest designs. MILW"ARD, T11E TAILORR, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH.