THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. This Space is Reserved~ for DETROIT, MICH, THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY ! S. W. Burchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. pDLadies Tailoring Annex. v 4,t~o No Home is Really Complete Without a new 19'IModel y~ GiaMorie Wash u1 n Mandoor in Pries av ben cald on as a rest of the Washburn'eorousoooptoooitysotht now you can by agrmaoe Woashborn of th vry latst desig Franm $.o Upward Th ewWashborn Mndoiontots yaral dprtore frocm formoer styls. It istoeneatst, dointesttad lightet Mndoinohogooble, od itote appochs veryear totdhatofoafine old Creona oViolin.Wash- bornsoreooodoat fixedoounformoprices by altfirst cloosmusicdalers everywohre. Waohbocoo ote th oacknowfedgd tondad of th world. Thyyoreosedyoeoolusv loyth leodig Artisto, Tchrt od GeeClubso. COuronew Woli- booo ctotoogec totnig potaitof oe olltArtits aod fult ioformato, pics, ndoseoet, tc, wilfbe sent frorceiyyypt of appicto.If yoor locol doler canotosopplyy cooonttwloond W-otho-ooC. .. with privilegeofeoamiotono, dirt fromooofatory. A Wahbrn improves with age and makes a Oft hat increses in viue a the years go y. It io really worth may tims ito cot. LYON & LHEALY, COR. WOOASH AVE. & ADAMS ST.. CHICAGO DANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER *~Washington Block, Ann Arbor. May Fetival, Tonighttbeginosfle fourtofitfoi M~ay Festival, to whicit alt hve beent tooktinionfward witht delight for the Vast fetv months.rThe soloists for tto fisteroert aoo-Mro Fottoot s Dunfton' Wtooft, softran o, MosJennie SMoe e Spencrer, contralto; Mr. .11 . 5to-io- toy, tentor; atnt) do. (lice rpiorCan,.t- tatoot-. baritone. The :;rent Botot x otvat Ototostto tfvareoserototooto- reoI' ofottoldiltog 0 huft] tuft o eotto ft oat toisotzti (e woodlerftulo or c toye, 1512, ty [To oikoovtoe. ITh secod foo t of Ithe Irortot x"'ilieroot it otf torenditiot of Ito-,tict\Io s itte, '*.4as3 1 t' roottpoularof althe lot t 5talottiMater-sitoi tOhate be t otil- to. Aihoogh treafttng of ttred sttO-0CALTENDAR. JOcts the otatotio io eexettdigl oli- 1ttindotlindeedi te scroet of io-'it toorod- ryi-rdty and Satortay, msscois tetrce o tfitsOtotma t'ny ax13 1tand 1 Mty Festival t atjThis space is reserved 1ttfyti tatd fosotitog toto' odi. 1Ti- UitverstyFHal citoax isrottaiedtin thie bilatoot-(lFrdv, 'Mty 14-1 rtoetoteam at Cit- tos, wtot t tod o tt't oootfot og atOtoatIofr-oteiae e-I frthe Grand Opera tit," vlichissai t bea uos "'ll ,atunday. \May b-took Park vs., liaiti hofrtnosottot. '0itit tILetfaboo 0 Mitoait ftOak PFark. House. a otee of eceptfitontatt rtofge tod ftxi- Thuoroay, Mty 2--tiAtotttotstrog bilty-.tofnnis otootto i et toents toofirs hlas As hs oiiotanottnotootthtite Wotootooinlnitgto outobes Stutrtday. Moy 2-Vtt'rsity froct LeeotOt'0 wil srvoe rtfreosttment' ox to metotltotAthltici. ttoe contrts astheoy odidolatstoyefr.ft. 1ritity, Mty 2--1DttttTnntis Tlor- $ IA High School Oratorical Lague. Iotttett Wti Cititgo. ILIL iG N ,jIiifli -Sattrday, \bitt 2ffeottis tottahen hcOtety y.2 to lTeAtnot Atbor iigho itSohtol otltoomett nseondtolactso sitgtes oens. KAS' P M.. 15 IThutrsdaloy, June 3liiootottov. fail cd EN.o. 3 4 N. P. Special.._.7 .'G tt' first Ostp i1 footmtitng ato itto irtXI. I. fpelo... 4 58t rall--------8 4. - Mtt-lttgttto. astrEx---o-t05 N. S. Lmitd..-0925 Motitbigioto Hight, t'tt-faot l rttoo-teotfA. Pa Mottdiay, Jun 7Ciicago v. \Mttdtt- klaotly j..o-..A.O55 Pacfic x-__12 Itt- loo~igoto yeottrtiy aftferotonottby tfgtt- ,nO1.N. Express.... 5 50 Wesern Ex...l 15,t _________________ J. R. Epres --1 10 Clo. N. Exto_-S9I1o 0001ttt tsottitt o T GliANtlli S A OADt-LMtF.. 0. RGGLES, I. w. HAYS, tosetloeague wil t e otmp'oftstd of ti- too Strdta- ficbitoter tltec-}t, -of . P. & T. Ag.. Cticgo. Ag. AceArbr AnontAribot-. D -toitttxtlttnttto O Stlf-laooto-iog ntt o0-t anff dt c c o t inueffttft o tt, i(r1tand Ittt iotootatod3-tyO-ityt+,totoo1o'c ot. SuditsandtOton Hight Setoos. Thot AtootArototso- t ot-o] otootototeo.Itt of11 a r - Gatiotl tio fotda ttonstituti t oot it tittcotttSl lttht'sA-o-to No oftiiro to ctoittotD otoot-tomo-ol o : provites f-offoronul cotoot too ho,' rooti .floor. Sartiof oxoetoto ig opt- [tto otttatos thati wxil rotro-so-tot tot roto t h xiioorettitot totti 'VIIodvoit 000ff- hig scoolin he ontst ,l'thefinte ______h-lard___e Time Tttle, Sunday, May 9, 1897. tleague. ITwo tres of 23 andti$13 NOTICE. NOT. ooov.ilbawrethwnns.Tx72. -r. 38mn. 1 to tt O oW~ tttt Ott' o-tott-r. io. tooittto t tot-itogfothetio' ottti- 11:25 a:. 1 25 . io_ electonto f ico-s it too' etl oe (liltes of lo Othe c toa otbtsebalt i n1o-Otto t5P-pt t8:1:;a. no.. 1:11p m. weekftont yeserdaoy intiOtto tiglit Roomot t, at 4 10 ., itt'Fitty. 'Roe between Ann Aror ad Toledo only. Soool chtatitl. S. -. lMATilliVS. titttgct. ians betwecn Toledo and Howell Thi ____________________________ trin Snday oly. Aft other trais dty xra~ biositx~t PRT. lOiST-A- Beta 'Tihttta i froteroottyexcept0 Sunday. \D Yh''I'L~iAL IART'. y. SCOL-ORN Aet Sooturdoay ev-enifng, ,li- .13, -tii- I otpi. Findertlease lae-tn-i'ta tto' eta W. i BENNETT G. . A. Toledo . 0-0-fity Schoool of Daiitgoxill gao to1 ti Ios or at Datily offie andotivoie K E tiogratio ~tori.nvthi orcesitani c rwot.TH IDRATN ILAO HL 'Tte dohoioog will begit inimooeiatto't The Daily has made ar- after te conioorftd otoittte toil 12 raneet oreceive a full RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS& oteook. Thte itsual adootISioto ot0et telegraphic account of each Woeae(iao oacsai to tooolewil lo: and will publish it the Cigarete. Suibscibe fot the Datily. morning following the game. Cor. Main and Liberty Sin.. .....OtDER Y01UR ICE CREAMI AND) FRUIT ICES WH ITE'S Confectionery Store, tIn banheelyrangI l0ISouth Mafn Street. Telepthone 16. pries. Lowney's and Alegretti'n Famous Chocolate Creams. 'WmIf. J.1Wenger, Soda Water, Phosphates and Vernor's Ginger Ae. 8 V. F7J37.- AE. - ANN ARBOR; The, Michigau'eusian --ON OALE-- -Wednesday, May 12., PRICE $1. 300 Pages Blue and Gold Cover, profusely- Illustrated with Organizations, Cuts of Buildings, Etc.-