THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pubished Daily (Sundays ecepted) dring the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFICE: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- wee Liberty ad William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR EJ. F. TenutAs, 97. AST 9IANAsINGo EDITOR F. S. SiuoNso.'8, ATLESTIC EDITOR ii .SIL-ON.'8 .. BUSINESS MANAGER ro 0Q. H. IHANS,'8 FE. L. GEisMsER, 'S L. . A. CAtdrota.,'0. F A. Psoti,'133 E7. A. CAMPELL,'9. G. D. 1tuosily, '00. T. It. WoolomOW, '8. BUTLER eLAOM,'ll. GID. JEINIG, '9lM-i The subscription price of the Daily is $210 for the collee year, with a , gulr delivery beore ncon each day. Ntices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- ien mst be handed in at the Daily office e- falt 8 p. us. or mailed to the editor before 3 p. i., of the day previous to that n which they are epected to appear. Subsciptons may bn left at The Daily Office, Myera or Stafflet's Nestand, or with Business Mianaer. Suberibers will rn- er a ayr by repoting pompty at thi office any failure o carriers to deliver paper. Board of Regentn Meet. The Board ofleglist11issesersdly ivh ll nilenhbisopireset,. 'he orsi 0wa5 manly' ocs'ril w o ia1c sisdc'- atio f1110 bdget iii regrd oswicihl nLatiag final as (101). Voie ofithaniks ere icindered bor. W. J. el, Of te S1ta11'Agicnllral Colicge, and Mr.(Ge. Ii. ficiS, of ue Do Issilltleill of Agrisnltrs'., for doue- tiesofst'seeds andilsruslfor te bss- taiical garden. A ole wse lso ten- dereitheliaii' aiarjahliof eylole, Rasj pli. Iiidia, fsr atcolsectisnl("f six iptrtfolios of arhitectral srw igss of old buildings 'ner DlibandssiAges. The drwings sre ssd s workig draino-lgs in Oils''esngierig deparslt iu~snt, anid were' pr'sis'nted 1ote li- birary. Hfary . Seranse was appintel d assisant a the library for 197-. L.. 11. Sfaitnas aspoined hose src goon of the hlnepatlic colegs, Ms. S. L. Cmberlad ws aplointed nist- ron, and Mis AMtie Wilson 11551d nrse in tie sm s pitall7. The nnber oflinrs wovrk resoo -" for graduations frnothe 'ginering deprrtnellt was raised from 12(0 to 130, the change 1o go into effect wills the next enering class. Two of these tnerahusreobedvedo Itihlioli and te oiler eigt ors will be added to the msatemlatical and es gineering tuas'th1110idea engg 1o keel)'the oork in these braleles up to dtae. One ihor will be added to de- scriptive geonetry, one ta analyicl ichanics. The corse in sisdes and shadows will probably be croped, ansi free hand drawing substitted in al the courses. One exrt instructor was given the engineering departnint in view of thse addtional 11ors. LOST-Diamond ring at Austin's dancing school. Finder pease retrn -a r; o V curoiabreetanl receive reward. Communication. AVe have heard a isreshissous amaount. of kicking thils 50l05011, lparticularly- Oils last fesociois, bes-anseor1.sU ssali 1te110i1s1100 playinigso lning boil. N ow (511' teaiii ani Ile Bcholoroter orf1the men aisohall 1pla0ye'rs sillisrisilig it, is is ownildeofs'nise, sbulsos o Dilotlitthieso' losobsos go Nwil 11011 Owsorch of 0111- Il-sic. IHows-maily of ihlseii ,uos oslsi aslk, loas-ceithesi' iasoa l o 111i1ht -s lis(-I? Hoswss louy of the'li5515' iell- bes of ibe Atllilic Associisn? uHsw osilis- Ybase'beesois ndosloof the galso' thiisyesar? iHow r i~lly Iss-s'ses e2bes-i soilossmtos 055l"olelour011 0111ii rtioiii 0'. ,ipeed icisearturc? 13s1 lilsill Nveis' 'oss-istsFridasy- isglil los givo this tlisa1'ends-soff on11this, ho' iimost Iryilig gip of Itie yoar, c-sx il oiit Wsiisalitll-I~s 0' Islo ri,ilg ,o) IZ1isy cooimlaits: IHows aiim ofthemiieir- gave a.1 1layer' a 0lieer for sigosodolaoy or' sisoord sto'iencoura~gementilaftcr aiu error? As -1 matter of fslct tI ll iost of 0 hO-co liks-is-isonoi'tknossothle (Uifero-nc los'- sws(.u a1 tasso'hit slid s fosil ball. 'ic sllolslo'ia oeod10d10'Oslss 110 1l1y5'lOO Ills coachi'landiolt110- lliitsler icr'ilall ligu- giilg Itos'vrs-oili. '"They-0o11o111 '05 teillsi'f'oiefslicall{'oeiiiiO'O . si W1-lks The BETTER THAN EVER"1 Te1897 BEN-HUM BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvemeints, in costruction than any ether bicycles now before the public. Never before boo-u schl excelleist values been offered lee the money. Oar new line, consisting of eighot suiperl osdelo at $608,$71 and $125 for single macblues, and $150 for tandeiis, with.s thoc osiriousopoltions offered, is inch that the moat exacting purchaier can be entirely suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.,s "2 GOARDEN .STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. OUR FINE PnS-ERa CATALOGUEC MAILED FOR TWO 2-CSENT STAMSs Students and Teachers cani secure pleasanst and profitable work introducing or by6 ositl i ollillanst1isisill too upholdsth1e0'Puiblic ]Libraries .... .... hionoi' of our.'college. Don'mickll. 101 gise 0every -111011a5goacol;sorod. Allot lOg-lit here wso- yosiy i, ou't striit yoour'applauoose st ouor 1101110' -,m. Don'1t ho' -fosololtoo apilalsdlieac'1101 l.111 eer'iy'ma1111011os-li eu sol ob ut rsind lit aiily othersi'melis. 'They- oosers' it. ando tiley soitt ploybttel~r basll for i. Nows'let oscryollo'urOhm 1slsol nd 5Meet the team whO-ieni thny dot lbasck, vShow thieiiifile spirit of teol o0('5'i so'ellied thicii, andlsiturloskicig. Sf UDE NI'. Tuesday Evening Club. The Tue'sdaoy Is-ciinorC('ub toeldlits last ro'gutlar' ieetlig for tuis1ear in Tlappa~n -101 tt teoeiniig. Professoor Cooley' 101101 IeLooughli ocre' tih' spoeaoke's. 'Tlley- discssed's sooie ofthlb moreiilfoeiilta soorkos of litositire. wrlilcbhve Isis ios'lirostthis yeasr oii th snbjects of Socilogy loot Aouorilsia IHisory. Amionig Ilhe'books mentioned "sere «Wcodrcsov Wilsos's Laifoclc of Amierican iostosry, Bsllrougl'" Jesuilt lelaitionis, allo Lester Ford's George Wsie-iilogton. The inoetiig w0,' thec last of a series osboie laos roveod extr'emiely islerestliog is 00011 'is profitabole to tse mienbers of thoc'lob. Sororitieso:and traternitieso ails dc- oie to bisy or -o rent will doowell los uee L. D. (air for houses fu:,nisliet or unfurnistied. Office Savings Bauak Block. Mi1ss Alice Eraiid, palma reader and pheenologiot, 2-3, E. Catherine It. A- ternoon lust eveingr,. Fee 25c. in tow-ls anod country oiid formiing Beadliog Ctiibo. Jnot tisa ovorl o Ir Sttidents, Tichers uad Ministers. Managers.................. We also waont a fewvetoergette field managers. State age aund expserience it o00os-work. Address Dept. I'S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago, ,I We il lsend onreceipt afltO et. a saleto aa r ess. P'rics.:AC Street~s, iw o. ( Oinly. 1Aa - - INTERCOLLEGIATE -BUREAU FOR Caps.. Gowns arnd COTRELL & LEONARD, S P L E Albany. N, YV SUP LIE V. MUisuEts, Masafer. Spaldieg League Ball, Slots, :flasks, etc M1.OMARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth Miasafers sheould send for samples and 0.asdDetalIic Caisklets and Fine Graide special rates. Fvesy resuiste for Tennis, Cofins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S Golf, Cricklet, Teach and Field, Gymna- Fourth avn. slum Fquipments and outfit. Conmplnte Catloue f prig ndSummer Snorts fraoueo pinrde. "The Name thin Guarantee " 1 A. A. & TPSI. ST. RAILWAY. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,. f TIME TABLE. Newe York. Chicago, Philadelphsia. TLeoaveo Congress street, Ypsilanti, at 1:00, 8:20, 0:40, and 11:00 a. m.,and,~ ~ ~'J l 12:40, 2:20, 3:40, 5:00, 8:30, 7:50,910T A D M and 10:20 p. m. T Leases court house at Ann Arbhoi at ' iLR entttt 17:40,9, :00, 10:20 and 11:h0 a. in., and The Largest Line of Bicycles, Sun- 1:20, 3:00, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10, 8:30, 9:50 dries and Supplies at and 11:00 p. m. M. STAEBLER' CYCLE EMPORIUM, SUNDAT TIME. telephone No. S. Onn dour East of Ameri- can House. Leaves Tpsilanti at 0:20 and 10:40 a. in., and 12:10, 1:50, 3:10, 4:30, 5:50, SUMMER LAW LECTURES 17:10, 8:30 and 0:510 p. m. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. July tonAug. 31, 1897. Coarsehinludes 3S lectures by Leaves Ann Arbor at 10:00 and 11:20 Es. JusineHMan, of 0 5. Sapceme Coach. For :ataogueaddess .R CE INOR, Scay a. in., and 12:50, 2:30, 3:50, 5:10, 6:30, Charlottesille, Va. 7:50, 0:10 and 10:30 p. mn. RE NThS0HLER, TO BENT--A number of boats at PHOIZTCCIWH R U. of M. boat house by hour or day. ANN ARBOR. MIOGH.