THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Oresess Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William St. MSANAGING EDITOR S. F. TnoliAo, 7. ASS'T MANAGING EDITOR F. S. SOS, '18. ATHLETIC EDtTOR H. B. SeoeeANw, '15 L. BUSINESS MsANAGER 0. H. HeNs,'0. EDITORS E. L. Ersosen, (5 L. 1. A. CAPBEnL, T0. F. A. FUsIKs, '0 F. A. CAsirnuLL, '5. G. D. HUsoeloc, 50. T. R. WoeODOw, '98. BUTER LAMS, 'H0. G. D. JENNextO '99M1. The subscription price of the Daily is 1.0 for the college year, with a regular dlivry before noon each day. Noticeo. commnca- tions, and other matter intended (or publica- lion must be banded in at the Dily office be- fose 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before I p. in., of the doy previous to that on which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions m-c .,e Je at The Dily Office, bMeyerro or Sioflet's Newtand, or with Busineos lanogee. Sberibecs will Con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of cacricrs to deliver paper. Tile boll 10010v Diii rtulrD f10og 10 tip toomorrow mlorninog at 7:0,5 000r lte Miobig an Cenral. W to'itver bIe the reoul of tse giise today wit Chicago a large crowd shiulid ho at Ilie Station to weIlsie (lie teamll ]Loos. The loom certilily Los-s more s cosiragd over defeat (lian le '(t- dents do, ond it 10 lt souch lihobo a1 Ibis that tlie sup~port of tlie Studntsi5 10 mnost nettled. Vise Daoily lioo receiveid a cop)y f (lie resoltitions of con-nie tldleed by (lie ficst your low laass againslt Iwo of its memnbers for votinig in tIhe S. 1. l A. olectio 1011 10110y to their pledges,. Weo refrain 'r001 poblisinog thiemo, buts re in symipathiy with suchI acti0n if ihe (1100s has fouiid its isenibero guily of the obarge against them. ,Ollld(ooi wxho color college politico ohould be iode to uiiderotand that the rights of the student body entruoted to them are not to be lightly diregarded, and that puishm~ileint will tollow if thecy are guilty of a breach of trust. Northwestern Students Mad. Northswestern's student body ield all indignation ineeing 'after clilpol Mlon- day to cenonre Mlanager Larsen and the athletic commlittee for thirl failurce to scliedule gamies in baseball wilL, Miclgan, Chicago and Illiiiois. Sipeeches were nmade by prominent students oataclkig ;Manager Loroer. for 'the iiidependence lie hiod sow. Larsen and Prof. H. S. White, 0 01e1- boo of the athletic coititee, replied to the charges, taking occaion to proise Caept. Mlaclay end hiS fles aind attack studentts for lack of support in attending the ganmes. Capt. Vito Doszer censored the ails- lie committee for their policy of i dependence. "We don't wait to play these little. two-for-a-centl college teains," le said. "We want orte toi Io tackle hicago and 1dicisguo and Illinois."e A commnitee was appointed to eoti- fr wils Laren, and if l10 proved i- tractable 5o try the aheic comlmltleO and induce them to arange games wihithe tunivrsiies soetioned. College Ruis and Regulations. The colege of the sol, cdotf Tennesseini particula,0vi wth 0e0ch other ini 111 promullgtion of sioirivy pheasing ros. The Iniveroty of Vit-- isia-iliat oherwise liberal anI pro glesivo istittioin-stil clinsgo 1 those antiqulated luboe las t0hat brought Edgar Alln oe ts grief, 10. twit, (le rles forbisdisg all swear isg. gaming, contracinig dets wills rado- 71111 or (le itroduoni ( of WeaosilorO logs int1o Ills' liievr-oy lsr ote. A Howard Payne Colsge, in slins are iprohibied 101010 ltan $3 inicasoxeriigt., Al McKenzie, To-il., 1(1e stiudents0of BeteliCollege are sot alowed to "profanle te Ssbbahi or osalteis sisow. hsore rcoes, 1bal ls,:os, dsiteslss or 1p1ac0s of issrs vaoi in amuementlorl( 15 Is reaovelo,-i." At Sieoe,. -l so thes studsolsl of Itsrri(I College nr ot ls (eelided tiscory osy 'dik ,11 o otei-coeadly woosos; to oxws-s-sif- tl b x 1o10r,00o( addsrss n' Iosi(1is o sousr 1011)00to Ills boo tusf tel~e. At saohes ueissesso-oslige,'. sudest srs fssstisddlstos"tlo w 11 afer oon t0ilre fsroms(Ieocolege wiudis oroo(0ues a0 matrimonial en s-ggment";, swhil a; Swevweolr Os[eau., sloideis, (soods bsissg compeslsled-osadmosisprcths tlso Isoic oomsist 10yusorsoss s e nisghtjs or cly, sar'requsir'dlevry bslssiilsy i fil 0o1t tihe-following lolollo I altesisheo Snsdaysc0011011a0.. Clluroliat -. . . . . .. . . . . . Anin i the oev-ninig as .......... Is-sast liiiopsninsg sld reniiidoseo to (le close. Nance o ...... Sororiis aissifrternitiies nho d- sure to buy or -o rent will do wxeli 10 ore L. D. Crr for hsosses ftrsisie or tuiftinishetd. Otie SvisgoBnsk Block, TO RENT-A nnber of bots 01 1.0 of M. boat hose by hour or day TANDEMS .Toi§Rent!!!1 The Largest Line of Bicycles, Sun-1 dries and Supplies as M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. S.fle dose East of Ameri- can Hoses. SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNIVERSITY OF VIRGtINIA. Cly tnAeg31, i897. Cosreinldes 156ilereesby Kr. Jsice Hnrla, of C 5. Supreme Court yes salalge, adress R C. MINOR, OSeer. Caletesvlle, Va. IRNT,sHFLE R, AWN ARBOR. MICH. O° . MARTIN, Funeral Diretor, Clo -J.and Metllic Cseettsnd FlneeHen Cos.e Embalming a Specialty. N. 17 Fourth ae. :r i ISEvery style noost every colorinsg-Matched and Detached Collars and Cnffs. It's the oniy cool and comfortahie Shirt for summer wear. The real swell Shirt has White Wrist and1 Collar Bands to he worn with White Collar aod Cuffs, In Madras, Percales and Chevsiots at enfi .OOand 1.5O. BELTS, In Reds, Browns and Greens, at 25C, 501C.AND $1,.00. Our belts have bossy attachess to keep Obesefroms slipping clowlos. HOSIERY. Special Value. Black asnd Brown, Lisle Thread in- cluided. 25C PER PAIR. NIGHT SHIRTS. Goed long ones, Plain White- Fancy Embroid- ered. 500, 750 AND $I. }AIIR 'iiB@IO1 1 1R9 Ri. sfJG3f_..- T ilk 4 u Lar TheBETTER THAN EVER" 2he17 BEN-IVUt BICYCLES embody more new and genuine imprsvemlts= in conotruction than any ether bicycles now before the public. Never before Lotve Fusch excellenst values heen offered for the money. Oar new line, consisting of ebit sstiperb msodels at $00, $75 end $121 foe single machines, sod $150 for tandems, 0k11h the various options offered, is euch that the most exacting purchoser con he cuiosy tuited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., y2 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAFOLi S, NO- OUR5FIEisPOSEa Ce ATeAGEeMAILED FOR TWle I-CENT Saeera Students and Teachers can scnce pheasant and profitablo work introducin g our Public Libraries..... . ini towns and country and forminlg Reading Clubs. Josh the work for Students, Teachsers and Minietere. Managers.................. We also want a few energetic field managers. Slate age- and experience in book work. Address Dept. "5" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.. Wewllssseaneeeipt - sO 10eta. a saple to ® any addrs ies: 8& ! .wj 1teand,> -0 ur 9trpa da40 cIStna. Street. New York. Only