THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. This Space is Reserved for DETROIT, MICH. THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY!' S. 1.Burchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. I-VLadies Tailoring Annex MAY FESTIVAL STARS. l (Continued from First Page.),. nuns who taught her their simple songs. Her father's death left the faitily with praetieally ns support and she determined to tini her voicets earning money. Her first ipublic ap- le-aratice was at Nice. Here site made.t muclh a suceess tnit te way for a raitd rise in thie musical worldl nas sotonospened siiito her. Site ottidiesi erntie 'the Pest tesi(-lcro 'SinIFessitee', , Y ." K_' .. spinlig nisicti timge in Pairis winere li)i lbest facilties for sisiig te o11'til e tdieis n-sre offeri-i. tHer 5irog>riss R s-as rsipiti aiidshe sooniabecamte twidely A kuaown ttiiooglioiii the cosiitryV. 'Shie still li-s a hieautifuil homute ini bi s ut thii- place where she lot-ss 1liie- sale of tickets is hrog-ressitig to setid her v acations is the "farmsi'vtry rtapidly, aiid frsiiiall indicatiois ithiig hut standing romuwnill tie left a E ('alries in At-ty-ron. tHere shetetgtofitcitrtoiii. passes her long holitdaysina anitrr __ This space i s reserved tat is oiie of tier greatest dilights.l CAI ENDAIt. Although one often hn-trs lie- sisolkeun- for the Grand Opera of s Mitl ti, ad lottitglisti ~ Tuesday, .May 11-Beltoit vs. Mi-li- gant at Beloit. peas o sme rogam as Mie. We-dnesday, May 12-Chicago rs. House. liitia (Lalt-i slit- is niot titharried as Micitligati at Chicago. wiuld besu tppoiseid. its AitirtiaIt- Thutsday.,tFriday anidiSatutrdssy, C alt-c leasitaa soineslt-Ia istlat-it life, I May 1t. 14 atid 13 Xttsy Festival sit iitersity Hall. isin toig1thIe fhut ttiat slit-0etisi not tFiida, Mtiy 14-Teas-k teamt at Clii- siet-thli-etinglisll i lttittge-, vhichi slit-itio taeitv-ilInter-Col1egrate-fMitt. ~ JC T A j ~ . say-s site is. too hindolent ltoletrnt; bti tttrtlay lttay 15-Oak 1Park t-s. Ta tis(oindI jhtlos hoe privtleged fewtt, tio ihatv-beeni mitoaia Oi tr.EAST. WES Tlmtstlae. May It)-Anttnul spetig IOP.M. A or. fortunttiies as ti to-iet siei sor-itslly ,iiliot1 lall and Es-a at3 4 N. Y. Special--- 7 8Q teltluis tl lamN oen l irtca Y. .Specisl-__4 5 Mal---------843 o ff tiii-stags, utites-in sayiilg- ithatse I stglssiii. untesasters Es---10 oa N. S. Linsitstl- 1 is then, toss tie sail ti-strasctite,uMap- tFriday, Ilsy - C'lia movs l - 4itlantic Ex__._ 7 55no PacificEs---1215 I 2-tsictgo.- N.Espress.---- a aa Western Es-___155 itch:. Iperson, the cliarisi of ti list- gait. Disltisenntis tolnentti. 3 . R. Express il_11i1 Chi.Nt. Es --9 10 * lct~taltytoiis-eaet Sy ts:-gr- ritltt- Iat- 2S-lDual Ti-titis Tour-' 1 W. stumneES, H. W. HBAYes, nianietenwsithi Chit-ago. 0. P. & T. Agt., Chiclags. Agt. Ass Arbor W'ith sill the "teiutltet-aiiieu aid pats- atrtsy tt t etui ots, Sto011sshicii site lt-otto5itito thte gresit Thuisday, lusneIi-Wiscotsiti us. ( ralssws-ichs shesautos site iS Mtill a MclIian. ITne7Cic s ttotiass of sititilest tooses.Motu. se7(ltag taI liI - As sout5-r anidlactress Stalt-c is t Ssttiedsiy, sTine 12-Carisli t-s. ilih AL O gret-ter demntd thtais any other sisiger gait. whio is nosw hefore tieitubtlic. No___________________- Tinse Table, Jan. an, 1897. NORTH.SOUan, otlier sisiger excepht Patti lists ever ri-- IK S I S' 7:30aa. m. *7:tH a.m (ewvedsl uch a price for lie singinig,9 400:25p. aiid ne here in Anns Arhor ate es- THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, *lton between Ann Arhorad Tssdo snly. e-speciaslly- fortunsate in hatving the pitt- All trains daily excess Sunday. iC m nfurnith yau with a firt-clasFountinl E. g. GILMOiRE, Agent i lege of hearing her. Nit ste Cast Pea. tea and Ring repaising a npecialty. M. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. sti wll afford to sniss this opptuity. --GIVE HIn A CALL. "Outs whensa d5:o!.o playo" gel tstaihburn." Neo Home In Really Complete Without n new 1891 Model Washbun Bajoor iter Prices savs beensatedt down nn a resstt of the buyiasgnusineWsnhbarnoftheoeryslatest design - Front $zs.oo Upward. The tiew Wnasiburn Mandotin is a -adical departure fross fsriier stles. It is tue neatest, daiiitient and lightest Mandotliniiiable, anodits tonuesaohest verynear to that of inie old Cremiona Vislits. Wash- bosn sesnodii asit fiesaduiformspricssby atl ist- clssmsict deslers everywhn e W~ashntisnase the acknswledged stanidard of lbs westd. Tiey arsesdrelsivtelyrbytheadingu Artistn, Teachiers and Gltes Clubs. Or new Wasit- bass cataogiue costatning psotin tsfovet100Arstst and ul informantion,prics, norsemsssents, etc.,willtie snt firee oreeipt ofappition.Iftysurslosaldeatle cost supplytyouwwnitlisenditWa-'uss (C. .D. wittivet-tgs cf exasintoniudtirec-Iomtie lactosy. A Washbrn improes wih r ean makvshea GiltthCal increass isinsue soteyearn go by. It in really ooth mnsy timos its east. ..- - % C: r-- - COP. WAt55SH AVE. & A*DAM5ST.. CHICAGO ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHEI Washington Block, Ann Arbor. 3 Y r R -.....ORnER YOUR ItCE CREAMI AND FRIT I~iCES AT...... WNHITE'S Confectionery Store, 10lS~outh Main Street. Telephone 1G6. Lowney's and Allegretti's Fanmous Chocolate Creams. Soda Water, Phosphates and Vernor's Ginger .Ale. THE KINDERGARTEN B LLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Whtolesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. Bicycle Repairing. Is thu branctes neatly and psowpthy done Prices reasonable. Sandries at roch buts - price s. Wmn. 3. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. ANN ARBOR. * elend onreceipt r otrp ttnni44 tm Pos~t-paid atalogueFree soInoco159 usaon StreetitNwYoik, I -4 bD io. c a . 9 t348m.9 m- n-cKe ^ ^s+. cao+n<3.t a Y?-*a +,g ' " The, ichigauensian ---ON SALE-- Wed nesday, May 12. 300 Pages Blue and Gold Cover, profusely Illustrated with Organizations, Cuts of Buildings, Etc.