THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 31 4fAp .J TENNIS PROSPECTS FOR '97. Pulse Diy -Dual Meet With Chicago-Sketch j PbihdDiy(Sundays excepted) during o te the College year, at oftoe Otournaments. / c"- \ \ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFresses Times building, 79 S. Mate St. be- tween Liberty atd Wilitam Sts. MSANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMSu, SK. ASS'T AIANAGING EDITOR ATHLETIC EDITOR 1. B. SKLIMAN, 'T L. -IiBUSINESS ;MANAGERS 0. If. BAN3, '5. EDITORS P. L. Gessulo.' 'Lt. 1. A. CAMrnxBEL, 't. F5. A. FootE, '53 E. A. CuArett, 'St. G. D). BIToa-cx, 'OS T. It. WOOssow, '8. BUTLER LA31o, 'St. G1. D. JExasas '559M. The aubscription price of the Daily as 52.50 lee the college year, with a regular delivery hefore non each day. Notices, commuasica- lions, ad other matter intesded Sue poblica- lion mast be haded ia at the Daily offce e- lare 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor beore 3 p. in., of the day previoua to that on which they are expected to atppear. Subscriptions may be tell at The Daily Office, Meyers or Stoffiet's Newtand, or nibS business Mlanager. Suberibers will co- lee a favor by reportiag promptly at this office any failure at carriers to delier paper. 'The senior class acted wisely y'st'.- tday afteroot. in deciding to estaliish a schIolarshtip for a ciass miemorial. Michigan has fewer of these ato-to soorlty sidetits thatn atiy other 'tiu- catilonai itistittion if its slat' itheii cotuntry. ANlsst '97 nitty lie ale to do will be llerttlls butt ai troll in tile buceket. hut the mtere fuet ihat it A hot- atotthit itas beeti estihteud wyil l' ti good prcecdeut for futurte- classeso follow. Not so tuitte ii sioitlttbilt lie itrinciplte to tse poill to Is' cii- Itltioized. 1n the Medical Dopartment. Dr. Hunher gave tile seconid of his stpecial lecttures sox the sylilattti' Systemt last ight in the lower lec- ture tHe spoke of the endings of symtpatitetic satnd itedttialed f iber- in glandls tttd synmpathietic gatiia. cuad briefly reviewed the literaltre ott ttis sttbject. Dr. S-Sber's exicended Wo'rk on the tnervons system nmtakes these lectures very interesting. The ntext otto of the~se lectures wilt be giv en next 'Moniday night atnd will it1egit promptly at 7:45. Words of Praise. The Washtettaw Evening 'Tities has tto following to say of Sattrday's soulvettir eitions of the Daily: Satn'rday's issne of tie U. ot AI. Doily 'was tundotubtedlty the best nuntl- her of this enterprising litle cllege lisper yet pt 1+:ihie'. it contained 12 piages of news of 'interest to college pecople, and the entire editiotn was sold 1witini 'an htonr after it had totft the press. This year's board of editors is comtposed of bunstling young writers and 'business nien, who are pnshinig te Daily to thse friont. Alexander Cunfniings, '94, entered -the University last week, where ho itends to opecialize in political econ- ony and sociology. For thte past two years Mr. Cutning ha's held a fellow- -- l,,ip in the iitivernity of Chlicago. The year 197 pronises to be a nes- otahie one in the tenttis attas of tie University. Inthiler years the only events in tennis circles worty of ntse love been the s~ti-atttua tsrtit- itenis to idecire the college champsion- still. Beginnhng this spring, hioever, the wielers of tics raket wilt hve a chsi .great-ropot unsltity to istic guis'olthemiselves, its their fledstwill broeadetn fromtilocalIs iitrcoitgiatc acid state contests. The regentis hatve tmaeanaplrotria- ion for eight new corts to be lilt ot eweeth ie Wterintsgyttta- sium antd te editalisbuilitg. work ott these cusrts hats already begntialit wilt e cottpeted before 'the end of thils mionth. Only athlttiic ssoticitiont membetirs are alossed lie csc of ay of lie corts. Te tnnutal tournametci in tSclas silges andi in dotibles wilt eginct ay 210, ts' entries lose '-ly t18swithIV . D. Hterrick tennis tsatioer Dcc tic re:slts of lhis tornaetint fotriteci it sicgts anitttwoOteasinil ioblet' sill isbeco.en Is r'prsetithtie t-- vev~ity in tl iiil m tee) willsChicago, belich wsil e lelton str cor;s ae 28. 'These mie'nswiltIe Ipicdt't ltby aetstcttittee cosioiig sf two facttiy misembter aild'b. D. IHerriek. ttitticlately ftllosving tie tdsal 'ae-S lice secondclatts singles will begit -?:'iy 21. Aly stutent n eat eer this classvtiho a ot previoly'woit a trize itteiiec'the irtotr scotticats tountamsent. The etriss for tils class close Aay 7. Perhaiss si more interest to le tlet- ila eitlctslsts wilt be tics'Osidtoilett satents. 'The first of these is le ar- tnal otentournamcttiellati Aioi Cllege'Say 14 anda.5. A en' of the locil experts 'hasc already etiere. Bttunqstinlably the geatsst tetiis eenitt ic college citcles swill e te Westerns tntetcolegate T1otrnamcect tlayed itt Chicgo othie Leltwioot Cotntry Citib groundcis Jtne 3, ,1ad a. Tsvo tlayers in single and otto teami in douhles will epresent ichigan ic that contest. Tis is lie firt itte that wsve lscever entered act itr- collegiatle tetntsis toerttasienc. Ideesides the aov e there swillbethlie Michigan Stae Camp~iosip, hell somcetice in Jtne othie D. A. C. grnucds at Detroit. For all these totr- uaiceit, except lie dual mseet witc Chicago, there sill ho exelent prizes. Stiith, Strgeon &- Co., of Detroit, have presented lie Atletic +Asosaioct witht a eatifutlslver bowl to be ilaced in the trophy roottandag'av- ed eacic fll and spring witthlie name of lie ingle hanmpion. Three 1adekes will he amng the oter prizes offere. The alls for all thre local ouramnls The TTER THAN EVER" Te1897 BEN-HtURt BICYCLES embody more new and genuine imprsvemec~t it concstnction than any other bicycles now before the public. Never before hits sucht exeellenit -volses been offered for the money. Our new line, consistinsg of rigi sup~erbsccodelo at $65, $75 asti $125 for ingle machines, acsd $150 for tandlems, itis lice variotic options offeed, to such that the moat exacting purchaose can be encricey culled. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, 5.1D- OU1R FINE POSyER CTOGE M.~Al IE OR eTyWO 5-CEN STAMSu. Students and Teachers can secure pleasant antd profitalble wvork introdncing oni' Public Libraries........ it towns and country and formincg Beading Clitbs. Just the work for Students, Teachers atid Misisters. Managers.................. . We also want a few einergetic field managers. Slate age and experience in hook worlk. Address Dept. "S" RAND, NMcNALLY & CO., Chicago. have b eetn donastedtsy 'Nb'rlgtt & flit- tots, of Boston. 'te -avilofsto thit rournuament its singles atcAlbi ornev'got itd ltc wc~ ~ilAL in~wshigh.SUPPLIES FIRSTEXCUSIONOF TI I 11 A SO OTOLEDO. Spaldi' g League Bath. Mits, Mlaskso, etc Sunaty,. May 16tH, the Ann A-thor Misamgs'rs ohonld send toe samples and speciol ratsxEvery requisite for Tenets. Railroatd will open the oeason woiths Gotf, Crickset, Teach ond Field, Gymna- - - siow Fqutpmrnts and outfit-. Complete an excursion ts Toledo. Speccal train Ctalcogue of Spring and Summer Sports swill leave Ann Arbor at 10:253a . ~freie. "The Name te Guarantee" Fare for the round trip only S0 cents. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,. thilidren under twelve yeas of age, Ness Yerk, Chicago, Phiiacietpiia. alf this rate. Lake Erie Park anid the Casino, wvhich hias afforded sucehs T A enjoyment to onr patrons during patt , I.I. ,A I two oeasons, will he openede on ticat elate on a scale of msawnificence nevei r17o I ent1 Before equalled by any place of amutse- Than Lartrest Line of Bicycles, Sun- i'ont in this country. Thtousands of dries and Supplies an dollars have been expended since last M, STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, season on improvemento and adsltrioos, notale nio' whch re h-om~tin~sTeleohonte No. . Ote door East of Ameri- can'douste. Famous Scenic railw~ay, World's Fair __________________ Scenic Tiheater, 'Mtarsden's Mhystic ITROLGAE Stage, and other attractions to unter- TE OLEAT ous to usention. 'The Thootrical En-- BUREAU FOR lerlainment arranged for the opesing Caps. Gowns and day will he strictly first claus. Don't ti. Hoods. nmiss it._______ COTRELL MLEONARD, ' Albany, N. Y. Ssrorittes asind fraterities whtsolde- V. SicREmnLs, Manager. sire to buy~ or -o resststill do soellito 4d N. 1v ilam S see L. D. 'Carr for ihouses f-u-utste'lI SUMMER LAW LECTURES or usnfuriiohed. Office Saivings Bascik' UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Block.July 3 to Aug3, 1897. Courcsetcldes351lecetuces hy' Hr~. JicesMacian, of U. SaSpreme SoBr. Foe 3 atogac, address R C. MINOR, Secerp RIENT:..7HLE R, Charlottevlle, Va. R O M. MARTN, Funera Direetor,Clt M.OTand d PH3 anaSMetallicCse Cashets andddFlee Gradeot. f'offins. Embalming a Specalty,. Ne. 11 5.- ANN ARBOR. MICH. Fourth avce.