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May 11, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-11

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7UESDAY, MAY 11, 1897. Foum PAGES-3 CE-NTS.

VOL. VII. No. 166.



Received a full line of Novel
ties for Spring Suits-'
and Trouserings
Lowney's and Plows Cho-
S colates either in bulk or Ill /
pound and half pound ^a eE
# Packages, strictly fresh, 60 V1
46 S. STATE ST. $
We take care to buy only_
such SHOES as are well
made, of good, honest leather7
-easy and comfortable, yet
stylish, neat flitting and sir- ~' j ~ ~ ~
viceable so that they make a i
lasting friend of the buyer. S
W. J. APRILL, ~ I ML~IU~~~:N. 1
13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. ~e 55 YiG(10pKl.y DUoT N.
No Bic3 c s MAY FESTIVAL SARS Senior Class Gives a Scholarship.
0 r lhe-seiortw -assnot ye.trd ay in
is C.om11pee rSooists Who Wll ake art tRooinCad dcidedi to establis Ia
May 13 1 and I oleliti for the clss nieoil.
itho-1~ut My1, 4an 5 O-8 i e hth of the amtount raised by
00Sice Calve to to be lhe p im-a na fte lses tax ts to be devoted to tis
0 1' 0 of the Mttiy Iestival anfil loves of ~ A iutt eosdrii
i i na ottr of CI Us tax with the o iin
We have Cameras that are ittictre lookingi oratru to her iiltvit of tedniely dividing it lietee
specially adopted for bicyc-0 ieitt'iitie with tte gretest iterest i re~pt oil tnd other exiettses was
r 0
0 lers at $500 to $2.0. $ tit0tan telgli. soite acotitt of te great n mtot.,tbtt an attjottrniietr was vtttii
0 ilgtagodoe s sier will ttntdobtetly rove to be efore tet-ttwttter eaamt to a vt- Tte
frCatalogtie. 0ettes i-rittltiittry detail twas
____ 0 itt" filledth te gretttMetropolitanti s~abroghttutpt
0~ 0 taittoce in New York night after tnigtt.
0 IuwaIIIawa --aawsaaaaaaaaaaai W tonefle chdottot styof aren TePhilosophical Society.l hl
tltough ttey set her in tte samwe role itt la-tsctetitled meeting Weiltcday
WAHR'S BOOKIST ORE1 whose personal charm and miagnetsm, Seminapr1Doom (oom 2). 1 soit .
Just received another lot of pe tstes, clred, digtfied and IttlostilolltofRepresetative (tverni-
that fiue U. of M. Monogram tarm-hearted. tielt." Tflis is a stutets'mieettng
Paper, tho popular slhads Like so lmtaty other singers who have adositers for the etsitng yti' sill
Blne and White; also a New bhee rans, av so iei elected. Cotrar to prviosle-
Stok o th Vaiou Hitie there will b idistssion on ttte
Stockof th Varons Hgh blood. Her fatter, . do toquer wsliaple.
Grado Correspondence Paper. a Sanish enineeer mter-
Visiting Cards Engraved, sad g c 1900 Oracle Board
° b ' French womlan of good faminly ht no
Plae~ritig.great wealth. Calve was educateil at 'rho100 Orale ord ieli its fast
the Convent of the Sacred Heart at meeting last night suit electd the fa-
W lR BO K S ORE ontelir, werethequaltie ofherlowing officers: Mianaging editor. Ira
Monpeler whretheqohitesof erA. Campbell; business meanager, thy
Up Town fows Tows voces attracted the attention of tieC Woodworth; secretary, Miss Aila
SaeSAnn Arbor Ooslt ain et. Ie (Continued on Third Page.) Sfford.

Michigan Loses Again.
Special to the U. of M. Daiy:
Madisons, May 11, 7:2 a. in--
Th le tetim was defeated yesterday at
Maldison by te scot-c of 1 to 5. The
contest was sotewhat of a disap-
toititoent after the battiful game
wviceh the hays playeti at Chicago St-
tidiay. The tdefeat, towever, wasi tot
tine to tsar playing. for in sane re-
sitiets the team putttupi a strong game.
It was dtte athesr to te tmatter in
tvtichithte crowivd and timpire treated
tie tien. 1te audien-e wts decidedly
tesentftul. to say the least, and at
timnes quite inslting. Mills. who of-
ficiatetdcas umitcire.tdeteioted ftat
WIiscnsin shotldt rit, for every time
tt ttbtteetthttimade'a move le cttt-
cite hdiim andth~ treatened to inlict
On the second ittitg after te mtost
atstint kicking on te part of Wis-
ci usia, he sent tine of their men to
first onthte grotitds that Seehtatnv-s
tdetiveriing the hal ilegally. Watkits
ptroteste'd, and theumtopire iaugtily
teclatredthte gatie in favor of 'Wisco-
sit. lAifter soutie reasoniitgiowever,
the teciiott was eversetianti playig
tw-s tesued. After the secodt inning
Stiet-totm cotli not locate the pate antd
lftertai tthtadi beenumadeithiefifthi
itnd error tittie ity- teitcher. A-
tiet-oim vemnt in to puit.Stietan go-
ilg toaceeiter. After thrieuenta I
to-tenctt to tossMAiller wett ii to
fitnishthtte gaiteatntiwa~s ftorly sit-
tessftil in keeninog tte titts st-ttterii,
the tanlitd work of Michigati imiprov-
rng. especially Wolf's work at stincit.
Mictigantisi-tred S hitteau-h Wisottoto
9. MIost of Wi-iori-ii's thits wi-ere tmae
ini righi dliwhiere good filig w-ts
itmipassitbie, owimg to rotgh groutt.
lininugs ....1 2sti 4 3 l 71 8
Michigant .. ..2 01i 0150 oiiI- 5
W i-it-ait-nti..~0 2z t3 ii " t-,
New Btilletin Board
The Athletic Asociation has tlaced
a buletin boarci at the northient of
the 'north witng of the miai huilinttg.
It will heiusedi for offiial anuorice-
menlo of imeit to e takeni 011tte trils,
schteduiles, results of gamut-s, etc. A
mnember of the Athletic Botrti -ill ho
dettitled to look avfter the btlletins
To Brand tihe Traitors.
The Oiral year ltis,, class held a class
meeting yesterday aiidappoinlted a
ecunittee to disc- tp resolttions of
cirsure against the two enters of
the class whlo were delegates to the
S. L. A. election anid voted against the
iaudidate for paesident to ,-~om n ey
hati pledlged tl~los-ves.

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