12 THE tJiNIV ;'RSITY OF MIUEIIGAN DAILY. 12 THE IIMVERSITY OF MiCI-IIGAN DAILY. JO S.,KOILAUF &C1 Merchant Tailors. 10 E. Washington St - Up Stai THE OPERA OSE JEWELER Can furnish you ith a first-class Fount Pen. ten and Ring repairing a speciaty. -GIVE HMA CAL Stop!! Stop!! Stop' -AT- Parker's Corner Stor STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AV Fresh made Candies constantly In st Call oce and you will cll again .tJNWrry the new drinh "Hilerine HA NGSTERFER NA 1 ICE CREAM SODA 6 Gs s Strawberriesi TS {E and Ice Cream T A R ogtHTH1 oiJ WASINION SS, T SUPPLIES 'padieg League Ball,Nis, Ml~uS ecc Mlanagers shosid sed for spes ans ,ocial ase,. very requisit fo Teni Cof, Cricet Trik and tField, ymn siss Equpmets and outfit. Conplet tatalogue f prie nd Smmer flpor free. "The Nmetlsc~arantee" A. . SPALDING & 13RO New Pok, Chicago, hllssicphis UOF M. ShIAV LNG PARLOR and Ai . rooms . 1Alppointments first ci: imprted and domestic cigars. Ladis'ar is hair dreslg and btting paras Lair. .. R Traanowski 730.fState st. Ol M. MARTIN, Fuera Director, C J usd 1Mciallis Casets snd Finn Gr Coflins. Embalming a Specilty. No. 17 Fourth ave. WANR&C. eN WAG RT -A OmbeAofENo ,.of M boat huse by hour or da 01 DO YOU SMOKE? TheIlanidPress 20Ptsugstogies for---. -------'5 cents b Do,.:IHead Ciarsfar----------5conts DOES WORK WITH 16 La Princess Stogies for--------25cents 6 Prodigy Cigara s r---------- ents I6 First National Stites for------25 conts 6 Paradise Ciaagars o----1----- 5 cents Neatness and Dispatch S Yucatan Stogies Car- --________25 cents 5 La Dioso Cigars far.------------25 cents Cive them a call. 11 Aifonso Cigars for--------25 cents d Harry Clays foe.--------25 centsCORHONS0FUTHA. S Star Cigars for--------------- 5cents d Owi Boquets foer--------23 cents AN 6Record Breaksers for--------25 cents 3 Royal Banners for--------25 cents IHE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS BANK irs. I 3 irunscicla Cigars for---------------------S5 cents DEAN & 0CIV PA Y Capitai Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. 44 Suth ain tree. 1 Resources, 51,100,555. 44 SuthMainStret.Organized under the Ceneral Ranting Laws of this State. Receives deposits, toys and SophmoreFresmanMeet I ?1 2sells exchange on the principai cities of te i 00 thid. ist 92e, ft. 10 11n. Uied States. Drafts cashed upon proper I P Tidentification. Safety depgait boses to rent. PoloeYVult-SophS. 'Win y de- OrFICERo: Christian Slack Fees.; W. D, La The athletic carnivatl held in fautlt. Harriman, Vice-Pres~ Chas E. Hiscock, I i Cashier: Id. J. Felts Assistant Cahier. bL, honor of the delegates to theI Broad Juimp - McLean, '00 , o nro -Northern Oratoricali Leagne conl- frt Ce, '9 eod peFIRST NATIONAL B ANKarganieedr15r test came off ysedt afternoon '00thidtiatnc $100,010. Surplus and Profits, X40MS0 atteAh etitFedy The 00 eventsistace,21 feet. TCasact ageneral bashing business. were not closely lush Jump - Davis, '0, and letters of credit.e ogtadud uns 'e r nt ey coel otetd Ripley, '00, third at 5 feet 3 E. 0. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOCLE, h ut oievertheless they called forth ice.Re,'1, hrd. w LREO. vice Pros ota good deal of yelling 0 fromn the In the hall tame the sophomores menmbers of the opposing classes, were mtore fortunate and thns 2 V arm 0a~khauriif atuk 11000 anti'99. The only records eee o atr.Tegm n.SanadBrnsres oioidein hefiei eens tat rewas a lively one from start to filu- Capitai 010,000. Surplus 030,000. Transact siOorthy of Specl1 note are those inisanthsoswnh'htin general banking business. the olIC niile run atnd the hroad a h ih ii.R. RoerP, Pros. C. E.CocoN, Vice Pees at te r o t tme. The game tans. H. BcE, Snn, Cashier. Lomp. The forioer mad~e by Wood was free from that gieat adbindaince 4:o4, Miieh is withiii two seconds of errors which marks gmost of our' F. J. Scitleede, ' of the local recorud, anid the class gaines, hoth teams putting tip 20 S. STATE STREET otliei matie tbyMcLeanl of 21 feet.agoS 'IContefld Keh Sells a Solid Cold Fountain Pea at 51.0S by otao tee loSar C alo icel seothe fe-ithn'Books Bound 25 cents and spward. Boh f hee enar nw ndpitced .ay ame Sater CgU.of 10. Scenes and Professors 3Ps lbs. Lin- 5 have dust developed in this spring's Ct lg uSSili eebd en Paper for 5S cents. :" h ivels Wic. er1 nd Note Books I cents and upwards. piacice. The freshmen woni the off his delisery. L w e' hclts ielid events by a sc ore of 63 to 4. i Innitngs - 1 2 3 4 5 R H E o nys Ch clt . -The following is a ssuniary of Sopaienores 3 0 1 3 0-7 7 4 Hot Lunches. events: Freshmna 1ate0SC--Ia5 2 100 yards dashi-Elbel, '00, first; Batteries: Sophoumores - KeithT T L 'S 48.SteS. Auer,'11,,econd; Borghoii, '99, and~ llallllond, Freshmnen Caihotun______________________ third. Time, 10 4-5 sec. i and Granger.N TI B (quarter-mile runr - Batterian. 00,fist (ht, s., eciil'Keit The Daily has made ar-I We can neW Supply yen wtth '99,1 thirdl. Tlie, 57 1-5 see rangements to recieve a full aSe rAeRNITYamples. id telegraphic account of e Se or in ohsmpes I, 220 yaid,, cdasha - Elbel. >10 LEADING JEWELER. a- frtPrsts,0) ct;Pl, game and will publish it theWM ANOD as ,11> thiirdi. Tiune 21-.5 se morning following the game. IOtne-hialf mite ?u4n- ' c~la The -final score to-a wil a S' be posted at Calkins' and Pal-1 is;id c~e 9) eod e' m eitl nrcit O A CN t. Mein, '99, third. ''ine, 2:11. mr omeiaeyo eeit O A CN - by the Daily. Oojosite Law IBuildino. ..00 until flay 1st ti 120 yalrds hurdle- McLean, '00, a__________nay two: classes. 0fficc, up first; Ayres, '199, seconiu. Tine, All-Freshmen vs. Ann Ar- 2 7 Thompson S treet. '-i'csec. bor High School at Athletic Js ocvd: ag s lgn 'ado One mitle walk: atryn fist a9, t) 911, Field SaturdayMay ,8 iO f at ip s firt;P,10,'019,sectndl; Wood- 3:30 o'clock. " r a -________Ho it ,and Cold Lu:nch~ea at nllious. Agents rutl,, third. 'timle, h~n am. 0- for Hsslers anad SWilliams and OWesnees Co.'a See. I o1,?\D-A fraccrnity pil n iStab' Chocolate Ben Bans. Mile r11111--Wi odt. 0 0, first; ,s. c -PiKit. O.ii tiiii" . O L O Wittiest e, '1)18, sec; Wtiia-tiiit nay00e Iad by piit51:: 113tc11: tn lll 20I S. State St., Sager Block, Witte Ee, ), ee;Whitoflb, 1,cufr this ntitce itidl itovile arcasccy. third. 'Tiniie, 4:5t. A AD'h IEO 220',)yarols houle ueslelDoni't dlaby your photo sitoings. 51 SitOiELNE e a tcly -alili ac tsoli t'etoaliCf'teil- Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress 00 isi ty default. iiccl:'ic iic . Setiior ci te,"to all sc li Suit Cases, Trunka, Etc., Etc., Shot ptut -Lo e.-, 01, first;I in of 'J07. Randiali's Iotoi Ob, -AT- 'ITryont,'99, 5sce .tiilts301.1telr, '0t) , Walitigleis Plockg. ,_nton '1ieutfel, thirtl.Distatlce, :31 ft. 2 in. iTli Daily Nssiiitaebeeivue retdat your 5; S. MAIN MT. Hlammer Clicow--1 tter, 'ODartoi the ceol oil'hIls'college year fsi fii'st; Tryoii, '991, secon 1, McLean, onie oillaor. FULLER & HIXSON S, oh - ,, ' -, I _< / u-_ E ii ~ _ P _ { I - -- , Ui Aderwear - lF.OR- H-ot Weat her! We loive die- Derby Ribbed Under- wear It is fiu~iihed with a Silk Front, leas doucble wristbanods and is thorough- ly madste. Our French Balbrign Under- wear mnade with patent seams wvill please thiemest fastidious..'To appreci- ate aloe toolness of these garmeonts you miust avear Client. THEY SELL FOR 50C EACH. Wagner & Co., FURNISHERS, 215S. Main St. time se wsil PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22S. Staie si,. Over Rboseys Bllliard Rooni. Sent LFree! To any person interested siunuaae mat- ters, or who loves animals, we will send ree, upon appllcation, a copy af the "ALLI- ANCE," the organ of this Society. In adat- tion to its intensely ineeresting reading, it contains of Che vaiuables and unusuai premi- uns bivea by she paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-4i11 United Charities Building, New York.