9 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Cllegn Year, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN o rwr: Times building, 79 S. Pain S, be- tween Librty nd Willim Sts. MIANAGING EDITOR J. . THOMiAS, 97. ASS'T MIANAGING EDITOR F. S. SMNS, '98. ATHLETIC EDITOR I. B. SILMsA , '8 . BsUSNESS 1PANA(E4 . Ii. BANS, '8. EOTOlS F. L. Beissi, 'Os L. 1. A. toursEso, 'o. . A. FvCl,'93 F+. A. AssrnnsL, '0. G. I esOTT, 1S. T , looeeo,'1. BueTnARLAss, 'O. G, D. JEilst'1M. The subsriptionoprice ci the Dailyi 5.01 foe the coliege year, witi a reglar deliery before noon ewtbcay. Ntice, cinnmnie- ions, and ther matter itietded fr publica- ion mst be handed in at the Daily naice be- foe a p. i., or mailed to the editor elnret i p. i., of ltheday treetlos to that n whihb they are exiected to apear Sbsritions may be left at The Dily offce, Meyers or Stotets Neostad, or with usiesManager. Sbeibes willo- fer a fawns by reoetif promply at thin office any foiliateisi carrier',ton dellsver paer. 'liiiDilis- s til h ilt lii-t' log sliioil as a5s511111 ' flithe111'ollti~ blot tighi. T1e1o'tionllsare0110 l in1 lu11, jisis'atheypwrevellseredisii tliii lI~ct and1111hey Ill'esN-i011 orth 1110s-i hlilt. '. (1,)1 l I v 1 lse princl~l~ oraios swill S,1llW ithiitIlhs'jil;sl 1 workll weii. ectO lt~s Ithatthei sltagils'h,1('0 stis111i111unoty w ll bel's'cust ifshet$, inig's inllitlells' l-ttittiluiisli. effft iIlos' inisht, ainsithat tie it'r- sitycosildl nt ass'lesitit illt's. is besttr 11a11ds0is prove'sd bytsp-e11re- stlt. 'Til, Dalyiitglasd s-ith(iltlil- lsollliliiytIs o litlate t(l it ineris onliii liltfllifiliistoShits lt ritti Piaise is diii' al(1otthe hrisdiwot of tile(Oraitoriscal alssitionliand111tolithis- utir ing effortsf ti''. Trueblosdslfo tilt cu~llisist ias anisuit pplllor 11t11tn- aled our011' tratrinosil te lpric' sgigli list' Misligaia Th'le isorE of echiloraisoi'was aobee the average an' cd lalltgldefeted, theins liititiollO rrp-elsd cii find n-o fault iwiths liie n-rk of (le miie shoto Isseaklorfs'tem.B ubErliman ditd hi best but that(tetnadnt qut' goodenoustgitto winli i i's;1 : iti bosh' ie Tnis'ority of t'ivago Werkip'(las ocasion to brag freely of ittrexent vitory in de- bsting. They went dowsn this imle cud ft'boe ball serien opens tody. Wairli for the Daily telegrams at Calkins' end Palsiei s today. aturdy, May -Chicago vs. PMch- itgan at Chicgo Solnrday, PAlay 8-House wrming, ,bellefit of .Wotano Gym,. at Womans's MICHIGAN (Colttinced from First Page.) tionotoneotus.Thet'orationa itself n-itoa trotighossit by tliougtgifuil passa-s cltred in brillint rhetoric, ""he tRigii, of lRevsoluioin," bIsp asy W. Hlanson, of Iowsa Statr Univcrsi'. en-r tif~t. Air. itanson's vs-all's',s-t tsrslsmhis'dlp' lt'e ineist Ita~t s' eard 1t t'e 5'Oftet. (ibu t t' ffct t of lilt lslist'tp' tsas spiled by l ts'his Itofrs'- poil isride in being ipresent.0Ilie- lieve(loot titers is -no paroinf allege 1 fi 3 vi s- 1 +i (i 2 e 51 is 1-s 95- 5 s 3 1 :, .s 451, 1. 3 4il, ':1 i G ('li t andjiislgv'5 s i-'s-I' so fs-tilstsss, 1 111 'l'sk' tt'ic, ll e Is--io i tisin" it n I. ri nkit111,'nilllrttl Massf lisp ss.., a l,, Slt 1i,liel . Nors-il vts e'i Ille PIof. 1I1l1 Ci . lissgi'Olt, ('oi'iiil Collegeyt,-Ns'wi'York;s-Prolf. - l.Vt. Itusft- cut, C'otnet'l Univsesitpy. Ithacasi. Ps.' Oni dlier-'' i isl;e' w. N'V. Issos>ttssk. hIilllsssI it~.; Judge t'Altfredthlsosst, Altslertaon, hIl.; Ibis, Fi,ikllinIt. ft'.lgi(',twoodet. preshident 'of Ptsht stile vssto (sos-cbeen (lie r'sitlintg sffirs, Wsi-tsnIibl-' tsi-ele (Pllutilet lt'e f'ollsilgl'tt'r: Ch'lsl,',A-luHpy si. (I117. Prtuf. '('(s. '. 'i'ut'bioosl, 1 'iis'rslp' of Ptichigusn, A ioArbssr, Aticiligun. Ply IDear i'Sr:--hiis wsithi regre 111111 I aini compelle- to state thiatl otbiil cup.agtssscnts in Nansville Soatiursp wiill'rvent lisi p letittiuig at lt'e oa- torial ext'rrisen in Ann Afrtor t-rlts-y est--uing;. I arl, hioweve's, ipeasedtoh state 111a1Mr. Frauklin +H. Hcet, of lits city, h(snkindly s-onsentedttI o o- s-s-ipy thischa~ir 01o 11111ha tcsioni. Pleuisestnteliunsmp' Pealf to lte1-- senilyp'ncuto tohIlseontestauts for thonornthit I nwo'ulthae felt au en- sisittug thi'gtions lsksrhotsi lettn I~hlsiotlvs's-'s il'lott-tI, eitsYptll sof sax-li 1111 poIkI'. T'l'sl''iAll ii ls hi. i" 'lxi Ist SilO oilt'sof tlst' 115 11(i'i''sfsil (11thu ps's lisestben hlip'b111a' Northersnl Ohr I it is-uall tl~tug e. Left fur Chicango. T'li' arssitys'b(se'ftHallli 11et forl I'i-u'usgo ill 9:30)lhot unigislviill Ihls Plit-iigan 's-ul. l. PP usl15l11'11 Niver'eItakenl. hicadxlusis-t's- siill be1e1' lttiiishdse atlthe iii eans l ist'l ishilt' us Cicago. Sissee li strou~s lo Ilosit ,roles, Stg- has shakisen (iste till lilt. anlin IetsIrpisig the msitu.iitsdiffe'r- rust plIL itiono, N ets'myuesshostelb'i'n trie-h acho. Atkinon, of luist Pleili'S Stamt, lionretuneid to tiii'gamsse. s'- pon duoIlubt ('larke' isill pirls foi' tiii .Mst',oo, 'lT'etprobasble 1(is-up of Michigan ivill be' sinfollowos- thcet's, c-.; Milieu',p.; 'Condon, P b.;Heasrtd, 2 1.; WIIolff, s. .; Stulhivaso, 3 b.; Luntlows, I. f.; C artright, i.; Butles', inf. Subscribe for' the Daily. 0o .;-il lsi. iusioil'isoth llie 'slt-'u '11111 is d.---i the ls- Isithe lol is' x ('I'. .5. tsseti sln Ite s-Isi I sisM. lip' tsf IVasd itilmon.1s't's«i'l Isp'\.- Wt. Bh'l usd . Is-.(pit-ier;5'I'ill-' iss ofliss' rI-tuslere'sh ss-rated'Iy'AI AL Baoutlc tlond is's. Plxstiissl 'II.Ober- f'olios i icenBs-Irel'ected:t. . s- ol- 1111, Univei'ratp' of bl'iss-spusiiu, (Irs--i- 111-111 It. A~. P ihsikuus, I s'tlii icels pre'tsidet; i. 1'. Hat erh'u, P-ouiliti't- viii I'lliive'usity,. 5I'l'l' (uiup 'Jhiottilt iMt-i-, Univrsity of sitlcigati. trueFs. A111ss Arher, Mat stlo of the follvvsitio yenrsi-iistf 'insislciul Porton :?is Ihs cha'iru. 'T'he 'r htitt'sIiouiof 1Kn1x1051 l- vlorsttll of Ptiuissso(,sgist-u ttt'ss ts--s' to ;std i't'rent'sativs to otlis - 1 eisi ltefollowstig pearNitIlslt'e