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May 07, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-07

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J . KIlOLLAUF& CO. SoMe New Music- The Inland Press
Isle of Cuba Waltzes. DOES WORK WITH
Merchant La Gracile. Neatness and Dispatch
Jolly Friend, Two Step. Give them a call.
T1ailors, Five Bells, Two Step. COR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE
10OE Wsbington St. - Up stairs. I Wish I'd Never been a Soldier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK
_________________The Old Rope Swing. Capital Stock, M5,1. Surplus, $15,00.
TI Thought You Didn't Care.Oraie Resources, $,0000S.B
Y Organizedunderthe General ra akig Laws
If ' E .I'll Take Care of You Grandma. of this State. IReceives deposits, buys and
AND 2 FAST sells exchange on the principal cities of the
THE PERAHOUS JEWLERUnited States. rafts cashed upon proper
A nn rbo M u icCo. ii2AND 0:1 FST- Identfication. Safety do ot boxes to rent.
THE OERA OUSEJEWEER, ..nn ArboFMuscRCo: WArINstNiS.n1Mack Prs.; W. D
Can famnish you with a Seast-class FontainHarmnVlePs. Chas E. Hiscoc,
Pen. era and ing repairing a specialty. ® Cashier: M. J rt Assistant Csher.
{{ St } 20 SPittxbrg stogis for.--I__-.._5cots 0 Dog GoadSClearsfor .L15 cost
:2 cents Capital, X10,00. Surplus sd Prots, 1640,000
S top T Sop T Stop t I1lLa Princess Stocis for.-------2 cents 0 Prodigy Cigars for_..______...25 ots Transacts a general basking business.
-AT--16iiFirst National Stogies for..S cents 6 Paradise Cigars oo.. . .I-------- 2cots Foreg exchange bought and sold. Furnish
P k t r ,5 Ycatasn Stoie for . ..--------25 cots 5 La Goso Cigars for . ..---------- 5cots letter of credit.
r;ri~SCorner ' tl ii Alfoso Cigars for. .._________25 cents 0 Harry Clays or,. . .I-----------2cents E. . INNE, Prs. HARRISON SOUL,
STATE ST. AND . UNIVERSITY AVE dStar Cigars fo------S.-----W--25enCLARKOONtfo,--- Cash___--_5cnt ier.
Fs arcdo Cndies costntly is stock S6Precod lehrs fo----- I----- ce ts I Royal Baners. fo------------ 5cents ____________________
- Gf {ali once sod you iii cali again. 3 Brunswck Ciars fo-------------------2 cents
"Pr the newo drinkh Hillerise.'IDEBAN & COMPANY. l 4M KJ((.~= 131
p s44 South Main Stret.
IN THE EQUIPMENT ( OF A Cr. Mai andnrnSres
SUETSRO, Ilustrated American Rview. Unfounded Rumors. Capitl $50,11. Surplus $0,10. Transact
STUDNTS OOMgeneral basking business.
[t i grnerally coceded that a stringed i- i'I' llusrated Aini'fc an for la i. F ii rll~iaiotiilt1i..liii .Kpo Ros.. BLC. .G aie Pro
uetren i i nm asost as asois1to necessity. To -01iiofciit'e lai v deirmlent, Isends:
genre te greatest enjoyment from the presents a5 ll ilsially 41 tiatriliv: ' iii.pc
st~orh11aost the best ysur oney will aaord. T. U cwi.tede
xperritudgment i rosounces the "Bay laic cud Out-of-oor Nmlto. iigililOhis Iboohtiloilarsic iitiry un r.lJ 1/ci.ie ue
:etc instuments the tOsst inOte sword feulld ttoi tai oirs 011tha10hli.02=5 TTESRE
As scrlfeint instrument is the Tihriete gs of hloil liC llilIe o 2 S TAEiTRE
tilt riac~i al uune illthe at:iltI Seini at presntlie: will .trop ni ordr Sols a Solid Gold outai Pen at 11i0l
DAT 7 A!'sy 1A y eCr1i 1 B l~lrO01Ii utmioos Bond 25 cots and upward.
~ sp±. ~ b lake11:1. of Alewrk00Iedl ,lb f1 Scenes and Professors OR bs. in-
JO. coipooriIlyrct.hedri-il nPaper fr 50 cents.
B.A.NJ 0. il tlhisiepiiia. ihidie thueelhamptonilef. Ilubolins. I is Iis hoge thit Note Books 5 cots and upwards.
WeS hive in stock cheaper bsnjos Haurvaird teamis, le Yal, "Amhet~a. lisIprobaibliy sfsseleethe ruors. LoTe' Chc ats
55 mpre ntissir sb"atasri- atPIsrment, ,t a low price, nocG::risle Indiiin and:1Peiiii ihan erCALRNDAR.
snmowith it taiss, t011s11, of Ileouolyls a~, Wehf- tridly,AMay 7-SoihoisoreFreol- Ho unhs
Send fr illustrated ctologu,
JOHN C. HAYNES & Co., 10. ,oh t iorgetowl, Gosenl.of loan dual trak set aist baebal TUTTLE'S. 4a .Sat t
453-53 Wahin Eton Strest, P. tn. X1fr:.1liluigy,, Wigt. (f lBrowi(,.________________L______
1"rig lly Mt-Oaloiesi ontest of
P Q (h Ciristuphe. of Dlflloilbii.Daii-s, of Nrherii Ortoieai Leage atiUnol NOI~CEB1
T ucke1 G~~~oinell. Itorlie, of Lehigh, Ilislle. of strsictrlHall. W a o upyyuwt
BICYCLE LI VERY1 AND SALESROOM 191IiialallioBn, cf Berkely, 1a1n1d 1Saturday, Aiy -Chieigoi vs. Sli W afie FcATNITSu PlyowIth
o1 Seel ouriidr llelofl~eiu 1 lego inefamIp N.
18 North Fourth Ave. 0f heordaIntSlastingustscrip111on ooctoerIhueatf sampirs
Wecarya esl bsofuptodae apiiiilt Ine~s acceopanti~Sli tieutllcben ttefi of VlAulltlls (1y11. tt hims 11 LEADiNG JEWELER.
Bicycle Sues ludries and n fparts to umtany itheur mb itcetlo icld:eflit ii:sGt mashiubm. la SOWi Ssh
Wheels. otnsterenild"heCrtt lody ay1Riennvs
AloRpi hel tlvn f Colegi Athletics frill 1870 bo 18900 Alichigtoat oh ldiuli o.UNIVERSITY SCHOOL
(live us acall if in need of anything h I r. S hle, Eolvrd Ptutiersontieaii at MisonS ~ 1loiilv.Siri- OF DANCING
in our lie. A1tletic Rsditor. 'The article tres Tesdnv ay Si1-S-Beltit vs. liclub. Opposite Law Building $.001 util Say 1st
.T troom 1. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- ite ievelaptenb of track allotfilol gan11at Beloit. any to casesOfihe,
irta d meticcgr. aissel-l bteis i 10 uila ol-o lb
dAll ctigtaes.is first class Wetluiesoly, ixty 12-hicigo vs. 27 Thomlpson Stret.
-ihardressing and bathing parlors, up Alichian at Cbuicago.
en.. J.RTria nswsi0. State st. a i5.iiils ey aisf~cbory easnos for TiitrsltiFila JlSlirly ust Received a Lrgo and Elgat
flo toserlul ronuiroc o olir la), ,14 latd 1--.Sfy tetis 1lt Line of New 1Pipesl
,hlt bs ialtis litousoli of sSort toay. Ilniors iy Halal. Hot and Cold Lnches t all hoursAent
A T N C ,T i:siltitierof statistsbcelFrida la t v14-frark tai t Chi-. for Hylers and Williams and OereesCo's
WU W 0 ot siiihu fo ofrils tsuss 511: tarnival Itr-(h ofgite Meet. hclt o os
abe feepiColombia sodiaHartford Saorthy, lay 15 Dik Pak vs. R B. JOLLvY & CO.
1 sdlyand consequent aney 10OiOihi tbb teiOhio11 Hieiigau at Ouk Park. 20 S. State St. Sager Blok
anre.Allosees and paterns now ready 1(out terfoiouos e oitdtho le all: tridauy1.y 2-Chiicugovso .Alichi-
forinnuediate delivery. 1897 Ii es f fle lading eoulleg as. Thet fta o';l. Dal iteunisi toinernSlt. A LARGE LINE OF
buti"iSibi 'oueisil poul fiThusulai5 ItJue -Asisu-nsii s. Valises,Traveling Bags, Dress
tl~ taecof h ing lwhacesi il S pe l M leliau. Suit Caes, Trunks, Etc., Etc.,
tiot' c eigr Mtits alb2 Souda~y, .;rue 7--Chicago vs. Alichi- -- A T--
icycles std half of plingtuoSfflauotsol- :I, ___________..i.oiT'uf
timee oiiuiuipius. iheo aitolut5 oe0thnTe-f
STANDARD OF THE WORLD IlN- rotrut iu nSae 57 . MAIN ST
likely tli e fl iilotiiuiitc t vlue andil
are madr rxclusively of5 per cent Nickel - Is. eta Phi Kapp.Ihunt ine-t
SteelFaing theherPro- tlflflTO ALL ;set ich teery 01etligegradlute il ishi gardiluise mua le hat by pay iil ULEgHX O
dut f hihwecotrL'iJJ AIE. to brserve. for this notice aud prorvinglpropety. SahInPiesPea hr
timrtford Bicycles are at prices time teswil
$60irechof eeveryone.
stamp_ 22 S. Stae s.. Ovr Roey Billiard Room
11215 E FG. 0. - is flight, and the only way to avoid
Hartford. Conn. tbuhiyisg o ou newstsyle soft bosom shirt
r~re iccleFacouhen foil once se tem. They rere all
wihuei nnlesSenit Free!
.1 P00 o s/the style for thlecosilgsososi and areo
a crrnd. More than madeupinaedls variety of mate-
.: i'as, bt none so handsome and new ill To any person interested Is humane mat-
Bnclhouse odeler - design sld shape as you will find in tee, or wh loves amasO we will send gre00
i®s eer city nd1f our stork of Madras, Lenoes, Percales, 0000 applicaton a copy of the "ALI
Outig Flnnel, tANE"teorsnftsely iety.ngradigi
Etc. AinCEoit ithel nthiresetygtoeadingui
// contains of the valuable and unusua pemi-
21 S. MAIN ST. FURNISHERS, 2 S. Main St. 4i-ll United Charities Building New York.

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