THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ! I Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dringt the College ear an THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GreCE: Timen building 79 S. Maln St. be-y tween Liberty and William St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TOMAS, 7. AST MANAGING EDITOR 1 F. S. SeeOcs, 'i. ATHLETIC EDTOt 11, B. Sa1LeAa, 'tO L,. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. I. hAiS, '8.) EDITORS . L. Geeica. '98 L. IL A. CAMPEL' F. A Fuc, 'ill E. A. CAMPrc1,'9. G. D. bleUDNCT. 't. T. R., Wosesow, '98 BiTLReta Ae, '0. G. D. JENINGSI '991. The sb-cripticnopric of te Dily is J2.5 fr te college year, witb a regolr delveryf eore eoc cab day. Notices, commnica- tln, and oter eatter intended for pblia- tiomstbebhanded in at teDaily ofcbe- foie 8 p. m., or mailed to te editor before3 p.i ., of te day ireios to tat on wich te are expeced to apear. Sbcripions may be left at Te Daily Ofice, Meyer's or Stoffe's Nestnd, orE witb Bsness Manger. Sberber, will o-f fer a favor by reorig promptly at tis oiler aos failre of carriers to dover paper.j Tomiorow 11h'ofwily will pitlllill 0pe1i5l11 9909lrseditona 01 t1e1'o01tor- Today i a gla day at teLi 9 _ siy for or'atoy. A 1111111 s'oliVml aft-m'ooni iloolr 00 111' Il1701"-, I NerLellue. comet50015911011t01 115, '1115de'si-issvictory of lh- 1a1l11onne 0o10' le . S. .1. 5co1ies 111 aI ilosi 01' Ia 1-Is, im ofI051' l aouse i'9111'li n-111 terestdofiier dns li11'0lin the teili Cand Saturda111y. Lors 11151 to1 (01111'ottt19ie' Ahletc Fieldi n11l1try for lbe trk 11e1m. Tbtre are- algral)111111y'stulel'1t9 Ilt 0110 0 1i9rsily who wo0u101 11a1e1 es- stlibet maiitrial1if liley wo01111 001y c(me1outmanld lpractie.It i l11'5011- ing too common1111foi' 1011 0w110 calllott make lthe f115 the lifsirt year or 151.1 firt)to irefuseoto ('0e111' 011$ l1. 1t s1105110be rem ees'd 1111t1 lasf mells'stbfetweenltcaus 0r0 oft011 decid ieil1by11e0winig of an xra '0e011d or tille 111lac, lnd als1th0the m110e51- 5(5of the trak 10111m11n soterdiig yevars teen& 1119011 the tatial 01111 iis hoig tdeveloped ow. C::ok tcs,. Election, s', ...... -, Th'le fresiman clao held919 esitig e'loss e tin001g yestrday f terlool The orcasion owas lies Inilcli telkeof Oracle eleefioc. As two tiket wr iii the fielo, it ws hneesary for les candidaeo to comibie to i11su11 their chances of eltioi. 't'hinwas a causce- of a great deal of electoeringlgi00 loth side and(1the reslt 9w110111t very fews traigt tickets syei'o co. After a few mhior matters were di- psed of, S19loeaiflhl$1005were eade fr (le Orale Board. Miss Safored runinlg oil both tickes. C'onsiterable e'xitemenet 9w90 arosed by 'ties us- tibliligof thisright of oee of thIll 51- didates to hold otie or voe' a0 a freshmiaa. It 'as ov90n51that t050 i'o- ,oa nmentioned 'a10 h1oeurosedit old 19 thierefore a sssond year sudet. 11. (ox, the lass 11res111n0, maeaitrisul- 11ng, howeveOr, tanler N95Wilsele "51111- (1111099as :allowed to rinaeii teaiI10'so m eeiber of 1119'classo of 110.iw'o followsig is 1a list (f thi sons501('i11.- so: Indepenldensll-t'raenhrI). lac 111.1 1E49wa1111S. ('orwin, Ia A. las'pb]l. J1un1iu10B. TIo011d911nd 'Is AnneI a lsy 1-51terilly 111(1--Buron 0. tr.'(elg. til,) (. W5odworth, S. I. sOb), 1E. a... Wfalser 91(11 Miss Ada Saff ('l. for oiie'lo:rsoil,99saefor 5tiss Saf1^1-1. 9910 99119he lls111Soro1rt' audi-I Is Do't delay your poto sittings. Sit early-and aoid te 111011 _fCo-a increonieet. Seeior rit's5t0;) 111lDri- i-1s of '7. Raniidal' P'hoo Sudo, Washlingtou Blok. 'OItEINT'Oneisusit of roons. 21 S. Ingalls of. $2.25 TO) RENT-A uieoels f boar19 at t. of XI. batlehos by hour 0or1111y. SUPPLIES Spaldbng LeaguesBall, Iles,SIas~s, te Maagers sold sedi for sampleis and speial rts.sEvery rqisie for Tesnis, Dl, CrilIe.rak adlField, Gyma- Fium e~ies andlesouti-. Complte t'a1aloe of Sprig a1d110 aer Sports free."Tle NameeOiluDarntete" A. G. SPALIDING c& BROS., Nw York, Cilag, Fiiaeirpli. Tro Pent!!! The Larget Line of Bicycles, Sun- des end Supplies an M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. . De dor East of Amel- cane ouse. This space is reserved for the Grand Opera #House. Bicycle Repairing! In all brancee neatly and poptly dene. Peeices reasnable Sundries at rock botm prces Win. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR REI7NlTh.sLE R, ANN ARBOR. MICE. t"~ 1M. MARTIN, Funeral Di rer Clth ~c*and Metallic Csket and Fine Grad Clln. Embalming a Spieltiy No 17S. Fourth avei - You're Better Off... with one of our Than to pay3T$18.00 soonawhere else. Jus~t $-3.00 oaved, clear as a wh - 9istle. Thia is aniother prioe poinit witih us-w'rie detenminoed to have ih ettie of $15.00 suits that's ow9shown i ur uscity-we'rec'iroful of Whiait fabricre 11utsodcarefual, iely crefful of tile min-lg. It's too lato in tiio iiiy to raise the argumnat that Vou fll'lit be fittedl 111ready made. Conmo in111and ovince youlrself. -TER THAN VE"' Te108)7 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody mere new and genuine inprove~est- lie conisrurtion than any other bicycles nose befoe 11e puiec. Never be-fore leo oo Fllri exelireitvalues been offered for the money. Our newr line, consistin~g of eightl supirblodels at $60), $75 and $125 for ningle machines, seed $150 for t9111le015, with t1I1- various options oered, is such that the most exacting purcleaser caen he eelissly sailed. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.2 sARDENsSTREET. !N~lANAPOLIS. 10N0- OUR FINE POSTER CATALOGUE MAIL12 O R Ose'2-0Essy uaM.3 Students and Teachers c.' 10:ohirfad :a~t sak1t4:'a.1115111gouf Public Libraries........ in towns and country aied formnigRMouting Cluhs. Just tile work for Students, Teacers aind Ministers. Managers.................. We also want a few energetic field managers. Slate age and expertence in hook work. Address Dept. "5S" RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. 1I" We ralEseneeipt n10 sts. acsmeic ter Von In. de 0e sv nun cnntf, Ziii Fulixn " Streetl~ide +Ynk. { O~ily asaa swsa a .n r