THE~ IJMIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JOS. W, KOLLAUF &CO. Merchant Tailors, 10 E. Washington St. - Up Stairs. PHOTOGCRAPHS --Speciat rates to Sentors at Berryman' s El. Huron Street Bicycle Enameling ! Plain or Marbelized. Any color or style. All work guaranteed. A. CA NTLO)N. Wills Tucker & tC., 18 N. Fourth ave IWOv0T ZKE Makes to order Women and Xen's Easy Fittinig Shoes in all thse Latest 'Styles. 43 S. Main St. - Upstairs. HA NGSTERFER'S SICE CREAM SODA 6 S Strawberries S IT S and Ice Cream Tr R Fruit Ices. A F ' n E R corFUBTH and WASHINGTON SIS S IT OF M. SHAVING PAtRLOR and Bath- .rooms. Atll'sppoietemOats ftrot class Importedad domestic o"tN. a ilrs. ' artie- sic hair dressing sod 1tathiso partos, oip tairs. J. IIt roianowslt 30 S. Stateost. WAHY DON'T YOU 'TRY Thie Inland Press A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle at DOES WORK WOTH BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Neatness andfDispatch Half pounds and pounds, 10 and 20 cents. A few oe fGietmacl. Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pounod 10 cents. bxso COR, HURON ST, AND FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK R A NJ1LG Ea Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000l. Rlesources, $1,100,000l. of colors and patterns Organized under the General Banking taws nvrseen before in this city. of this Stats. Receives deposits, boys and noversells exchange on the principal cities of the Makes o Corec ~ -~~-~~* United States. Drafts cashed uon proper Makers f CorretJg -+'t -J S identification. Safety deosalt Poses to rest. Wearing Apparel O3FFIGERonS: Christian Mach Pros.; W. D. for Men.--- TAILORS. Hlarriman, Vice-Pros.; Chas E. Hliscock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. I 1 DO YOU SMOKE? 20 Pittsburg stogirs for---------25 cents h Dog. Bead Cigar's for----------2- cents 16 La Princess Stogies for----- 1-- 5 cents 6 Prodig.y Cigars tsr--------- c--2 cents it First National Stogies for.-----S5cents 6 Paradise Cigars for. . .ii--------2 cents 6 Yucatan Stogies for. . .D-------- cents 5 La Dioss Cigars fee. ..---------25 cents 11 Alfsnss Cigars for. ..---------25 cents 4 Harry Clays fsr. . ..----------25 cents 6 tar Cigars for. . ..-----------25 cents 4 CGlaol iquets for---. . .--------25 cents 6 Record Breakers fsr. ..--------25 cents 3 Rsyal Banners for. ..---------25 cents 3 Brunswick Cigars for.. . . . ..---------------25 cents DEAN S& COM1PANY.I 44 South Main Strent. Athletic Notes ! genii, requstles-eryonle W10h lioally He thlt Iictabilitit111l to cotme nit and Hereitoore Ptere has0ara1s5515 l txI-e'atiithe .X-llletii- liit. le- heassill nithtutheiicspiecitori,.1atliot tie-ie ii 4o'clos-k dily. tilt illsl(ttlii galis lttlcli ehtoo 2l5'ell s.othe liiayers' territoryoandliitindr 1'ilt solitd railinig in firent ofthe iixiis in their playliog. epect ltll~y te gril s tind atIthe Athletic Field will Ie loin asay ]uinrset iafford lie'- ico sst ndthird baseoencci wieti gloi'; .teiceonofiithe trcklsto Ithose t-el-s sifter foul isalls. To is vtiztt- tills the.ill- set-s Ict:ssngenient lists htilSasiryoropte____ sikettiid anti everybody except pia)'- A se ci of etls soill lit ntrsehs.-s ers ant ileisils Nill tie comptelledi it it; in tilt' -rs)i stlandilfor lt-he sl;(e sillus- lidoftt c i. ;t Itlie' I-resliailt-'Stohomotttiiieet iolt's triday ati te AnniArittr it gh ti Michigan vs. 0. S. U. 5, ti.Ot run, andlDetrittHigh St-io0l 1 1 sits O iitt beetilt-ti iroliitlt- at1; :15 .1m 1ii 2, at 1eti t. A g;Milte 1o tt I itt is ITlet Oltioaao s ill arive-lhtere NecItitbe. arragdtil -Othei ci it o on vrte.s ro storltt ht s ltnstiis Ma a e r ierhl tt I ' It-i> lilt'( sityct til the sprinig trll- sltilt ' 1 bell],,it ftltiti .bli a - 1 sio 1111 f Itt tottii 1..t 0 flueit ho"'tovterh l11iii ariliiitati-li et it-hllt- ovetlly ti-rt- attenOltionfttti ouar s fbie1)ilthdadth aletdyso litet ld pretiee osos fast. 'Tiletrno the iii' os. ra lst Iof :Stitlilgait is as 11(l-ir sc-is the'-ile Mlt 10111111" y _____: Wolf,___Cordo,_lb;Heard - n c nie c o al n ie ''r :I I' l illr.ilfttl lliO t i. ;Itfliit'el5 if til e . Not I ittot-eletit's 1).;t( art- 1i1t' cttitlilti ll t ol iftl t n sittlc ItstIt 1it it I-~ ~. li 5 tl It1 tt.tlsbilllsy Iil it - I t-ts-kIt-h1it ,itl-i E g n e sWilC lb a e tltt-ltly ilittsa1ip111il.2yli'.tlf--.tllliiiiicii ___ __ 1111 I I u] 111 l l't i iL1 1 of ltil 110111 lt. th"l ngnee's 1' i. 1a1' iso hatmay'be rperly sab1Pid-tofSilm e w ill e a incards cutlW ll(uied' in prce -NNad qulity of oor k Ca y ll ka,4t nur ndo lseeal te spinsoc4o: ltet1esgn FIRST NATIONAL BAN K r AnneArbor Capital. $100,t00. Surplios and Frofits, $40,000 Transacts a general bashing business. Foreign exchange bought andold. Furnish letters of credit. E. ID. KINNE, Pros. HARRISON SOULE. Vice Pros. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. 1srrm &rhtniirn t~k Cur. Mlain and Hluron Streets. Capital $mactee. Srpluns$30,000. Transact general banhing business. H. KnMPr, Pros. C. E. GRoEsE, Vice Pres Fans. H. BEosso, Cashier. F. J. Scihleedle, 20 S. STATE STREET Sells a Sold Gold Fountain Pen at Si1511 Hookls Hound 25 cento and upward. tU. of lit. Scenes and Professors 3i/ lbs. Pin- en Paper for 50 cents. Note Hooks s cents nnd upwards. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. NOTICE z We caii now supply you with a fine FRATE RNoITY PIN. See our hune of samoples. WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER, UNIVERSIT SCHOOL OF DAN CING Opposite Law Building. $300 until May ist any two classes. Office, 27 Thompson Street. Just Received a Large and Elegant Lizxe of New Wipes T Hot and Cold Lonchos at all hours. Agents for Huyler's and Williams and W~erners Co.'s Chocolats Hon Hens. R. EB. JO3Ly & CO. 2e S. State St., Sager Block. A ILARGE LINE OF Valises, Traveling Bags, Dross Soot Cases, Trunks, Etc., Etc., -Anton Teufel, 57 S. MX IN ST. FULLER & HIXSON A Slash in Prices. For a short time we will PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. State s1., Over Bossy's Hilliard Room. SentFree!. To any person Interested In humane mat- tern, or who loves animals, we will send free. upon application, a copy of the "ALLI- ANCE," the organ of this Society. In adni- tion In Its intensely interesting reading, it contains of the valuable and unusuai premi- ums given by Ihe paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New Yurk. MIL WARD, THIE TAILOR, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH.