TIHE UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAN DAILY., This Space is Reservedi for Commencement Preparations. Tle senior class iiet yesiorday 1ja 110010 ( 11110 1100(4 the 11)ports of t1ll 0. Th'Pie fol iierreto-liend ol 110a a.tls 511 . Ths oX$.00per105(1 ill 1bX '.Int vzwl i b) 1110 11,11(1110t11," i1 i 110e 101111 11us11 a 101(, "015(0 is to I i,1 1111 1 )1 (-Li1,1s0 )11011(111111 A N1o'r 11(1cl '11i1,111115i,ll1 Itis I1111111 .1l fin- all lfi l 111110 101 111 ' (3111 11! 1111111 101 ,w 55i fod is 11111( i i.c ll 11 (1''I i )lb-f 1 I t Slash ill Prices. FedoraHats (new stock)-----------------------------$1.00} $1.50 Shirts -------------------------- ----------------75c DETR111111110 11111uch propo-iolls 11111 111(Ile lt- --' ------- "- '-- DERIMICH, 111101 v«ilii 011111 to' 1"1 llinlo Ili(, New Stock Arriving Conti: .7. 111 s1 111 oleciS'0: li o leoii01 1101110 0-'111n1 Itsto. TINKER'SB 0(,D SITANB - - t ll itl 10)1 )11. ll 111 11 11 10-11 n I oolo 1.4:0 p 1. - 11 111111lbslt 1110the 111k01 I l 011 111 111 111111 i 1. In 111011 111111SleI'lbli- CITY 1 voted oll,11 an1010lo1t.1 11)11 1o11i inaltn-1111111 s.MihianatA111Aro( HUONST, POSTErORTHUS. 51. 1the 1o1r(11 .1 10 bo '111111111 lay11o1' o i 101 f11( ' i111 _______________ ls cl l t1 aid111,1l1t.e1,,'.al d(l1 ra11met nd1asea1 B u rc h fie l , t~re m tter s 1thetiiii i 11 l12 tats's. Slob0 Soadiesan th Tailoring AnnextA. A.o&day, ST.a, RAILWAY.oro cntsto TIME TABLE.TE OUT OUE, t1 Ii 111)0ratoical 11111100 at 1111-. 110.E 8:2, at:40,p.an.l110 e .11.,1111 1,VI1I's11' 1 i 10:20 11 . 511'c s) 1 'I 5Hu 11111 C VLdesTioin1ne.1.A.15&coY)SlouSeTitRAnLWArbor lii 11 atslili Xliv bIiol r0111 4:0, 0:00, 1:0 1011d 11:0(0 a. 1., and ti l sIt t 11011 .1:0 3:00, 340, 5:40, 7:10, 753, 9:50 1M1nday.0 May 10 -1i1c1ons.in1111. andil11:200p. in. '0 g11 i telludsn ° ,I-ooolal o "ntsol Leaves Ypsiltiseat92AndAr10:40 IoiII""1n 1illyH-1 1)1)V.01130.i No~~~M HoesseealyCoplt 1:0, 9:00,10 .2nd d 9: 0 . S 1 11 1' 11 0-Iand' ]v:l Bano o1Zthe 20, 3and 1.2:0,' :10, 1:1010, 0,' 9:30 l-ils' 01Mais 1- lo o l1vs. 'ill- j 0hy -do o play?"1ge oyooolburn.. . p'Inv "11 1 0111 a 5t11](r11°'O d eave gps1a-tiat 9k0 ana10k0 n Wit110 h o . ne11 9 1 ode 710,8:0 a d0901.0m51ty03, 4 nd110011 y F stvalad 1111001~~~in lOndol nosorb Guta,d Manlin,llnb LllleveltAnn 011100 110:015nd11 01 011). ers t i'll.lO tlrlilitt PIcn) 0h0ve be(10011cldd 01io'1 ocsb oP' osof'97. a resulatl'f Phto S andio, irlaly, Inter-C olleg i:leet. Vashburn's0051enorm ,o bopatso ta o yucnt.W 10 n 030p n >oil fr 100to I coslllwgod.oDon'todclayoyo1r5pahotolsittinBin.-tn. Michiganli.a O kPa . 10 11,1Madolinoimat i nable000 , 000001dit o ap ch es,0011100 ol Z t I'l lipo. IutesrtoaloSn i- 111,. Du ltn i to r a e . ur0) 11r00e sod0at fd 010and 10unifo i rcsnby') oallors -ioso 97Stalals Ph t idi, T ursday-,Jell' 1 -or sell ss. i d-v5 boO011110 11 oo S~l0 ed1 O5istaln ado f the 0 1. . ashl'inlgton111 1111o'Kl. d by ilyfllg Ar catleo tii gpror trawitsipefado aer 0~ts a 10 il ltce111 iO lgil'lirl.isi inu ally. WA loION SEB EEL. E T N AICHIGAN Tisle Table (Resed) 11e0. 7, 1501. itoll and Ex ..--1347N. 5'. Spoeial---.7-0, ..Y. Spei:. 1---458 flail ------1813 Xaotern Es----sOu5 N. S. Limited.-- 5.M .M.. htiantlo En.-.7055 Pacifto Es----215,I ). N. Eopoesoo.-.5a50 WeVsteos Ex--15 1. 1R. Espros--1l 10 IChi. Nt. Es----5 150 1. WX. IRUGGLES, B. XW, BAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Apt. Ass Arbolr r,, RAILROAD. Time Tabler, Jon. 31, 1017' NORTH. SOUT0. 7:30 a. El. 1:1100a.m *11125a. m. 111:50. m. 4:80 p. m 8:35 p, m. *Run betweos Ass Arblor and'Toledo solly, All tralos daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMSOE'E, Agent N1. 1 BENNETT G. P. A. Tolodo 0. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Wholesale Cigars, 'robaccos anad Cigarettes. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. INTERCOLLEGI.ATE. BUREAU FOR -a Caps, Gowns send CCOTRELL & LEON-AP'' V. INIURsELL . lscoer. 44 E. 1 iliiaoa St Suscribe for lbs Daily. I' bi l A LYON & ILA LY, 1101. WA 3-SH AAdi. & ADAMS Si.. CHICAOI RANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER R Washington Block, Ann Arbor. 0F.....RE YOURB ICE CREAll AND FI T ICES AT..... WvH-TE'S Confectionery Store, 10 iSouth Main Street. Telephone 166. Lowaney's and Allegretto.'s Famous Chocolate Creams. Soda Water, Phosphates and Vernor's Ginger Ale. i The Michigauensian On Sale Wednesday, May 12. 300 Pages Blue and Gold Cover, profusely Illustrated with Organizations, Cuts of Buildings, Etc. PRICE $1.00. PRICE $1.00.